Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 311 Sacrifice my road to become the hegemon!

Then you sacrifice my path to becoming a tyrant!

Ye Jue stood still.

The sandbag-sized fist slammed towards the muscle demon's head!

This punch directly showed the demeanor of a tyrant.


They are all oppressive!

The muscle demon was locked in place on the spot!

It can't escape!

That's right!

The muscle demon has no choice but to fight!


Fist to fist!

However...an incredible scene occurred next.

They blew up the air around them!

The wind is howling!

Ye Jue and the devil's fists met!

Their arms swelled to incredible proportions!

Click! Click! Click!

Punch and punch!

It's constantly rubbing and making noise!

When the power explodes to a point...

What's the result?

boom! !

The muscle demon actually flew backwards!

That's right!

It was blown away by Ye Jue!

The huge body drew a thick curve in the air!


It flipped over and suddenly stepped on the ground!



No injuries were sustained from this blow!


Compare strength!

Ye Jue won!

You are dead……

The super mutant demon said coldly.

It's not fluent yet, but it's pretty good.

After all, he is a mutated demon born from human genes!

It can indeed speak and understand what human beings are.


But just for such a brief moment...

In this brief period of less than 0.1 seconds...

It rushed up!

The sharp claws were less than fifty centimeters away from Ye Jue's body!

Well done.

Ye Jue said in a deep voice.

The sword came out with the most basic power of the Overlord without using any skills.

The muscle strength of the arms is explosive!

cut! ! !

The sharp claw and the legendary underworld sword clash for the first time!

Suddenly, sparks flew everywhere!

Your body... is very strong...

The super mutant demon whispered.

One of its arms was actually wrapped with sharp flames!

This is an attack of hellish energy! !


Ye Jue was very calm.

The Overlord is more than 100 times stronger than his own body. Is this a joke?

He cultivated so many buffs, but it was useless?

Is it good-looking to extract so many buffs that enhance body hardness?

It would be even scarier if you were fearless, it would have to be more than 300 times!

Strength is not enough!

Ye Jue opened his arms, and the thunder and lightning on his body spurted out!

He feels very interesting now.

You can fully exert your dominance.

However, large energy cannot be used. Whether it is Hunyuan energy or internal force, it may ignite the mysterious golden liquid.

Boom boom boom! !

The earth is constantly shaking! !

The scene of Ye Jue fighting with the mutated demon is really shocking!

This may be the current battle scene for humanity's top combat forces!

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!


Ye Jue only used the electric energy reserve buff, which felt pretty good.

The Huangquan knife in his hand kept slashing wildly!

Shock waves and lightning create a chain reaction!

Crazy bombardment on the mutated demon!

The crazy bombing caused cracks on its surface!

Its armor can no longer help it!


As a level 30 mutated demon, its dignity cannot be challenged!

Roar! ! !

A mutated demon of its level already possesses terrifying potential!

In the flames, its claws became faster and more agile.

It evolved!

The claws came like self-tracing bullets.

Bang bang bang!

Ye Jue's battle armor kept banging on it, making a clanging sound...

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