A force instantly emerged from inside the body.

Legendary Demon Hunter————) 8 stars!

The reward for this mutated demon is so generous!

By upgrading his job transfer title to 10 stars, he can gain 20 times more all-round enhancements.

This means that the basic body hardness is about 160 times greater than that of the same level!

Ye Jue couldn't calculate it in detail, the scattered multiples were too small.

Anyway, it is about 160 times now.

If you want to be fearless in impact, the hard condition is that the base level is +300 times.

But explosive power is another story!

However, when he exerts all his strength, he will go crazy...

Because the gold liquid is so mysterious, all of it has never been used.

Every time, use a trace of caution.

Ye Jue believes that if he can absorb the mysterious gold liquid, he can hit Wuwei.

A realm that even Xu Moyi could not reach, King Kong.

In the last life, he did not reach a level...

There is also a mutant demon with great rewards.

Ye Jue's eyes were bright and his words were powerful.

The mutated demon is really a good thing, and the rewards are great.

He didn't want to let it go, so he stepped on it.


The ground cracked instantly!


The whole body was like a cannonball, blasting towards another mutant demon.

at this time.

This mutated demon is being besieged by other awakened beings.

However, these awakened people can only hold it back by joining forces.


The mutated demon's eyes suddenly flashed with red light,

It is squeezing the fluid in its body and ejecting beams of corruption.

This corrupting light is the purest elemental attack.

Bang! !

Ye Jue raised his palm slightly and struck with a knife!


Suddenly, light splashed everywhere!

It was literally cut in half with a knife!

The corrupting power flew out while grazing both sides of Ye Jue's body.


Ye Jue's underworld knife stabbed through the giant eye.


Arms around!

He grabbed the mutated demon's thick tail.

Boom, boom, boom!

He kept shaking his arms...

Amidst the exclamations, the mutated demon was smashed around like a ball of sandbags.

Every impact will set off waves of dust and air!

Every impact created a deep crater in the ground.



three times!

The mutated demon howled miserably.

He was hit hard on the ground again and again!

In a series of shocks, it screamed!

There is no way to resist.

Facing Ye Jue, who is 160 times higher than his level...

It has absolutely no backhand ability!

Who is this person? Isn't he too strong?

I don't know, I can't see my face clearly with my helmet on!

Is he someone on the hero list?

The awakened ones only felt that the ground beneath their feet was shaking.

Leave the mutated demon to this strong man. We rush out. It's not too late to thank him afterwards.

Everyone's mentality is similar.

Now we have to break out of the demon tide.

Although the boss was killed.

However, the demon army continued to attack.

Has everyone left?

Ye Jue nodded slightly when he saw these awakened people fighting their way out.

An even more terrifying force erupted from his arm.

Every fiber of his muscles was stretched to the max.

The big windmill turns and turns! !


The mutated demon has been shaken beyond recognition!

I'm afraid even his mother, the queen, wouldn't be able to bear it after seeing it, right?

Ye Jue frantically swung it around like a rag!

Turn faster and faster!

Touch the power reserve buff and spin like a hot wheel!

The mutated demon was turned into a sand sculpture.

That's right.

It felt like its brain had turned into paste and it was spitting out blood.

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