After a while, Wang Yanyan finally recovered.

She found that her consciousness could be clearer only when Ye Jue was by her side.

I don't know what happened to me. My consciousness is very hazy, like a dream.

Wang Yanyan rubbed her temples.

You said you met the Queen, what was she like?

Ye Jue asked.

The crystal clear jade skin, the stunning red lips, the charming pure eyes... so beautiful...

Wang Yanyan fell into a daze again.

What are the characteristics?

Ye Jue frowned.

There is a mole under the corner of the left is so fascinating...

Wang Yanyan said dullly.

Chen Ya?

Ye Jue felt a headache.

Could the person Wang Yanyan was talking about be Chen Ya?

What happened to Advent?

he asked again.

The Advent Society is the queen's will. Join the Advent Society. On the day of Advent, we can transcend and surpass other humans!

Wang Yanyan suddenly said it smoothly.

However, she was troubled and seemed to be wondering why she said such a thing.

I'm so scared, but I'm not scared. It's such a wonderful feeling.

Wang Yanyan looked at her hands and fell into complete sluggishness.


Ye Jue walked out.

How about joining Advent? Didn't you feel disappointed?

The man came over and smiled knowingly.


Ye Jue spit out one word.


The man suddenly felt like he had fallen into an ice cellar and left far away.

Hoo ho ho! !

In the ice and snow, there are glistening dead trees everywhere, covered with snow.

Rotting buildings, helicopter wreckage, rickety transmission towers...

Wasteland is really hard to laugh at.

Everything should be related to Queen Black Wind. This demon's ability is too weird.

Ye Jue was silent for a while.

What kind of power is this demon god using to corrode the planet?

He decided to keep looking for answers.

The woman Wang Yanyan was talking about might be Chen Ya.

Regardless of whether it was her or not, he would definitely find her in this area.

While looking for her, let's look for the ruins.

Ye Jue walked alone in the wasteland.

Relics are treasures left by various civilizations, and each relic is protected by a guardian.

Mastering all relic technologies is an important step in the rapid advancement of human science and technology.

Ultra-high temperature energy tower is one of the mass-level relic technologies, and the drawings are all over the world.

It will take some time to search, but if you are lucky, you will definitely be able to find the entrance to the ruins.

Ye Jue can fly with light wings, but there is no need. He must look for details.

What's more, there is more than just Longxiao Mountain in the base city, and maybe other base cities have already obtained the drawings.

Then, he only needs to make a copy and bring it back to the institute.

As for the melting point core to build the ultra-high temperature energy tower, you can also buy and exchange it.

As for what to pay, powerful treasures, important intelligence, cutting-edge technology, and a large number of magic cores are all fine.

This is why Ye Jue has been following these hunting teams, killing teams, and scavenging teams.

Enough, enough, these things are enough, let's go back to Nanjiang Base City!

The leader said.

Well, I can exchange for a lot of food. Let's go quickly to avoid being robbed.

Someone nodded.

In this way, Ye Jue followed this team and headed towards Nanjiang Base City.

At present, transportation between base city and base city has not yet been developed.

After about a month, the train running on the wasteland will appear.


After the train, a super train was developed, known as the perpetual motion train, which circled the entire planet.

The support capabilities of all major base cities have been greatly improved.

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