Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 322 The killing moment under the Antarctic


In an instant, Captain Iceman let out a howl as loud as the sky! !

hiss! !

The other icemen gasped!


This clicking sound made their expressions become distorted.

Broken... Broken!

Their iceman captain actually shattered into ice cubes and was instantly killed!

This human being is obviously only around level 10 of awakening fluctuations...

Why can they instantly become their captain?

No matter how these icemen analyze it...

No matter how hard I thought about it, I couldn't figure out what the human being in front of me was capable of.

Do the Icemen always bully the weak and fear the strong?

Ye Juewei narrowed his deep golden eyes and just used the power of golden liquid to kill the Iceman captain instantly.

He didn't expect that killing the Iceman would actually gain experience.

An iceman captain almost made him reach level 31!

It seems that this captain is very strong, but he is definitely not willing to be killed by him in a sneak attack.

Tell me, where is the ice and snow fortress?

Iceman's ice and snow fortress is their base and the Iceman's hometown.

A mere human being dares to attack our fortress. You are simply desperate. You can never imagine the strength of our icemen.

The ice people have a gloomy face!

The moment these words fell to the ground, they all retreated in unison.


Ye Jue punched him!

The powerful energy makes the surrounding air surge!

Then, there were bursts of neighing!

Whoops! !

Like a storm, almost crazy surge!

The huge power destroys everything around it without restraint!

In the eyes of everyone watching!

I saw Ye Jue punching him!

The escaping icemen were immediately hit and let out a miserable howl!


They have a strong desire to survive!


What came out of his mouth were bullets.


They suddenly turned around and sprayed.

This bullet is extremely fast and is made of special materials. It can cut gold and break jade.

It shot straight towards Ye Jue! !


Ye Jue snorted coldly and grabbed it with one hand!

This is the killing weapon of my clan, you are dead.

The ice people couldn't help but turn around and look, and suddenly their faces were overjoyed.

But then, the joy suddenly turned into shock!

I saw Ye Jue in the field!

On that delicate and angular face...

Still maintaining the calmness and indifference from the beginning.

There was no trace of emotion from beginning to end.

There were no wounds or blood on his hands.

Even the armor he wore was not messy at all.

No...impossible...how could you be fine? Where are our bullets?

The ice people suddenly became numb!

Where are the bullets?

Where are their murder weapons?

To know!

This killing weapon has been bathed in the blood of countless humans, and it has never failed.

However, the human beings in front of them were without any resistance... without any defense...

I actually caught it, and nothing happened!

How can anyone dare to believe this?


Amid a burst of Iceman’s startled exclamations…

Ye Jue's face was expressionless, his murderous intent rising!


The bullet shot out of his finger instantly!

Heading in the direction of the Ice People, without anyone noticing, as fast as lightning!

The speed and power of the bullets he fired were more than a hundred times stronger than those shot by the Icemen!

The Overlord's body is so domineering, and it doesn't seem to be a problem to defeat other people's killing weapons.

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