Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 163 The first collision between humans and demons!

Boom boom boom——!

The whole hell is shaking!

The five fingers of the Nether King gradually closed together.

The void around Ye Jue suddenly collapsed, and a pop and a shattering sound came.

The Gangqi protective body was scratched to pieces!

The armor on his body was immediately shattered!

Energy surged in all directions, drawing many demons into the sky.

However, more demons were overwhelming and covering it.

All of a sudden, Ye Jue was in crisis.

The Nether King's attacks are so weird, every attack is related to the void.


Ye Jue directly activated the white dragon yellow light wings and rushed past the demon's encircling net.

The group buff is activated instantly, and all kinds of gorgeous low-level skills are blasted in all directions.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

A long burst of sound.

The strange thing is that all the thunder skills hit Ye Jue's own head.

Is Ye Jue crazy?

Laifu squatted in a secret place, his eyes were dumbfounded.

Is this self-harm?

No...no, it's the power reserve! !

That's right.

The body can store unlimited electrical energy. The more electricity it absorbs, the stronger it becomes and the faster it reacts!

Sizzle! Sizzle!

After a while, Ye Jue's whole body was glittering and sparkling with electricity!

Have you ever seen someone strike oneself with lightning?

That's not all!

In an instant, Ye Jue's speed increased more than three times again!

It seemed like it had turned into a meteor in hell and splashed away in the night sky!

However, the Nether King also flew up strangely.

Then he ran towards Ye Jue's escape direction at a very high speed, and his speed was no less than that of him!

The whole area of ​​demons are rushing towards that direction, and there are countless black people.

The Bone Palace is empty!

A big wolfdog walked in timidly, its eyes looking around fiercely.

Ye Jue said that the King of Netherworld has a crown-shaped treasure...

Laifu searched here and there quietly.

It just saw Ye Jue searching here, but in the end it failed and was discovered, so it had no choice but to run away.

Now, it has plenty of time to find.

As long as Ye Jue can hold back the demon.



The void around Ye Jue twisted, and with a clang, he hit a Netherworld mountain.

I will put your soul into the depths of hell and suffer.

A cold smile appeared on the white jade skeleton's mouth.

Bah, you haven't even condensed flesh and blood. I'm afraid you're just a skeleton?

Ye Jue recovered some energy and flew directly out of Netherworld Mountain.

He knew that this white-bone skeleton had not even recovered one-third of the Demon God's strength.

Not enough souls went to hell!

Wait until it has devoured enough souls...

You will directly gain flesh and blood and become a true demon god.

Although the lowest level demon in hell...

But its weird attack methods and strength should not be underestimated.

Especially if he grows into a real demon, it will be a disaster for mankind!

The hero of the wasteland, no matter who he is, must defeat it!


Humanity can't even pass the first level, let alone continue the race.

“Quack quack!!!”

The white jade skeleton was obviously shocked by these words.

It felt that it couldn't kill the damn human in front of it with void distortion.

Therefore, the void trembled, and the body penetrated directly towards Ye Jue.

It committed suicide in person!


Ye Jue looked back instantly and punched him directly.

This is the first punch in the world today, the first moment when humans and demons collide!

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