This is her cerebral cortex, and no problems have been found for the time being.

Professor Robot said again: This is a cerebral hemisphere, and there is nothing abnormal about it.

It must be in there!

Several other people had serious expressions.

Check the choroid plexus.

Professor Robot immediately ordered.

Didi... the examination was completed and signs of choroid plexus infection were found!

A yellow alert sounded on the computer.

As expected, the cerebellum is also involved, and the cerebral peduncles and pons are fine.

The robot professor solemnly said: I know the problem. Check the space holes and vaults deep in the brain!

Didi...start checking...Didi...abnormal life form was found in the dome, alert, abnormal life form was discovered!

The computer sounded a red alarm again.

This is……

A group of cyborgs gathered around him and were immediately frightened.

what is that……?

The same goes for Lu Hai, his eyes widened.

Ye Jue frowned.

In the vault deep in Yang Hongyue's brain, a black granule appeared, with hands, feet and a face.

Just like a mini villain.

Oh my god, this is the first time I've seen something like this.

A little disgusting...

Is this the source of pollution?

A group of cyborgs choked.

This is the spiritual flesh of the devil, that's why.

Ye Jue said coldly.

Demon Granulation??

Lu Hai gasped.

He also knew that after the Nether Demon God died, the Black Wind Queen would come out to cause trouble.

Unexpectedly, the layout has already begun.

If these spiritual germs pollute the world, won't all humans around the world become pawns at her will?

This is also very deadly to us cyborgs.

He pondered for a moment and must take immediate defensive measures.

Do you know how you got infected?

Lu Hai continued to ask.

It can be roughly inferred that the virus enters the midbrain canal from the central canal, passes through the choroid plexus, and finally enters the spatial foramen to the fornix, and then develops into a small gadget like this.

Professor Cyborg said calmly.

“Having to figure out how to spread it.”

Lu Hai frowned.

Uh... the route of transmission is the source of infection, and every queen is very deadly...

The cyborg professor uses a robotic arm to remove the demonic granulation.


When the scalpel just touched the devil's granulation, it suddenly made a whistling sound like a mouse.

The vitality is very strong. Forcibly peeling it off will cause serious damage to the host's brain.

The surrounding cyborgs were shocked.

Use xx31 potion to hypnotize the demonic granulation, and then peel it off!

The professor said immediately.


One person controlled the robotic arm and began to inject the xx31 medicine.

Within a few seconds, the demonic flesh bud became weak and stopped making any movement.

Now, peel off!

The professor took a sip.


A stream of black blood spurted out, and the devil's flesh sprout was cut off smoothly.

Sew up the host and install a special metal skull cap.

The professor couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Is this the Queen's virus?

Lu Hai looked at the demonic flesh sprouts in the instrument and felt extremely horrified.

Now that you know what it is, there's nothing to be afraid of.

There was a sneer at the corner of Ye Jue's mouth.

Queen of Black Wind…

Your parasitic method has been cracked by the robot. You must not have expected it, right?

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