The bones were smashed into pieces!

Just like a dead fish!

It was thrown out of the afterimage by Ye Jue.


Ye Jue suddenly let go!

The mutated demon flew into the blue sky like a rocket!

Its butt drags a trail of smoke! !

Its huge body penetrated the haze, and it must have been the first time I saw how beautiful the clouds in the sky were.

Hoo ho ho.

The wind is howling!

It fell from mid-air!

boom! !

Then, it hit the ground hard!

All the bones, flesh and blood were shattered, and the body was crushed into blood and mud!

Level 30.

Ye Jue sighed, his body strength increasing again.

Total energy value: 63,000.

Even the title of Legendary Demon Hunter has been raised to full stars, increasing his strength by 4 times.

One rare magic core, ten flower kings, and several cultivation treasures, the harvest was pretty good.

Without the boss to stop them, the large team of awakened ones had broken out of the encirclement and disappeared here.

It was quiet all around, and even the demons knew to stay away from this place.

This battle is a test of my body's hardness.

Ye Jue directly made various mental supplements, and his mood suddenly improved.

He changed into a clean and undamaged armor, put on a heavy helmet, and walked into the distance.

Judging from today's status, as long as Hunyuan energy and internal force are not used, the gold liquid will not be ignited and he will not be in danger.

It must be understood that his current internal strength is no small matter.

Most of these cultivation-type treasure buffs will be directly transformed into internal power after successful cultivation.

He felt that the internal force would soon catch up with the Hunyuan energy.

In the future, there is still the possibility of transcendence.

I once read an ancient book.

Ye Jue recalled while walking.

That ancient book is recorded in a sophisticated AI computer.

Almost no one reads it. Everyone in the book practices internal skills and cultivates internal strength.

But the book also mentions that internal force has a limit.

He is now approaching this limit. Ancient books say that it must be liquefied.

Because gas has a small density and a large volume, while a liquid has a high density and a small volume.

So the next step is to compress the internal force into a liquid state.

However, it requires huge pressure, and this pressure comes from the body's meridians, which requires the body's hardness to be very, very high.

As the pressure in the body increases, high-pressure internal force travels through the meridians in the body.

Finally, the barriers between acupuncture points and meridians are broken through, and a network is formally formed.

Then, under the dual pressure of the body and meridians, it changes from gaseous state to liquid state, which means the liquefaction is successful.

I remember something called opening up the Rendu and Du meridians.

Ye Jue scratched his head.

Anyway, he has not reached the rank of peerless master yet.

Therefore, we must first store the internal force in the body in a liquid form, the amount is dozens of times that of Qi training, so that the internal force will be endless.

As for the liquefaction of the internal force, we have to trace back to a longer history.

I'm afraid even Xu Mohe has just touched the threshold now.

Next time I see her, I have to ask her for advice.

Ye Jue pondered.

After all, no matter it is various kinds of energy or internal force, Qigong will eventually be compressed into liquid.

Then we walked towards a path, but that path was so mysterious that no one had revealed it yet.

Will he become a god?

However, are there any people resurrected by the Heroic Spirit Project who are older?

Ye Jue wanted to get some general information from those ancient people.

After thinking about it, these ancients either lost their memory or went crazy, so they probably couldn't ask anything.

Anyway, if you want to focus on the body, that's right.

Ye Jue was deeply touched.

Be sure to maximize the immortality buff!

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