
This demon leader has stopped all movements.

Are you afraid?

Ye Jue smiled.

He has seen a lot of demons' abilities with his own eyes.

Powerful physical functions, unparalleled speed, and crazy desires.

Nothing can be compared to humans.

Only the awakened can contend with it!

The status of the devil is simple.

Little devil, mutated devil, devil elite, devil leader.

Above the demon leader is the big demon!

All great demons possess powerful and incredible power.

Often they live in the deepest parts of the nest.


Right now.

The demon leader looked up to the sky and roared crazily.


This is the first time that it has been despised by humans!

This is an insult, a huge insult!


A burst of blood-red heat suddenly burst out from its body.


Its fist hit the ground hard.

Suddenly, countless cracks were blasted out of the concrete floor, spreading in all directions.

The reason why the demon leader is a leader is that a certain part of his body or a certain attribute is super strong!

The attribute of this demon is definitely strength!

It rushed towards Ye Jue!

He just hit me with force like lightning.

Explosion of potential?

Ye Jue was shocked.

The demon's potential burst can temporarily increase combat power.

This boss is very powerful.

If you get hit by it again.

Although he won't die.

But my body will definitely not be able to continue fighting for a short time.

Repair the body, at least on an hourly basis.


He suddenly burst out with the ultimate speed dodge of a level 2 new human! !


The demon leader roared!

Instead, he didn't change direction and kept rushing forward without even looking back.

So you wanted to escape?

Ye Jue was slightly startled and quickly chased after him.

Nothing can be said today to let it go.

Why, the devil is charging at me???

Sun Pu screamed strangely.

Even though he was beaten to death, he didn't expect that the demon leader would actually crash into his direction.


The gap between them is closing at a speed visible to the naked eye!


At this moment, Li Lianxue rolled and hid far away.

All this happened in just a moment!


The next second, the glass and wall shattered together.

The Sun servant who wanted to react howled miserably and collided directly with the demon leader.


He felt like he had been hit by a train of flesh and blood.

The powerful impact directly knocked him ten meters away!

His chest felt tight and something came out of his mouth.

Offal? ?

His face changed drastically, but he couldn't make any sound.

The world is spinning!

Endless darkness began to envelope him.

I can not be reconciled……

Sun Pu was lying on the ground, his pupils still blurry.

His chest had been smashed and was a bloody mess.

so close……

Li Lianxue collapsed on the ground!

At that moment, she felt that death was so close to her! !

If the one in her body hadn't suddenly taken control of her body, she couldn't imagine what would have happened!

The demon leader is indeed terrifying! !

The reaction is a little slower.

The fate will be the same as that of Sun Pu.

Whoosh! ! !

The next moment, Ye Jue appeared in front of her.

Come back in ten minutes.

Immediately, he chased the demon leader.

All right.

Li Lianxue took a deep breath, slowly sat down against the wall, and forced herself to calm down.

She would be of absolutely no help in hunting down the demon leader.

Now, she needs a good rest too.

After all, he had just had a scuffle with Sun Pu and suffered quite a lot of injuries.

If it weren't for you, I would definitely not be Sun Pu's opponent.

Li Lianxue lowered her head and said.

That strange face was reflected in the broken glass on the ground.

Red eyes, long purple hair...

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