Why is there a coffin under the job transfer orb?

Ye Jue felt his scalp numb...

He walked towards the job transfer orb step by step.

There was still no change in the coffin.

Looking carefully, it looks full of traces of mottled time...

Maybe the people inside have been dried to bones.

Maybe it's just a decoration.

Ye Jue breathed a sigh of relief and reached out to touch the job transfer orb.

Didi~ Congratulations on the successful challenge, Mr. Ye Jue, you have successfully changed your job to a legendary demon hunter. Please hunt more demons and bring glory to mankind.

He was already full of experience, but after breaking through the shackles, he was instantly promoted to level 21.

Moreover, a powerful energy flowed into his limbs and bones along with the Demon God's Heart.


Ye Jue's heart was beating wildly, this was so exciting!

Just by changing jobs, I gained 30 times the ability enhancement!

His energy value suddenly reached 46,000!


From now on, every time you upgrade one star, you will be twice as strong!

Upgrade to 10-star legendary demon hunter and you can get another 20 times enhancement!


Half of the demon's heart turned into ashes and disappeared.

It's time to go.

Ye Jue smiled happily.

When walking away...

Suddenly, he heard a 'click' sound.

It's extremely quiet here, how could there be such a noise?

His heart skipped a beat and he turned to look at the coffin.

Sure enough, the coffin lid has been pushed open...

Let me go, is the thing inside a corpse?

Ye Jue was shocked.


At this moment, a bright golden light flashed across the place, and the coffin lid was suddenly opened.

A white shadow rushed out instantly!

What the hell!

Ye Jue finally couldn't stand it anymore and turned around and flew away.

However, the white shadow chased him and refused to leave, which was extremely strange.

Depend on!

He punched back.

But it had no effect, the white shadow seemed to be an illusion!

At the same time, Ye Jue also saw the truth about Bai Ying clearly.

It was actually a woman with long black hair, snow-white complexion, and wearing a white dress.

The beautiful face is very enchanting!


Because Ye Jue attacked her, he was caught up by this mysterious woman.

She actually lay on Ye Jue's back.

Fuck! Fuck!

Ye Jue felt nothing strange on his back.

But the mysterious woman's snow-white hands clasped his shoulders, and she actually bit his ear with her mouth open.


Ye Jue was surprised...

He didn't expect that his ear was bitten and felt a little wet.

Human Face, what are you waiting for? Teleport me out quickly!

The hair on the leaves is cold and the bones are cold, and my heart is uneasy.

What does this mysterious woman want to do?

Are you going to revive the dead?


He disappeared on the road to career change.


You finally came out, haha, I've been waiting for you for a long time!

Fentian opened his eyes suddenly!

Are you waiting for me?

Ye Jue turned to look at him and smiled slightly.


This is a wry smile!


Fentian frowned and looked sideways...

The next moment, I was falling back continuously, my heart was beating violently!


He saw Ye Jue carrying a woman in white on his back, and felt a wave of depression and terror.

What is that thing you are carrying?

Fen Tian finally screamed!

There was nothing more terrifying than this, that woman actually looked at him.


His cardiac arrest!

At this moment, he felt like he was dead!

No, but evaporated!

What kind of force is it?

Just one look and you are facing death!

Run...run...you can only run...

Fentian was so frightened that he fled, dragging a trail of fire into the spacecraft.


As soon as the cabin door is closed, take off directly...

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