
The strong man took action and rushed over as fast as lightning.

The double hammers were extremely cold, and they smashed at Ye Jue and the others.

He was truly fearless, and the hammer landed heavily on Ye Jue's knife.

Bang! !

There was a muffled thunder-like sound, and a light quickly bloomed.

Click! !

The armor on Ye Jue's arm was shattered, his bones were broken, and he was smashed into the ground.

The pressure is too strong!

He is just 130 times more physically strong and has just become a tyrant.

Definitely cannot resist without fear.


Being attacked with two hammers for no reason, no matter who it was, felt a little unhappy.

Ye Jue shrank, and lightning flashed all over his body.

His right arm turned into a dragon's head, holding the legendary Underworld Sword, and it was shaking!

It exploded with all its strength, and its whole body was filled with a faint golden light. This was the power of the golden liquid.


The strong man was directly struck by a giant sword and flew away.

It can be seen that he has been injured, and there is a dent in his chest, which is quite scary.

However, there was no blood.

To the point where the physical body has no fear, the vitality is extremely tenacious, and as long as the head is still there, you can continue to fight.

It stands to reason that you can't hurt his body, but the power of the mysterious golden liquid allows you to touch him.

Xu Mo was quite shocked.

The lethality of Ye Jue's full-strength sword was comparable to hers.

However, it cannot inflict fatal injuries, and its eyes still glow with golden light, as if it is about to go berserk.

Leave this to me.

The Bagua jade piece flew out of her hand.


The golden hazy light shrouding Ye Jue's body was extinguished again.

This power is too dangerous, but it is also very domineering.

Ye Jue let out a breath.

All of this happens in the blink of an eye!

The ability to knock away ancient strong men's bodies is also related to the golden liquid.

The power that just burst out was about 160 times!

The power of a trace of gold liquid increased by a full 20 times!

As a result, his arms were twisted, as if they had become twisted.


Xu Mofu was already fighting with the strong man.

The energy from both sides crushed each other, creating a large amount of sparks.

Both of them were fearless and went head-to-head.

Grandma is better.

Laifu screamed.

The strong man smashed his hammers randomly without any plan, but he couldn't break through the protective shield of the Bagua jade block.

Finally, the hands were bloody.

Poof! !

Xu Mohe raised his hand and clapped it, and hundreds of mysterious beams of light poured out from his palm.


The strong man screamed as he was penetrated, and his body was covered with blood holes.

Moon Kill!

Xu Mofu gave a low drink.


The Bagua jade block caused the surrounding area to shake instantly!

It disintegrated from the strong man's feet, and huge energy cracks appeared, penetrating in all directions.

The pressure is so strong!

Ye Jue felt as if the sky above his head was about to fall.

This blow may be Xu Molian's decisive blow.


The strong man screamed repeatedly.

At this moment, the energy crack had formed into a crescent moon and struck the strong man's body.

Wow, wow, wow...

Laifu's scalp will split. Your grandma is still your grandma.

As the crescent moon glows, it becomes brighter and brighter!

The violent shaking became even more intense, as if it was the end of the world.

After a while...

It was quiet all around, and heavy snowflakes were falling in the sky.

Look down.

On the ground, a crescent-shaped dazzling sun fell down and covered the place. It was so majestic and shocking.

The strong man was unable to move at this moment, and seemed to have died on the spot.

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