Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 266 The female physiognomist of Great Qin!

He can see you too?

Ye Jue's mouth twitched.

This mysterious woman is not an illusion at all, but a real person.

Just lie down on his back and bite his ear.

He turned to look at her...

It seemed that the woman was smiling.

Did she do it on purpose?

While Ye Jue felt absolutely beautiful, it also made her tremble!

Um, what's your name?

He asked bravely.

It’s best to be able to communicate…

Otherwise, she would just keep lying behind him, and everything would have to be seen?

Xu negative.

This woman actually spoke quietly.

Xu Negi? Are you... Xu Mo Negi?

Ye Jue was suddenly stunned.

Good guy!

This woman turned out to be Xu Molian! !


Xu Mofu raised the corners of his mouth slightly but did not deny it.

Maybe the name Xu Mofu is unfamiliar...

However, the name Qin Shihuang is definitely not unfamiliar!

Xu Mohe was a goddess who alarmed the First Emperor when she was born!

He was made a marquis by Liu Bang at the age of nineteen!

Xu Fu is a liar, and she is definitely not a liar.

He was born with a piece of jade in his hand, and there were faintly visible Bagua diagrams on the jade. He could speak within a hundred days.

It was so secretive and mysterious that even Emperor Qin was shocked!

There are so many legends!

We can only look up to her experience and cannot understand it with common sense.

Senior Xu Mofu? Why did you appear on the road to career change...

Ye Jue thought that this woman just wanted to borrow his body.

I won't tell you.

Xu Mohe showed a heart-stopping smile.

Did you know the devil crawled out of the ground?

Ye Jue said again.


Xu Mohe said no more.

Her eyes looked toward the Heaven Tower spaceship, with a clear purpose.

You want me to take you out of here?

Ye Jue sat there calmly, forcing himself to concentrate.

Even if it was Xu Mohe, he couldn't just deal with it.

God knows why this woman was resurrected and still wading under the legendary job-changing orb.

You have doubts.

Xu Mohe said.

Under every legendary job transfer orb, there is an immortal like me.

She said a long sentence.


Ye Jue still couldn't believe it.

People from the Great Qin era have survived to this day and still look as young as they did.

What kind of Luobao did you practice?

Or is it that he was resurrected at this point in time after careful calculation and arrangement?

Have you become a human god?

He couldn't help but ask.

You actually know about human gods?

Xu Mofu lay next to his ear and blew air.

How can I be so virtuous?

She sighed and said no more.

You let me take you away, at least you have to be polite, right?

Ye Jue decided to negotiate with her.

Hehe, you can control everything you have.

The Bagua jade piece in Xu Mo's hand started spinning.


Ye Jue instantly felt his body moving, stood up, and walked towards the spacecraft.

That Bagua jade piece turned out to be a treasure?

Don't even think about it.

He felt the mysterious golden liquid in his body became incredibly powerful, and he was suddenly able to control his body again, and sat down again.

Huh? Let me see what's in your body.

Xu Mo frowned, and his snow-white hands penetrated the skin and grasped the inside of Ye Jue's body.

You actually have so many fallen treasures, and you can still practice at the same time?

She seemed to have seen a ghost.

In Ye Jue's body, there are actually twenty different cultivation-type Luobao, which are consuming energy crazily.

Your body is so powerful that you are unparalleled?

She was amazed again!

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