It must be that some kind of change started inadvertently.

If these ancient people really reappeared...

Correspondingly, terrible things will definitely happen.

Since Xu Mohe said this, it must not be false.

Because she has perfected the secrets of her heart, she might be able to see a whole image.

Thinking of this, Ye Jue felt extremely depressed.

The latest one is waking up, but hasn't fully woken up yet.

Xu Mohe pointed at the wasteland area of ​​about three hundred kilometers and said.

Three hundred kilometers, let's go dig?

Laifu suggested.

Since there is another human awakening like this, it is better to dig it out in advance.


Ye Jue nodded.

He carried Xu Moyi and Laifu, and turned into a black stream of light and flew away through the sky.

About three hundred kilometers away from the base city of Longxiao Mountain, he stopped.

He also saw an image in his mind, which was nearby, but he couldn't tell where it was.

it's here.

Xu Moyou raised his jade finger, and the Bagua jade block suddenly shot out a beam of light.

boom! !

A deep pit exploded directly at that place, exposing black silt.

It can be seen clearly that a coffin board has appeared.

I feel a little uneasy.

Ye Jue stared at the pit, feeling deeply uneasy.

Because, he felt that there was a vision emerging in his mind, which made him palpitate and his heart beat like a drum.

Senior Xu Moze is here, what are you afraid of? Look at my best stunt!

When Laifu pounced on him, it was like a dog scratching him.

After a while, the entire stone coffin was dug out.

The feeling is getting stronger!

Some scenes were reflected in Ye Jue's mind, but as for the big wolf dog, he was unaware of it!

I saw.

Xu Mo's face was more solemn than ever before, and he finally determined what it was, and it was indeed similar to what he had guessed.

This was a human being just like her, with a body that seemed strange and unrealistic, like a spirit body.

At this time, the big wolf dog had already pried open the coffin lid with its fangs.

At the same time as it was opened, it also stepped back and looked at the person in the coffin.

Ye Jue and Xu Mohe also looked over with frowns.

This was a strong man holding a hammer in both hands, lying quietly inside.

As the coffin was restored to the sky, he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

It's a fake corpse!

Laifu was shocked. Is this a zombie?

who are you?

The strong man looked around, his eyes blank.

His features were too obvious, he was wearing ancient clothes, he was extremely tall, his body was not touching the ground, and he looked straight over.

I don't know... who I am... but I'm... so hungry...

The strong man frowned, as if it was difficult to understand the situation in front of him.

There is no doubt that he is not a human being of flesh and blood, but a remnant of his spiritual body.

By absorbing and absorbing the life force, the body can gradually restore its flesh and blood and reach reality.


The leaves are absolutely cold and the hairs stand on end.

Even if he has the immortality buff, he already has Xu Mofu on him.

It would be too much trouble to carry a man as strong as a mountain of meat on his back.


He doesn’t know how to memorize it either. Think about it, the picture is so beautiful.


Suddenly, the strong man howled miserably.

His eyes instantly transformed into dark, terrifying pupils without any white.

The predictions I saw were indeed true. Someone is taking advantage of us and wants to do something.

Xu Moyan's face was uncertain.

He's going to attack us?

Ye Jue was shocked!

The strong man's body shook violently, and he looked like he was fearless. How did he deal with it?

Maybe the level is approaching that of Xu Mohui!

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