There were bursts of tearing sounds from some fragile parts!

Suddenly, blood surged!

The third-generation armor can no longer stand it.

He was actually injured!

If he wasn't wearing a battle armor, he would probably be crushed into pieces at this moment.

Mutated Hungry Oh Mo is extremely terrifying in terms of sharpness, speed, and strength! !

I'm ready, come again.

Ye Jue touched the wound.

The next second, the wound had healed.


The super mutant evil curled up.

It has adapted to the rhythm of combat and is about to start evolving.

Swish, swish, swish!

Its body circled a powerful hurricane, and its muscles exploded in a circle again.

its back.


Click, click, click!

Two strong arms actually stretched out from the body!

Adhesive to muscles and bones!

Swing it around and make the wind fly!

The bloody battle has just begun!

Hysterical roar.


There is only fighting.

Only then can you satisfy the deepest desire to fight in your heart!

The demons cheered.

They are all looking forward to the scene of their flesh and blood being torn into pieces!



Two arms flew into the sky!

at the same time!

A large stream of blood spurted out!

Ye Jue's Divine Flame Slash buff was slashed with red flames!


Even, the aroma of meat came out from the wounds of the super mutated demon!


The super mutant demon roared!

Still shouting so loudly?

Ye Jue fought very calmly, keeping distance from the super mutant demon and regaining control of the crowd.

The legendary Huangquan knife flashes with cold light!

Draw a cruel and beautiful angle in the air!

Directly cut off the newborn arm of this super mutated demon!

Two terrifyingly strong arms were spinning in the air!

Bang bang.

Then, it made a dull sound when it fell to the ground!




It's roaring!

this moment.

The demons watching around were completely excited!

The desires in their bones have expanded to the limit!


They started biting each other!

That's right.

Just venting this restlessness unscrupulously!


They are not qualified to participate in this battle at all!

Whether it's a super mutant demon or this human!

They can be crushed easily!


The super mutant demon screams to the sky!

The black muscles all over its body tightened again!

Then there was a crunching sound!

Its claws waved again!

The ground and gravel were cut into countless pieces!

Some demons that were very close had their internal organs scattered on the ground.

It's repairing the damage!

The outside of the huge body suddenly reflected light in the sun!

Take a closer look.

It actually evolved during the battle with Ye Jue!

As expected of a mutated devil!

All over its body.

Covered with fine metal-like scales!

These scales shine like metal!

It looks very hard.

They are dense and have very little mass!

Therefore, it will not affect any actions!

I can still evolve...

The super mutant devil's tail volleyed!


The surrounding flames were extinguished instantly!

It cruelly twisted its neck and said to Ye Jue:

Human... you should congratulate yourself, you will die miserably at my hands.


Ye Jue scratched his head.

At this time, he was still thinking about the Heroic Spirit Project.

And the truth about Antarctica...and how to save Chen Ya...

Come on! Humans, fight here!

The mutated demon curled his fingers at Ye Jue without any scruples.

Did I hear correctly?

Ye Jue came to his senses and said that he had never heard such a request before.

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