Bang bang bang bang!!

The attack frequency of heavy artillery makes it difficult to distance the self-destructing demon.

The self-destructing demon took advantage of this gap and rushed forward crazily!

Even if the nano-flying blade ate one-tenth of the super demon tide!

Although the results were brilliant, they did not play a key role!

Kill, kill, kill!

The soldiers were roaring crazily!

Under the influence of the ideological stamp, they hardly flinched!

The power that human beings unleash when they defend their homeland is the power of unity!

The Exploding Demon is blasting like crazy!

Both friendly forces and places were blown to pieces!

This is a tactic of killing one enemy and damaging yourself by 8,000!


It is this tactic that makes the entire demon tide move forward again!

Intense artillery support is needed!! Intense artillery support is needed!!

The field commander roared into the intercom, requesting laser cannon support from the combat conference room!

Start the laser cannon, activate them all, release the energy!

Long Shaoqin also knew that at the critical moment, he could no longer skimp on the energy tank.

boom! ! !


The laser cannon sitting on the giant wall suddenly fired out balls of energy!

The explosion caused by this energy is like countless small mushroom clouds!


Thick smoke billows!

Below is a red to red flame!

Laser cannons fire from all directions!

The area covered is 100,000 square meters!

At least seven or eight million demons were bombarded by the crowd.


Those explosions were detonated on the spot. Oh no!

The series of violent explosions were deafening!

Ho ho ho ho!!

Countless hell knights and demon soldiers continue to advance amidst the burning fire!

They are not afraid!

I have no idea what horror is!

Eat them! ! !

This is the only instinct of demons!

The dark sea of ​​Hell Knights resounded through the sky.

It made everyone’s diaphragms ache!

The fire caused by the laser cannon soared into the sky, and the heat wave was even dozens of meters high!

The fire mercilessly devoured the Hell Knights!


They are still moving forward!

Damn it, doesn't the devil know what it means to be afraid?

The people in the war conference room were somewhat angry.

Such a large-scale burning could not stop the demons from attacking!

These flames can only last about 5-7 minutes!

Someone said fearfully.

As the burning flame slowly dwindles...

Those hell knights and demon soldiers will launch an even more violent attack!

Let the weapons-carrying weapons five kilometers away start firing. Now is no longer the time to conserve our strength!

Wei Ting roared.

There are so many types of weapons on those carriers!

Small caliber plasma cannon!

Then to the medium-caliber magma bombs, which can launch more than 500 magma bombs in one minute! !

Get ready to use your cards and let him come out!

Long Shaoqin's eyelids kept twitching!

If heavy firepower can't stop the demons' attack...

He must be used.

Boom boom boom!


The carrying weapons that were standing under the giant wall started to activate one after another!

Their aim was aimed at the front and back of the demon tide!

In this way, not only can the soldiers on the front line not be hurt, but it can also effectively attack the Hell Knight and block the Hell Knight's attack!

Plasma cannonballs rose into the sky one after another!

The demons within the impact range of the cannonball were all torn into pieces!

Boom boom boom!

A hail of artillery fire!

It was a real salvo!

Laughing heavy artillery of various calibers were firing shells desperately.

This scene is very shocking! !

The awakened warriors on the front line raised their heads one after another, and they could see flames of light passing over their heads at high speed.

Then it went vertically down and hit the demon sea hard!

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