
Dong Minmin spit out a mouthful of blood and curled up on the ground.

This punch is extremely destructive!

It's enough to make a person die directly!

As an awakened person, his physique is naturally stronger than that of ordinary people!

However, the pain cannot be eliminated.


Captain Iceman shook his head, walked forward, and pinched her chin.

Admiring her beauty.


Not bad!

It is indeed the best!

Earn it!


Suddenly, Dong Minmin let out a low drink.

Buzz! !

Captain Iceman was hit unprepared and his chest exploded.

You still have a hand?

Captain Iceman obviously couldn't feel the pain and stepped on her face.

Then, a burst of rubbing!


Dong Minmin's face was buried deep in the ice and allowed to be stepped on by the iceman captain.

Are you still resisting?

Captain Iceman picked her up and slapped her in the face.

Snapped! !

The sound is very crisp.

A string of blood beads suddenly spurted out from the corner of Dong Minmin's mouth.

Teammate, I caught another meaty one.

The other icemen also caught Shen Rou, and their fingers gradually began to exert force.


Shen Rou almost suffocated in an instant...

She struggled hard, but the big hands were like iron pincers.

Did you see that, that little girl is already rolling her eyes. If you don't let her go, she will be dead.

Captain Iceman said coldly.


Seeing this scene, Dong Minmin stopped all plant changes.

Tie them up.

Captain Iceman gave the order.

The other icemen walked over slowly and tied them up with an energy rope, just like tying pigs.


When Shen Rou saw this scene, she was completely desperate!

She and Dong Minmin are dead now.

Whoosh! !

At this moment, a figure suddenly fell from the sky.


The figure didn't speak, just stood there as dumb as a stick.


The Icemen all looked at each other, each seeing the confusion and confusion in each other's eyes.

Their senses are very keen and they can instantly judge a human's strength.

The awakening wave is not strong, it should be around level 10.

Captain Iceman glanced up and down Ye Jue's body with a very teasing gaze.

You icemen... you all deserve to die.

Ye Jue said something in a deep voice and strolled towards these ice men.

He learned that these ice men could hydrate and could immediately judge a person's strength or weakness.

Therefore, he deliberately suppressed his aura and kept his level around level 10.


The iceman captain frowned and walked towards him.

This sentence is full of murderous intent!

That's right!

Men are just a piece of junk food in their eyes.

Will his head be ripped off directly, or will he be torn into pieces?

These icemen are thinking about this.

Even Shen Rou and Dong Minmin couldn't bear to see the next bloody scene...

So they all turned their heads.

I all deserve to die!

Ye Jue suddenly roared.

boom! ! !

It's like a beast that has awakened from ancient times!

A huge black shadow expanded infinitely behind him!


Captain Iceman was instantly shocked and felt a bolt of lightning strike.

Then, I felt severe pain...

This is impossible. He is obviously Iceman, how can he feel pain?


Earth-shaking pain! !


In an instant, he let out a howl as loud as the sky! !

hiss! !

All the icemen gasped!


This clicking sound made their expressions become distorted.

Broken... Broken!

Their iceman captain actually shattered into ice cubes and was instantly killed!

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