

A fishy wind blows from a distance!

Those were terrifying monsters walking over with ferocious expressions!

Their heavy steps crushed the earth!

What is this?

Everyone was terrified!

Never seen that before!

They have never seen such a terrifying demon!

They are all in pitch black, and their eyeballs are all rich black!

It seems to symbolize the purest evil!

What kind of monster is this?

Wei Ting looked shocked.

The mutant demon group is terrible!

Long Shaoqin looked shocked.

What, a swarm of mutant demons?

Everyone looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes!

Although it looks scary... but it's only level 14, so it's not very difficult to deal with.

A general said.

Anyway, please give me the order. These mutated demons must not be allowed to break through the front line!

Long Shaoqin issued the order anxiously.

Facing the swarm of mutated demons, their frontline awakened warriors will be annihilated if they are just a little careless.

When layers of demons like waves attack the giant wall...

The dangers and disasters brought about are not just as simple as terror...

The speed is different, the power is different.

The mutant demon's defense and attack power are also different from other demons!

Those flaming tongues of magma bullets can easily crush demons, beating them to pieces and leaving their flesh and blood flying everywhere!

But it’s different now! !

These mutated demons can actually move forward despite bullets.

With these mutated demons at the front...

Boom boom boom!

The violent army of Hell Knights also rushed over from all directions!

They easily penetrated the fire net laid by the awakened warriors!

Even plasma cannonballs can't do anything to them!

They start charging!

Ho ho ho ho!

Step by step, compress the scope of the fire blockade!

Some Hell Knights are even more extreme!

He actually used the impact of the cannonballs under his feet to jump up high and charge into the battle.

Too bad! We're going to lose!!

Ah! The front line is about to be lost!!


There were urgent sounds from all directions!

The awakened warriors looked horrified!

Their fire front is shrinking step by step!

If we retreat like this, we will soon be approaching the high wall!

These mutated demons are so terrifying. If we continue, the entire army may be annihilated!

Su Yan also felt completely shocked at this time!

Their guild will stick to the south gate!

Crazy demons come to attack you with their claws and fangs!

This made them think...

Why is the devil so crazy?

What have humans done wrong?

Long Shaoqin is closing the main entrance of the base!

Cheng Xuan quickly said on the communicator.

It seems that the base's top brass is ready to abandon the frontline soldiers.

Xu Ziyue answered quickly.

All members of the pinnacle realm must withdraw into the high wall!

Su Yan had quick eyesight and quick hands, and immediately issued this order, and everyone responded immediately.


We know, the vice president is a beautiful lady!

Haha, I haven't killed enough yet!

Various fonts appear on the communicator, which is the internal channel of their peak field.

You can convert speech into fonts and send them.

Only high-level executives like Su Yan are qualified to use the broadcasts on the channel.

Her voice comes naturally and is heard by all.

The devil is coming, hurry up and enter the city wall!

Quick, quick, quick!

Go get new armor and weapons, and fight the devil again!

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