Countdown to Demon Arena: 5 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds!

at this time.

Outside the city wall of Longxiao Mountain, there was a faint roar rising to the sky!

And the explosions of various plasma weapons and magma bombs sounded one after another.

The hunting team was attacked by demons and had to return to the base city!

Outside, more and more demons are gathering here.

A wave of demons formed!

There is another terrifying wave of demons, all of them demon species from the underworld, so powerful!

Another war between humans and demons has begun.

Calling all guild leaders together!

Long Shaoqin, who wears an eyepatch on his left eye, has a solemn expression and holds one hand behind his back, like a majestic emperor.

Protect all researchers and evacuate!

In the current situation, we need to look at the future of mankind.

The inheritance of human civilization and the future of the new world lie with this group of researchers.

They, to put it grandly, are the vanguards of the great revolution in the new era!

Just like a country, science and technology must meet the standards, and if it falls behind, it will be beaten.

If it weren't for these plasma weapons and magma bombs.

How can the Awakened alone defeat the demon?


A man in military uniform nodded solemnly.

Knowing the horror of the demon attacking the city again, he turned and left without saying a word.

The core of the third base cannot be built for the time being. This is our end.

Long Shaoqin looked into the distance.

The sky was dark and dark clouds hung over the city wall.

The clouds are gloomy and the wind is howling!

At the city wall, countless figures were moving, preparing to fight against the wave of demons.

The horror of the last siege still lingers deep in everyone's heart.

Come on, let's go there first.

Long Shaoqin said to the people around him.

Then, he took the lead and walked away.

If we don't weaken the demon tide, we will really be doomed.

Wei Ting, who only had one hand, looked embarrassed.

He used to hate Ye Jue.

Because that is a power he cannot control.

His existence is so mythical that it even generates belief.

This is very bad for their base city.

But at this moment.

All he hoped in his heart was that Ye Jue could win.

When the human race faces extinction, nothing else matters.

There are so many people. That is the president of Jialan Guild.

That's everyone from the Tyrant Guild.

They all went to the headquarters?

I heard that the demon tide is coming again...

On the streets, many new humans were in a panic.

When the devil attacks the city, no base city will be destroyed.

The tragic scene of the whole city being massacred made countless people tremble and left a deep impression.

At this moment, I heard that the demons were gathering again to attack the city.

Many people are like headless flies, running around anxiously!

I wish I could grow a pair of wings immediately and fly away from this base city.


Where else to go?


One day, he will definitely die tragically at the hands of the devil.

Even if you don't die, just hide...

Endless loneliness and fear can also drive you crazy! !

Ye Shen... our Ye Shen... must win!

come on!!

We believe you!

You are the most powerful, you are the God of War in China!

Many people were not allowed to pour all their strength into Ye Jue to help him defeat the devil!

As for Ye Jue being a sinner, they didn't believe it.

What they believed was that it must be a scam done by gringos.

70% of the people in Longxiao Mountain still believe in Ye Jue.

Everyone else is just a hater, either a brainless person or a lunatic.

These crazy people talking nonsense were also severely criticized and punished by the managers of Longxiao Mountain.

They even exiled a few from the base city and left them to fend for themselves.

After killing the chicken to scare the monkey, no one will dare to say that thing again!

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