Those are the strong men in the peak field!

Sure enough, they are all close followers of Ye War God!

They guarded the entire reserve and allowed the front line to operate again.

The men in the base's war room were in awe.

Look, we killed another Hell Lord!

There was a burst of exclamation again in the war conference room!

They looked at each other!

Originally, the reserve had been lost, and they were prepared for the worst...

Who would have known that the leaders of the peak field would actually lead the reserve forces to launch a counterattack.

That's right!

Just fight back!

They used their own powerful strength to steadily suppress those demons.

The pictures shown in the video shocked them beyond measure!

All level 20?

They are all career changers, and they are really strong in the peak field!

Look, that beast of the town is so brave.

These people all exclaimed in amazement!

It's amazing! They have a lot of experience! They are exactly the kind of warriors who have experienced death! Their eyes are not affected by the stamp of thought at all.

Long Shaoqin shook his head.

Although there is a gap with the peak field.

But as long as this team is here, the reserve can hold on for a while!

On behalf of all the staff at the base, he would like to express his most sincere thanks!

The world is in chaos!

The demons' counterattack shocked people all over the world.

Those big shots didn't know that the demons could attack in such a targeted and orderly manner.

Battle reports are constantly coming from the core of the base.

Oh my god, what did I see!

There are so many red dots, are they all demons?

Basees around the world have been attacked!

This picture shows endless demons attacking all bases!

The artillery fire continued!

The earth shook!

Miraculously, all the bases actually blocked the attacks of those demons.

This makes everyone feel that human beings are so powerful!

That's right!

This scene is happening all over the world!

This is a worldwide disaster!

Demons keep crawling out of the ground and they attack every base!

The goal is to eat the delicious flesh and blood and gnaw on the beautiful bones!

Let more souls fall into hell!

Boom, boom, boom! !

The ground cracks!

Countless big hands suddenly stretched out from the ground.

The tiny demons around were like flies, easily trampled to death.

what is that……

Someone discovered them and instantly felt invincible!

This kind of demon was fifteen meters tall, crushing the ground with heavy steps, and walked towards their base step by step.

The heavy feeling makes people feel depressed, and it feels like the sky is getting dark.

This is a new demon, never seen before.

The people in Longxiao Mountain were also shocked, even startled.

When they got closer, they discovered that this new demon had bulging energy sarcomas all over its body.

There is huge energy surging inside, and it seems to be easily ignited.

Bang bang bang! !

The heavy artillery suddenly opened fire!


They started to explode violently!

These demons were not exploded, but their bodies suddenly swelled.


There was an explosion and a shock wave suddenly swept over!

It turned out to be a super bomb-type demon.

If they get close to the city wall, the high wall will be easily blown up!

There are many types of demons, and they gradually spread out, and more powerful demons burst out.

Boom boom boom!

Violent explosions were heard in various regions around the world.

The lethality is so great that humans are like meat placed on a board!

Let the demons slowly cut and consume you, just give them time!

Humanity is utterly defeated!

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