Ye Jue made no sound.

He felt funny when he saw Su Yan's tiptoeing night attack.


Su Yan crawled in like a loach and slept in the same bed with him.


Su Yan blushed with embarrassment and looked at him with her dark eyes.

She couldn't believe that she would do such a thing.

However, breaking into the Paradise Tower made her know one thing.

It turns out that death is so close to me.

Why not be happy when you should be happy?

Hesitation will only bring endless regrets...


Ye Jue's eyes were bright.

This Su Yan is too soft, no wonder the big wolf dog loves her so much.

Searching and searching, it's pitch black...

It’s hard to find a partner in life…

The rumbling sound of thunderstorm banged on the window.

In the early morning when I woke up, a dark shadow came over me.

You, you...3333...pp?

Laifu stared at all this, extremely shocked.

I almost cried, who is this woman!!

Su Yan is going crazy.

Last night, nothing happened.

No, it was about to happen just now...

A white figure broke in outside the door and knocked her unconscious with one finger.

When I woke up in the morning, I found a beautiful beauty in ancient costume crawling on Ye Jue's body.

This scene is really exciting.

Tell me, who are you and what is your relationship with Ye Jue!

Su Yan was so excited that she really wanted to tear her apart.

If it weren't for this woman, she would have succeeded last night.

If you dare to disrespect me, I will put you to sleep forever.

The person who came was none other than Xu Mofu, with his long legs spread out and his eyes cold.

Are you threatening me!?

Su Yan stamped her feet angrily.

After all, this is the pinnacle of the realm.

Someone actually threatened her, the vice president?


This scene made her feel like a palace battle.


She punched it.

Now her level is level 15, and this palm is still water energy, with endless power and absolutely powerful.

However, when Xu Mofu took a breath, Su Yan's whole body tensed up and her hair danced back fiercely.

This breath of immortal energy shocked the big wolf dog!

It has now changed its profession and became a demon hunter, and has recently hunted many hell lords.

It has now reached level 22.

But even so, the scene just now gave it an unparalleled feeling.

Who is this woman?

Not to mention who she is, she has a really good figure and this face is so beautiful, proud and innocent, without any human fireworks.


Laifu curled his tongue and started to act cute.


Xu Moyin turned to look at the dog and stretched out his jade hand to its head.

Just when Laifu thought she was about to stroke him, the pair suddenly grabbed the back of his neck and lifted him up.

A dog demon?

She frowned.

Dog demon?

This was the first time Laifu heard someone call it this way. His emotions were ups and downs and he was dumbfounded.

It seems that the name is correct, a talking dog, what is it if it’s not a dog demon?

This is our guild's sacred beast.

Ye Jue introduced: She is the vice president of the guild, Su Yan.

This is Xu Mofu, you... senior.

he said.

Then why does this senior keep lying on top of you?

Su Yan felt her mouth cramping.

She doesn't dare to be violent now.

This woman's strength was so terrifying that it made her doubt that she was even human.

There's a reason for that...anyway, that's what it is.

Ye Jue said.

You... are like you didn't say anything...

Su Yan was very helpless and glanced at him resentfully.

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