After the devil's granulation was removed, it quickly withered.

Just as Ye Jue wished, he got the truth he wanted to know.

I'm actually looking for a woman, maybe she's also infected with the Queen's virus, maybe she's also in this city.

Ye Jue told Chen Ya's characteristics.

Uh... our mechanical system can detect anyone who appears in Nanjiang Base City.

Mechanical Marshal Lu Hai nodded.

Check it out.

He immediately ordered his men to open the base city's surveillance system and scan.

However, this takes time. Scanning the cameras in the entire base city will take about an hour.

Lu Hai turned around and said, Ye Zhanshen, why don't you come and sit in my office?


Ye Jue responded.

He happens to have a deal to discuss with the Machine Marshal.

This is a spacious office.

Many cyborgs placed fruit plates and food on the table.

In the wasteland, you can still get these good things, which shows that the base city has strong logistics strength.

Ye Jue always looked calm, sometimes staring into the distance, sometimes frowning in thought, without any hint of joy.

He now needs the melting point core and the ultra-high temperature energy tower design.

It would be best to find out the location of the ruins.

The robot's ability to scan pictures is much better than that of the awakened ones, so it must have a lot of information.

Ye Zhanshen, you came to Nanjiang Base City not just to learn about the Queen's Virus, right?

Lu Hai crossed his hands and asked with a smile.

You're right, I need your ruins information. Can we make a deal?

Ye Jue went straight to the point.

He doesn't like to waste time or talk, what he likes most is trading.

A win-win deal for both parties.

Relics...Ye War God is indeed not an ordinary person.

Lu Hai thought for a moment.

You should have heard the rumors about me. When the base could not be defended, I fled in defeat. As a result, I came back as a blessing in disguise and built this steel-like base city...

He narrates his story.

Yes, I also know that what you found is the ruins of the mechanical mystery city civilization.

Ye Jue smiled.

You even know this?

Lu Hai was extremely shocked.

He has never told any outsiders the name of this ruins.

It is impossible for his robot subordinates and mutant beasts to reveal this information.

Is Ye Zhan Shen really a god?

Know everything?

The information I have is much more interesting. Do you want to have another exchange? But let's complete this transaction first.

Ye Jue said: I need you to provide me with the location of an elite ruins.

What? Elite know that too?

Lu Hai's expression changed suddenly.

He does know the location of an elite relic.

The mechanical dogs found this through carpet scanning.

He no longer knew how many robots and mechanical beasts he had sent to attack the ruins.

However, the gatekeeping of elite-level ruins is too strong.

He easily dispatched his men.

So far, I have not passed the first level.

There are a large number of melting point cores in the elite ruins. It takes about 100 to build an ultra-high temperature energy tower. Am I right?

Ye Jue continued.

It seems that Ye Zhanshen's intelligence is really advanced.

Lu Hai nodded.

The temperature is getting colder and colder. If this continues, the temperature will not be suitable for humans at all.

No matter how strong the awakened person's physique is, he can only resist a few more degrees.

Especially robots and cyborgs...

Therefore, the ultra-high temperature energy tower must be built!

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