The third day.

Ye Jue appeared in the base city, but he was wearing a battle armor and a helmet. No one recognized him.

Sure enough, things are more real than what Cheng Xuan said.

The two parties have reached the point where they are incompatible with each other.

The soldiers just looked down on the guild members and felt that those guild members were rebellious and could attack the base at any time.

After all, this kind of thing has happened once.

It almost succeeded.

Ye Jue saw the fight, but didn't know which party started it. The guards arrived.

In the end, the soldiers were released unconditionally, but the members of the peak realm were taken away.

The member was a young man, and he finally gritted his teeth and held back, but there was burning anger in his eyes.

Being accused of rebelling against the base is too big... It's a capital crime!

You know, the veterans of Xingchen and Glory were all killed before.

There are many more such incidents!

In this day alone, there were five or six incidents.


Ye Jue watched silently and sighed in his heart.

We are all human beings, we are all risking our lives for tomorrow, so why can't we get along well with each other?

He knows it too.

This is a naive idea.

Everyone is different, he is different, and everyone is different.

Right now, it's better to separate as soon as possible.

Unless Long Shaoqin and his group come together to mediate the situation, the situation may ease.

But it will never last long, the seeds of hatred have been planted in the hearts of both parties.

the most important is…

The base was hiding something from him, and it began to distrust him and even isolate him.

He wanted to enter the research institute, but was rejected for various reasons.

He tried to enter the high-level headquarters, but was politely rejected.

Long Shaoqin and the leaders just didn't see him.

Deliberately distant, with an obvious attitude.

You guys are great, better not regret it.

Ye Jue was left indifferent for a day and returned to the peak realm with the corner of his mouth raised.


Now I know what the attitude of the base city is.

It’s finally clear, great, really great!

In the evening, the team of veterans of the peak field returned, and some people were very excited.

There were twenty-one people in the team, and twenty of them came back alive. The survival rate was quite high.

These three generations of armor are really awesome.

Yeah, if I wasn't wearing it, I would be dead.

Smells, it smells so good, I've reached level 14!

A familiar voice came from outside the door. When they opened the door, they found a fully armed man sitting on the sofa.

who is it?

Dong Hu's face darkened.

Why are the small managers in the peak field letting people into the high-level offices after only a few days of absence?

Really or not, can't you recognize who this is?

Su Yan's eyes lit up.

She could recognize this young man even if he turned into ashes.

it's me.

Ye Jue pressed the button on his helmet and revealed his true appearance.


The president is back?

What does it feel like to be on a spaceship atop the Tower of Heaven?

Xu Ziyue and Yang Wenchao looked surprised at those people.

Actually, I don't feel anything. It's quite fun and you can enjoy the beautiful scenery in the universe.

Ye Jue couldn't help but smile.

Haha, it's so exciting!

I want to sit there once too!

We have just cleared the fourth floor, are you dreaming?

The third day.

The discussion last night last night, Ye Jue just fell asleep and rested his mind.


His door was opened. It was obviously a fingerprint + face scan, but it was opened simply.

Anyone who comes here either has high authority or is a thief.

Ye Jue...are you there?

Su Yan asked softly.

She was wearing very little, biting her lip, and sneaked in.

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