
77 times Ye Jue was not satisfied because he might not be able to kill the demon.

There are currently 20 training buffs in progress.

On the day we arrived at the Demon God Arena, there were almost a dozen people who could practice to level 2~3!

At that time, he had 80 times the explosive power.

That's it.

Ye Jue is ready to receive 100 times the explosive power!


He still needs some Luobao that can increase his explosive power.

Whether it is fusion type or ordinary type.

He has very urgent needs.

Have enough rest, let's start looking for the treasure.

Ye Jue ate some food, stood up, and walked deeper into the distance.


6 days, 6 days to go!

Where's Ye Jueren?

I heard he was seen heading towards the old base.

People in the base city of Longxiao Mountain were talking a lot.

Was it really Ye Jue's doing?


He has never come forward to clarify the matter.

These people are really enough. I don't care who can save you.

Su Yan was furious.

At the meeting of all the guilds in the base city just now, someone actually stood up and accused this matter.


She went crazy on the spot.

The man's scalp was almost torn apart.

He was obviously a hero who fought on behalf of mankind, but before the war started, he was accused of being a sinner who destroyed the world.

What is this? Are these people really so stupid? Don't they know that if Ye Jue loses, the situation of mankind will be even more difficult?

She glared angrily at the people around her.

These people are all veterans in the pinnacle field, and they are all old acquaintances.

The key point is this. If the president wins, not only will those people not be grateful, but they will feel that this is what they should do.

Dong Hu was silent for a while and said this.

Yes, this Fentian really used a good strategy. If our president loses, won't China become the target of public criticism?

Yang Wenchao said.

Ye Jue will definitely win, and when the time comes, he will break all rumors and injustices!

Su Yan stood up.

She wanted to see how Chen Ya was doing.

Since the last time she got a strange illness, Chen Ya has never woken up.


Fengtian, your plan is so clever!

The strong man carrying the two swords praised him.

He is the Musashi who escaped from the Nether Hell.

Under the attack of the demon, he did not die, but was only injured.

Shabi, who asked him to steal our things?

Fen Tian sneered.

However, in a battle between the Nether Demon God and Ye Jue, which one do you think is stronger?

Musashi asked.

The first battle between humans and demons will be inevitable. Haven't you heard the prophet's premonition?

Fen Tian smiled.

The prophet may make miscalculations sometimes. I think that Ye Jue is very strong.

Musashi said.

When he met that person in hell, he felt that this number one in China was extraordinarily powerful.

Those eyes were as cold as lightning, still fixed in his heart.

Strong? Can you be stronger than Adam?

Fen Tian chuckled.


Musashi's expression suddenly changed.

In this world, he is most afraid of that person.

No one can beat Adam.

No one can beat Adam.

Fen Tian snorted coldly.

Let's not talk about it for now. Recently, my intuition tells me that we are being targeted, but the target is not me, but you.

Musashi whispered.

Since it's your intuition skill, that's right, but I have so many enemies that I can't be bothered to deal with it.

Fentian laughed wildly.

The visitor is very powerful. Please be careful. I have to leave first. My base city is still waiting for me to bring back hellish substances.

After Musashi finished speaking, he turned into a black shadow and disappeared after a few flickers.

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