It is indeed the devil's fault.

Ye Jue frowned.

Not all demons are bloody and violent.

Some demons have strange methods and will not confront you head-on.

For example, this Black Wind Queen.

Now this Advent has something to do with her.

It's just that Chen Ya's situation gave him a headache.

I don’t know if it was her Yang Hongyue met.

If so, it means she is in this base city.


It's very dangerous now, and she can easily control female awakeners.

After the female awakened person is controlled by her, she will control the male awakened person again.

In order to satisfy the queen, male awakened people will catch female awakened people and develop the next queen.

For example, the little girl who could use shadow was captured, brainwashed and controlled to become the new queen.

Moreover, mental injury is an injury that is difficult to heal.

The Queen Virus.

Ye Jue gave him a code name.

The Queen Virus possesses powerful mental pollution.

Once infected, you will lose your true nature and become extremely dissolute.

No matter how chaste a woman is, she may not be able to resist.

If this cycle continues, sooner or later, Advent will become the biggest cancer.

Unless, a human with strong mental power like Ye Jue.

Mental power is linked to the soul.

The stronger the soul, the stronger the mental power.

For example, Ye Jue's mental power is so strong because of his 'time travel'.

Didi! Energy fluctuations have been detected. You have violated the public security law. Please cooperate with the investigation.

at this time.

Several robots with mechanical dogs discovered them.


The speed was extremely fast, and the indifferent person wanted to cuff him and pin him to the ground.

Ye Jue didn't move where he was.

Suddenly, several thunderbolts fell.

Didi~~~The energy output system failed...


The robot's weakness is too obvious, it is afraid of electricity.

Electric current can easily cause mechanical components in their bodies to malfunction.

Although they are all equipped with energy shields, Ye Jue's lightning buff has been enhanced.

Because his electrical energy reserves can be mobilized from his body at any time to increase the power of thunder and lightning.

The crazy noise formed a strong contrast with the sudden silence.

The robot and the robot dog are smoking slowly~

This is the first time I've seen someone defeat the Guards so quickly.

Yang Hongyue was extremely surprised.

Level 7?

It’s impossible, it’s probably level 9!


Killing so many robots at the same time, is it level 10?

After pondering for a while, her head felt hurt again.

What the hell happened to me?

She held her hand against the wall and frowned.

You were mentally damaged, but not seriously.

Ye Jue said.

Mental damage? Me? How is that possible?

Yang Hongyue thought she was just drugged.

I never thought there was something wrong with my brain.

Have you ever met a woman in a black dress before? You were infected by her mental virus, which is called the Queen Virus.

Those who are recruited will treat themselves as queens, capture men, and then spread the new virus.

Ye Jue's voice sounded again.

Queen's virus?

Yang Hongyue hasn't reacted yet.

Queen's virus? Please answer this for us.

Tap tap tap tap...

A group of heavy and powerful voices sounded!

A dozen robots wearing thick black cold-proof clothing came over.

They were well-trained and moved neatly. The first four people who came in came straight to his side.

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