These four robots were all wearing high-end uniforms under their cold-proof clothing, and they were wearing helmets with glass masks on their faces.

Even the legs are matched with the placement of plasma firearms.

At first glance, it looks neat and orderly, but the person leading it is different.


Ye Jue frowned.

The so-called mechanical transformation of humans means that living humans are transformed into machines and integrated with the machines.

This is not much different from the genetic warriors trained at Longxiao Mountain Base.

In the future, they will all be human variants, and unpredictable mutations will occur.


He read a passage in ancient magic.

This is how it is recorded.

Touching machinery to transform life and enhance neural machinery is the biggest mistake of mankind.

In the end, it almost led to genocide!

Ye Jue didn't know why it was recorded like this.

But something absolutely terrible happened in history.

Otherwise, the latter would not be so afraid of mechanical transformation of life.


Ye Jue didn't know what the disaster was, because the records were too vague.

When he found out later, he regretted not directly destroying Nanjiang Base City.

Of course this is a story for later.

Oh? You actually know that we are all mechanical modifications?

A robot stepped forward and extended a friendly hand.

My name is Lu Hai, and I am the person in charge of this mechanical base city.

he said.

Big shot, this is my first time meeting the person in charge of machinery.

Yang Hongyue was shocked beside her.

Nanjiang Base City has experienced a great destruction!

At that time, the gate to the underworld opened, and the demon army surged in. It was too powerful.

The human level was too low and completely unable to resist, and the base was immediately destroyed.

After reconstruction, some of its vitality was restored.

After Ye Zhanshen killed the demon god with his sword in the arena...

It was this mechanical commander who led all human and mechanical life to restore the prosperity of the base city.

There is such a legend in the base.

After the mechanical commander was defeated in Nanjiang, he obtained something and came back with a mechanical life.

Locally, it is also a living legend.

She was indeed very excited to see such a person.

Machine Commander?

Ye Jue nodded slightly.

Please, we have prepared the best food and shelter in this base city. Miss Yang, you can come too.

Lu Hai said with a smile.

That would be troublesome.

Ye Jue followed the group of robots into the skyscraper.

No way... you are not a big shot, are you...

With Yang Hongyue by his side, her mental strength became stronger and would not alienate.

If you are really a big shot, why don't you let them look into my brain?

She said this.

That's what I have in mind. Using the robot's neural adjustment technology, I might be able to crack the virus in you.

Ye Jue nodded.

If so, Chen Ya can be saved.

That Wang Yanyan might be able to return to normal.

All other queens can be restored.

“Thank you…wow!!!”

Yang Hongyue followed the group of people quickly and quickly.

She is just a wasteland knight.

I often use some clever tricks to make some extra money...

Have you ever seen these magical high technologies in the Machinery Building headquarters?

I was stunned for a moment.

It turns out that this is how mechanical beasts are made.

She was shocked again and again!

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