No one sleeps peacefully, except the devil, of course.

After enjoying a sumptuous dinner, they fall into a deep sleep.

Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty!

Ye Jue has killed thirty of them!

The whole dress was stained with the demon's blood.

Master Sun, you bastard!

No, I don't believe I can't cure you today!

Ye Jue's ears moved and he heard two voices.

Li Lianxue was having a very fierce struggle with Sun Pu.

let's hit!

Ye Jue smiled.

He deliberately asked Sun Pu to follow him just to train Li Lianxue.

It would be best to kill someone with your own hands and cross that hurdle!

Of course, he was not worried that Li Lianxue would have problems.

Because that dark personality is very strong!


He just needs to concentrate on dealing with the demon leader.


Maybe it's too loud.

The demon leader came to life and spread its wings, which were half a meter long!


Ye Jue smiled at it.


The demon leader was stunned for a moment.

Suddenly, the sky roared!


Not a single little lemure answered its call!

Even if you scream your throat out, it's useless, they are all dead.

Ye Jue shook his head.

He pointed behind him.


They are all the bodies of little lemures!

Every little lemure had its throat cut, its heart pierced, its brain ripped out, and it was impossible to die any more.


The demon leader roared.

He moved his wings and actually wanted to fly.

That's not possible, don't think you can escape.

Ye Jue sounded and activated the thunder technique.


The lightning that fell from the sky directly hit the demon leader.

It fell directly from mid-air.

The freezing time is about 1 second.


Ye Jue rushed forward with a lunge.


The sharp weapon penetrated the demon leader's belly.

Pull hard!

Blood and dirty things flowed all over the floor, making people want to vomit just looking at it.


He twisted his body and came behind the demon leader.


The bone of one of the demon leader's wings was severely severed.


At the same time, the demon leader swung his claws and knocked Ye Jue away.

Hahaha, dead, absolutely dead!

Sun Pu got up from the ground and saw this scene.

He was simply ecstatic.

He didn't believe that Ye Jue could survive such a blow.

Ye Jue died and the demon was seriously injured.

All the babies are his.

Li Lianxue was the same. All of a sudden, he felt horny.

It turned out to be hard down there.

Ye Jue!!!

Li Lianxue also shouted in fear.

Ye Jue was knocked away like a piece of rag and fell heavily to the ground, coughing blood from his mouth.

Ordinary people would never survive.


The servant's laughter stopped abruptly.

Ye Jue, who was paralyzed on the ground, slowly got up.

What?? How can you...impossible!!

Sun Pu opened his mouth.

Ye Jue!

Li Lianxue's originally numb and desperate face was suddenly replaced by surprise.

She didn't know why she was so worried about Ye Jue's life and death.

Are you surprised to see that I'm not dead?

Ye Jue said calmly.

With the immortal buff, he dared to challenge the demon leader alone.

Otherwise, it is purely an act of seeking death.

You know, the blow just now was very important.

The magic of lightning alone cannot destroy the demon.


at this time.

The demon leader rushed towards him with heavy steps.

The blow just now made it unable to fly anymore.

Now it is extremely angry.

It's going to tear this arrogant human's body apart with its sharp claws!


A bolt of lightning struck instantly.

The demon leader's back was instantly burnt.

The membranes on the wings turned into holes and were torn apart by lightning.


After a brief paralysis, it rushed over again.

Rush towards that damn human!


Another bolt of lightning landed.

The devil instantly knelt down.

A large amount of filthy internal organs fell out of the wound on its belly.


The demon leader roared unwillingly!

There's still ten meters to go.

Ye Jue just stood there, motionless.

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