what's the result?

The human body is too weak!

Ye Jue's arm was instantly crushed into a piece of bloody mud.

But something magical happened!

The blood-mud-like arm recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

While he distanced himself from the white jade skeleton, he was already intact.

This is……

The white jade skeleton was immediately stunned!

Humans are so weak, they are just one of the rations for the devils in hell.

How come you have such a strong ability to reply?


The power of the punch just now, with thunder and lightning, actually forced it back several steps!

Even, a powerful force rebounded on himself!

How is this going?

It doesn't understand this human being at all.

How does it feel...

Is it even weirder than the power of the demon?

I'm just here to get the power that belongs to us humans. The devil in hell, the real battlefield is not here, why bother so hard?

Ye Jue distanced himself from the white jade skeleton again and spoke loudly without looking back.


The white jade skeleton is extremely gloomy.

Its eyes showed a fierce light, and its body penetrated the void again and pounced directly on Ye Jue.

It's as fierce as a ghost, it's so scary!


Ye Jue fell to the ground again, and his body slid for a hundred meters...crushing all kinds of crawling little devils.

He was bleeding profusely and his bones seemed to be broken.

However, within a few seconds, he quickly got up again and ran forward without hesitation.


The white jade skeleton penetrated the void again and kicked out!

boom! !

Ye Jue's bones were shattered in many places in an instant, but it could not stop him.

Kill me if you dare, otherwise you'd better save the trouble!

He vomited blood and had a smile on his face.

He has already figured out the power of this skeleton.

It's not enough to kill him instantly!

Therefore, he has nothing to fear.


After saying this, Ye Jue was blown away again.

A long stream of blood spewed out of his mouth and fell far away.

But in mid-air, he adjusted!

The White Dragon Emperor's light wings opened fiercely, breaking through the demon's encirclement net and flying into the distance.

He is worthy of being one of the demon gods who can destroy the world!

One word, strong! !

Then how come humans...can't be killed?

This...is impossible...

Our King of the Netherworld can't do anything to him...

Some of the individually powerful demons in the netherworld looked shocked.


Demons are shocked by humans!

Think about it.

A human being can fight his way into a hell where the number of demons is approximately 100 million, and finally be able to fight his way out alone.

How much does this despise the existence of hell?

What an insult to hell!

The existence of this person is simply contempt for hell!


Ye Jue vomited blood and laughed.

His laughter fills hell!

He kept hitting his body with thunder, as if he was going through a tribulation.

The power reserve allowed him to activate the overspeed mode again and turned into a bolt of lightning.

But no matter what, it can't escape the void-traveling power of the white jade skeleton.

No matter how far away it is, it can easily catch up with me!

It's probably because it's in the Nether Hell. This is the Demon God's territory, so it can use this kind of perverted power.

Ye Jue was attacked again, met head-on, and was directly blocked.

In this case, I will fight with you. Anyway, I can't die, and I can't be beaten to death.

Ye Jue gasped, his eyes shining, looking towards the Netherworld Mountains.

Netherworld Mountain is full of treasures!

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