
The girl with snow-white teeth suddenly screamed strangely.

She stared at the hero list with great concentration, trembling all over.

Was she pushed down?

She was actually pushed down?

The golden name, the name that represents the highest glory of mankind, is... gone!

She became number eight, and the gray ordinary font was so eye-catching.


She couldn't believe her eyes.

What on earth is this thing called Laifu?

Isn't this name too stupid?

I'm so angry...hypoglycemia...came up.

Pandora felt dizzy, and finally fell down...


The sky is gray.

At this moment, it was as if even the wind was holding its breath.

She heard the roars of her companions in the distance.

A smile slowly appeared on the corner of her mouth, a farewell smile.

I have to die in the end...

There was a hint of relief in Wang Xiuhan's eyes.

Her mind calmed down...

I could feel the sounds around me, and the roaring and rushing people in the distance...

It was all like slow motion, and she looked up at the sky.

If there is hell, is there really heaven?

Wasteland, goodbye...

Her mind was buzzing, her vision was getting darker and darker, and she couldn't hear anything in her ears.

At the end, someone seemed to have picked up her body.

I seemed to have fallen into a warm and comfortable place.

It's like being before you were born.

I don’t know how long it took.

Teacher, teacher!

The familiar voice became louder and louder.

She opened her eyes...

Am I not dead?

Wang Xiuhan's expression was dull, and she still didn't know what happened.

It's big brother, big brother saved us!

The students said to her excitedly.

Big brother? Which big brother? Could it be...

Wang Xiuhan's consciousness became clearer and clearer.

She finally realized that she seemed to be locked in a nutrition warehouse.

Didi didi...

As she woke up, the transparent lid of the nutrition compartment opened.

The big wolfdog is so awesome!

A child's eyes are full of excitement.

The big wolf dog just now was like a wild beast taking off its shackles, stepping on the earth and roaring to the sky!

The blood all over his body boiled and burned like a flame.

As soon as the sole of its foot touched the ground, the ground was dented by the trampling.

The demons were actually afraid and even took a few steps back.

The big wolfdog didn't let them go. He rushed up and tore them all to pieces.

While the children were discussing the big wolf dog, Wang Xiuhan had already sat up and looked for a figure.

It's him...it's really him...

Wang Xiuhan was stunned.

Unexpectedly, he saved me twice.

You're awake...I want to ask you for directions to some people.

Ye definitely caught her gaze.

Them?...Those people went ahead. We didn't follow them, so we went off the road. Who knew we encountered a group of demons?

Wang Xiuhan was still in the state of death just now, and her expression was a little dull.

Are there any demons chasing them? How are things going?

Ye Jue asked.

The situation is very pessimistic. There are still a large number of demons chasing the team. There are many kinds of demons, and the number is probably more than ten times that of them.

Wang Xiuhan completely recovered and spoke faster and faster.

Oops, Su Yan, Chen Ya and the others are in danger. We have to hurry up and get on our way.

The big wolfdog jumped over from the side with a nervous look on his face.


Ye Jue nodded.

I will leave a mark. If you follow my route, it will be difficult for you to encounter the devil.

He turned to these people, probably number 20, and said something quickly.

The big wolf dog's eyes were very determined and he refused to stay.

This is the only way to arrange it.

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