Damn it, it's actually a Nether Guard!

Long Shaoqin and the others gnashed their teeth, they hated this kind of demon very much.

They were the biggest culprits in the destruction of Base City.

The ability to self-destruct is too strong.

However, this time Ye Jue and Laifu were present.

The beam tower is also replenished with magic core.

In less than half an hour, this demon was annihilated.

Without you, there would have been heavy casualties.

Long Shaoqin smiled bitterly.

Demons are getting stronger and stronger, and there are more and more types.

They have no idea how many survivors there are in the wasteland.

Right now, we can only develop the new base city quickly.

Hopefully the wandering survivors out there can hold on until then.

Fortunately, the overturned base vehicle was not seriously damaged.

The people inside were only slightly injured.

After a delay, everyone started on the road again.

The rest of the road was very easy to drive, and I didn't encounter any demons again.

I saw it! Lonely Mountain!

The new base is right there!

The gate, the gate is there!

Everyone cheered excitedly.

The base vehicle at the front has stopped.

Identity verification is in progress...

Welcome, distinguished commander-in-chief and leaders, good afternoon!

A mechanical sound sounded from the metal door.



The next moment, the huge metal door slowly opened.

There are no humans in the new base city, but artificial intelligence controls everything.

Accommodation has been planned inside, although it is just a temporary tent.

Let's start rebuilding the base city before the demons find us!

Long Shaoqin issued the order.

Longxiao Mountain Base City is officially operational!

Everyone was excited, people were coming and going...

It seems that only here in the whole world can you find a bit of the past.

We need some hellish stuff.

After receiving the call from the research institute, Ye Jue nodded.

Hell matter now covers the entire planet, establishing forests, etc., and is easy to find.

At his current speed, the institute's needs can be met within a day.

The remaining people also received the mission, collecting materials and activating new communication base stations.


The broadcast can now be received.

We are not bystanders to disaster.

“The pendulum of history never stops.”

This battle between humans and demons will undoubtedly be a protracted war!

The new base city, Longxiao Mountain, has begun operations. The coordinates are xxxx, xxx...

Fight for humanity!

Broadcasts are broadcast 24 hours a day.

first day.

A few scattered people came to Gushan Base City.

the next day.

Groups of people entered Longxiao Mountain.

Day 3 ~ Day 5!

Various acquisition stations have been set up at various sites in the base city!

Collect steel, hellish matter, and various materials.

It is even recruiting construction workers, architectural designers, scientific researchers, etc.

Mutated beasts are now the main food.

Many hunting teams come back from the wild. If they see steel, wires and other things, they will take them back.

Such a large-scale acquisition quickly filled the base city with everything it needed.

Countdown to Demon Arena: 18 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 03 seconds!

Human beings all over the world are still suffering from the torture and destruction of demons.

The devil is too strong!

Terribly strong!

Even the Awakened need a team of five or more to kill a gargoyle.

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