Welcome to Advent, join Advent, and become one of us.

The woman behind the farthest table raised her arms and shouted.

Advent, beyond everything!

Those believers followed, shouting with their arms.

It's you?

Ye Jue hesitated slightly.

Did I actually meet her here?

The woman who once contacted him, the assistant next to Director Wu...

Because he colluded with Star Guild Chu Tianyi and stole the plasma weapon, the incident came to light and he was expelled from the base city...

Wang Yanyan?

She didn't die? ?

What frightened her even more was...

The clothes Wang Yanyan was wearing turned out to be the ones worn by Queen Black Wind. They were exactly the same!

This is almost exactly the same as the one Chen Ya was wearing when she disappeared!

Drag down your top!

Wang Yanyan looked expressionless and pointed at Ye Jue.

However, Ye Jue made no move.

Several people around him rushed over and tore off his coat.

However, his hair was too long and covered his face, making it difficult to see clearly.

Wang Yanyan did not recognize him and said loudly:

From now on, I am your queen, bring him in.

After that, she took off the few clothes she had.

He walked into the room behind him first.

Ye Jue wanted to see what she was up to, so he followed her in.

Inside the room is a bed, which is very messy.

Call me Queen, and you will have the honor of sleeping with me.

Wang Yanyan sat on the bed with an expressionless face.

Is there such a good thing?

Ye Jue grabbed his hair with one hand and showed his face.

You...you are...ah?

Wang Yanyan was obviously shocked. She reacted quickly and wanted to run out and call someone.

However, Ye Jue was faster than her and directly pinched her mouth.

Don't scream. I'm not here to target you. This was an accident.

Ye Jue said calmly.

He didn't expect that Wang Yanyan was actually doing such a thing.

He used his body to seduce male awakened people to serve him, and also established some kind of advent meeting.

Sure enough, things are unpredictable.

Okay... okay, I won't... call...

Wang Yanyan calmed down.

very good.

Ye Jue then let go of his hand.

Ye Zhanshen, why did you come to me? Are you here to see me?

Wang Yanyan suddenly smiled charmingly, full of coquettishness.

This is completely different from her before, as if she has become a different person.

I have a lot of questions now, you must tell me the truth!

Ye Jue's face suddenly turned cold.

A terrifying chill instantly hit Wang Yanyan.


Wang Yanyan screamed, feeling her scalp numb, and the light in her eyes regained some clarity.

Where did you get your clothes? What is Advent? Did you create it?

Ye Jue shouted coldly.

I...I don't know...I feel like I'm not myself anymore...My head hurts so much!

Wang Yanyan grabbed her hair and her facial features were twisted together, seeming to be in great pain.

speak out.

Ye Jue felt a chill in his heart and grabbed her shoulders.

This Wang Yanyan was actually controlled.

I...I...saw...the queen...the queen...she is so beautiful...ah!

Wang Yanyan was already foaming at the mouth.

She was dominated by that powerful spiritual power!

In resistance, the body developed epilepsy.

Queen, what happened?

The person outside the door heard the cry, opened the door and walked in.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw the strong man grabbing the queen's shoulders and pressing her down.

Viewed from the side, the queen is spitting out thick white stuff.

This brother really knows how to play.

Several people were extremely stunned.

They both smiled heartily in each other's dull eyes, and then closed the door again.

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