Brother, do you want to leave?

These children, only about ten years old, looked at him with disappointed eyes.

Don't make trouble, big brother has important things to do.

Wang Xiuhan quickly pulled the children aside.

Now I am also a new level 4 human being, not to mention there are so many people around me. As long as I don't encounter a group of demons, everything will be fine.

She turned around and said.

I'm leaving.

Ye Jue nodded.

He didn't dare to stop. With so many demons chasing the team at the base, there was bound to be a collision.

Laifu had already gone ahead and never looked back.


As soon as his figure moved, the White Dragon Emperor's light wings spread out and he flew straight up.

Big brother is flying!


The children screamed again and again.


This dog runs pretty fast.

Ye Jue rushed along the route pointed by Wang Xiuhan.

Then he saw the messy remains of the robot on the ground.

These robots are combat robots developed at Longxiao Base.

There are signs of fighting everywhere, which shows that a fierce battle took place here.

The demon's body seemed to have been eaten by its own kind.

Ye Jue stepped on these mechanical remains, looking for clues.

There were bloodstains all over the ground, stretching in one direction.

I found someone!

The big wolfdog suddenly turned back, dragging a man in military uniform on its back.

The team... is surrounded at the front... kill me...

This person can slowly speak under the group healing buff.

However, half of his internal organs were broken and he couldn't survive.


Ye Jue silently put his hand on his heart and shook it hard.

The man groaned and died completely in the next second.

Laifu rushed out again.

Bang bang bang! ! Bang bang bang! ! !

At this time, the sounds of fierce fighting in the distance could already be heard.

Hold it!!

Hold it!!

Damn devil, come on!!

There was a lot of roaring.

The big wolf dog had already killed it, its body crushed the demon and rumbled towards him.

This scene made these people stunned.

Towning the mythical beast?

Is it really the town meeting beast?

Now that the town meeting beast has appeared, then...

The next moment, Ye Jue fell from the sky and punched him down.


The internal energy shook violently, and nearby demons were broken into corpses.

Ah, it's the president!

The president is here!


When these people saw the visitor, they were so excited that they spoke incoherently.

A member of the peak realm?

Ye Jue was slightly startled. Although their clothes were stained with blood, they could still recognize the guild's logo.

President, go and save the vice-president and the others, it doesn't matter here!

Hurry, President, they are in danger now!

President, the demons are catching up with them!

A group of people suddenly shouted loudly.


Upon hearing this, the big wolfdog rushed over.

Ye Jue's expression also changed when he heard that the demon had caught up with the base team.

The remaining personnel at Long Roar Base must not die.

Once upon a time, the most powerful base city in China was the Longxiao base city.

If his butterfly effect really destroyed the base, he would be a sinner.

He also rushed over as quickly as possible.

All along the way there are human corpses!

Most of them were genetically modified warriors who finally chose to explode and die.

Because every genetically modified warrior has a tiny bomb inside his body to kill the devil together.

The team is over there!

The big wolfdog pointed to a mountain in the distance.

A black mountain pass opened at the bottom of the mountain, as if it was torn open by invisible force.

On both sides of the edge of the mountain pass were the corpses of demons.

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