Ho ho ho ho!

There is no respite from the attack of the mutant demon swarm!

They also have even more terrifying functions!

That is to stimulate the power of the magic core, causing them to shoot body juice from their eye pupils.

This is super heat vision, similar to Superman's eyes, extremely lethal!

That's right.

This is their unique weapon!

Puff puff! !

The heat vision coming out can easily melt the third generation armor!

Click, click, click...

Crunch, crunch, crunch...

Blah blah blah blah...

Ah ah ah ah ah! !


There were screams everywhere!

People melted by heat vision kept screaming!


The sound of flesh and blood being torn apart is endless! !

This scene is so terrifying!

Think about it!

There are terrifying mutated demons on all sides!

They shoot out super heat vision at the same time!

That picture is so beautiful!


It collapsed in just a moment!


Did they lose?


not at all!

Magma bombs and plasma cannons are only early weapons.

Now, they have even more high-tech power!



The commander on the city wall roared!

Buzz buzz!

Dense holes suddenly appeared on the giant wall!

In every hole...

There are countless flying blades one hundredth the size of a human hair hidden inside!

These flying blades are a high-strength nanomaterial synthesized from falling gold.

It is very tough and can easily cut through any metal!

Swish, brush, brush!


These flying blades flew out with a powerful buzzing sound!

Choo Choo Choo!

A little bit of blood splashed...

Rows of mutant demons were suddenly cut into pieces!

Click, click, click...

Every mutated demon died extremely cruelly!

I have to say, this flying blade is really awesome!

They are razor sharp!

Can easily tear apart any object in front of you!

Ho ho ho!

The demons' attack was finally suppressed!

Without these flying blades, the front line would be lost in an instant!

Why didn't they use this sooner?

Why is the killing move called a killing move? It's because it comes as a surprise!

Alas, those of us who follow the old path can never compete with the power of new technology!

There were awakened people with blood all over their bodies, sitting on the ground shaking their heads.

His body is very powerful and has reached the unparalleled level, but he will never be able to catch these flying blades.

Professor, thank you so much!

Yes! Without these flying blades of yours, I'm afraid we would be doomed.

You are literally the savior of humanity.

Facing the overwhelming praise, Ouyang Xuan remained calm.

He believes so much in how powerful his weapons are!

Mutated demons are certainly powerful!

However, flesh and blood can never compete with the power of technology!

Professor Zhao Yin, thank you this time.

Wei Ting held his hand tightly.

Don't be too happy. These nano flying blades have a limit. They can only destroy about five million mutant demons. Their limit ends here.

Zhao Yin shook his head.

What? Five million...this...

The number of mutated demons exceeds five million!

Professor, can't you think of a solution?

Everyone felt depressed.

Don't worry, I have a back-up, don't worry, just leave it to me!

Zhao Yin smiled and nodded.

Huh...that's good!

We believe you!

Longxiao Mountain is so lucky to have you!

Yes, he is indeed a genius!

A group of people quickly flattered him.

Director Wu and Dr. Xiao next to them looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Now that Long Shaoqin re-employs Zhao Yin, he has not interfered with their research for a long time.

Even the young man with the dragon tattoo is top secret.

Even they are not qualified to ask.

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