Not to mention encountering a group of demons!

That would definitely be a group annihilation!

The demon tide is even more terrifying, directly destroying the base city.

There are now less than three base cities left in the entire world.

These three base cities are South Africa, North America, and Europe.

Now struggling to hold on.

They have been able to persist until now, which shows that they are very strong.

At least it's much more powerful than the Dragon Roar Base.

But if this continues, it will only be a matter of time before it is destroyed.


You haven't woken up yet?

Ye Jue looked at Chen Ya.

Master Ye, Miss Chen Ya hasn't woken up yet.

The female warrior saluted.


Ye Jue could not help but sigh.

Even he couldn't determine the reason for Chen Ya's change.

Now various guilds are springing up in the base city.

The peak field is even more busy.

All the burden falls on Su Yan.

It is very common to encounter disobedient awakened people, almost causing trouble in groups.

Su Yan took the big wolfdog everywhere to suppress them.

Didi didi~~

His communicator buzzed.

It's done, haha, your special evolved anti-demon magma armor!

The laughter of Director Wu and Dr. Xiao could be heard in the voice.

Finally done.

Ye Jue turned off the communicator and ran towards the research institute.

He's been helping a lot these days.

Everyone who saw him saluted with admiration in their eyes.

Look, this is your new armor, magma capsule infinite compression technology, how do you think?

Director Wu took Ye Jue's arm and introduced the functions of the armor with pride.

Very good, I made it before the Demon God Arena.

Ye Jue's eyes were filled with ecstasy.

The hardness of this armor is about ten times that of his body!

Moreover, it can also increase energy!

Directly pushing his total energy to 20,000!

What matters is.

The buff of his electric energy reserve can be perfectly absorbed by this suit of armor.

Strike yourself with lightning to become stronger and faster than before!

These days, Director Wu and Dr. Xiao have added the function of dropping treasures.

As long as Ye Jue activates the Gang Qi bodyguard, the armor will work perfectly, increasing the hardness of the Gangqi bodyguard twenty times!

The Hell Lord's Light Wings can also be boosted.

In summary, this set of special evolved anti-demon magma armor increases combat effectiveness by 100%!

Fight against the devil without fear!

That's good, that's good, you are the hope of our China!

Director Wu wiped the sweat from his forehead, closed his eyes, and passed out.

It seems that developing this armor exhausted his energy and physical strength.

Ye Jue quickly took out the nutrition cabin and put him in it.

Countdown to Demon Arena: 15 days, 2 hours, 7 minutes and 15 seconds!

It's time for me to adjust.

Ye Jue walked out of the research institute and clenched his fists.

The person disappeared into the forest outside the base city.

Time passes slowly...

Longxiaoshan City is under intense construction.

Now, nearly hundreds of thousands of people have been included!

This is much less than the nearly 10 million people before.

Robots and construction workers are working every day and night.

Taking the volcanic peak as the center and measuring 2,500 meters away, the city wall was shaped.

The city wall is an important facility for defense against demons.


With such a large population gathered together, the smell of flesh and blood was overwhelming.

Young demons, resentful spirits, lost souls, and gargoyles were all attracted.

But no one foolish enough to break in alone.

Instead, they are making friends everywhere, waiting to capture the base city in one fell swoop.

A hunting team even saw another winged demon! !

Countdown to Demon Arena: 10 days, 25 hours, 5 minutes and 45 seconds!

Long Xiao's anti-demon magma wall has been built.

The tents inside were gradually removed, and people lived in the built houses. Everything was in order.

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