Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 365 The big wolf dog’s fight to the death!

What's this……

Kuroye Jue frowned, obviously not knowing that this was the power of the seal.

He was immediately pulled upward into the twisted space above...

In an instant, he was sucked in and disappeared without a trace.

No way?

Where's Black Leaf Jue? Was it... sealed?

what is this?

Everyone in the command post was shocked.

Impossible, this is impossible!

Wei Ting also opened his mouth wide.

Kuroye Zetsu, who was invincible just now, was instantly sucked into the twisted space and died?


Long Shaoqin looked at Zhao Yin.

Don't be nervous, just watch.

Zhao Yin was not panicked at all and even picked up a cup of coffee.

Is he dead?

Killed instantly by a big wolfdog?

Great, the enemy has been eliminated!

Members of the peak realm looked at the big wolf dog in shock.

They also all know something. What the big wolf dog awakens is a top-notch treasure called the Four Elephant Tower.

It’s so powerful that it’s so powerful, now that I’m using it with all my strength, it’s really a bug!

What are you waiting for? Run away, run away!

Seeing this, Laifu had to shout loudly.

What is an instant kill? It means temporarily trapping the monster.

hold me!

It leapt towards Su Yan, taking Su Yan with her into the distance in a few jumps.

What do they do?

Su Yan complied, opened her arms, and quickly hugged it tightly.

They will escape, but let's escape first!

Laifu moved forward rapidly.

Boom! Boom!!!

At this moment, a distorted space reappeared in the quiet sky above.

Moreover, it was broken into pieces!

It seemed as if the people inside were slashing wildly with sharp weapons.


With the last blow, the sealed space completely shattered.

Black Leaf Jue, with a scar on his face, fell from the sky and let out a dull growl:

Su Yan, you can't run away, you are my woman!

His eyes were cold and violent.

When he discovered that the big wolf dog was fleeing with Su Yan, he crossed the sky and killed him.

Professor, what's going on? Kill the devil, let him kill the devil!

Wei Ting said quickly.

You also heard that he wants that woman, and I'm afraid he won't listen to our orders if we don't satisfy him.

Zhao Yin shook his head and said.

Now the base is besieged by a sea of ​​demons. Not a single fly can escape. I'll help him catch it and activate the base facilities for me!

Wei Ting gave the order directly, put on his armor and walked out.

Caught up so quickly?

Laifu was horrified. This ferocious creature was so powerful that its body had reached a level that even the original body had not reached.

If he really catches her, she might be torn apart by him immediately.

You stinky bitch, give me my woman back!

Black Leaf Jue roared, turned into a black lightning, and got closer again.


At this moment, a metal wall quickly rose up, blocking Laifu and Su Yan.

This is a special alloy material that cannot be broken open at all.

Boom! !

There was a muffled sound and Laifu felt dizzy.

It is very clear that the base is actually dealing with it and wants to help Heiye Jue to eradicate itself.

Damn dog, hand over Su Yan quickly!

Wei Ting came towards him with a group of soldiers, his eyes were fierce, and he shouted from a distance.

Let this dog crawl!

Laifu was attacked from both sides, and he couldn't help but roar, and rushed towards Wei Ting's group.

At the same time, the Four Symbol Tower raised the power of seal to seal them all.

Don't even think about it!!

Wei Ting gave a low drink.

In an instant, laser beam cannons of different sizes rose up all around, all pointing at it!

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