Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 155 The whole mountain is filled with treasures!

These ghosts are the lowest level of demons, called wraiths. They are the most common little soldiers and cannon fodder.

Ye Jue said: But we can't provoke them. The resentful spirits like to gather in groups and will cause a wave of demons. If they are discovered by the Lord of the Netherworld in advance, it will be over.

You mean sneaking?

Laifu said it was good at this and immediately started group invisibility.

Where did you get group invisibility?

Ye Jue felt pity.

He can extract this group skill through the system.

In exchange for contribution points in the guild.

Laifu chuckled.

This group stealth skill book was obtained with great difficulty.

The advantage of invisibility is that it can block the sight of the devil.

Wraiths also use their eyes to find prey.

Therefore, they cannot find Ye Jue and Laifu.

A big shot, are you ready?

Ye Jue licked his lips.

He wants to get all the treasures in the netherworld!

You know, he now has low-level skills.

Apart from killing some low-level demons instantly, it is of no use at all.

The physical quality has not been strengthened, it is the new human attribute of level 5.

Just rely on a legendary sword to kill.

What kind of healing, recovery...

When you meet a demon, he blows you up with one punch and still allows you to recover?

His passive attacks, such as the five-fold phantom, are simply nothing in front of the devil.

Flat A?

Trigger thunder attack, penetration, ice control?

In front of the devil, if you can hit with an A, then you are making a mistake!

If the devil doesn't kill you with one move, I'll eat shit on the spot!

It's necessary. I don't want to come here in vain.

Laifu nodded sharply.

Ye Jue had already introduced the treasure in the netherworld.

Luobao is at least one level better than the equipment in the ground world! !

They are now on the run!

Just like watching a movie, pirated copies have already been released before the movie is officially released.


Ye Jue nodded. He had been to Netherworld in his previous life.

However, the underworld was empty by then, and the demons crawled onto the ground.

In Netherworld Mountain, not a single treasure among Ksitigarbha is left.

Go to Netherworld Mountain first!

Ye Jue's eyes were bright, and he approached Netherworld Mountain with Laifu.

This Netherworld Mountain is the habitat of demons, and there are countless gargoyles living in it.

Gargoyles are the lower-level demons of hell. They are much smarter than other demons and are clever hunters.

They can fly and glide and are very difficult to deal with.

But at this moment, they all turned into stone and fell into a deep sleep.

This means that the entire Netherworld Mountain is defenseless!

Eh? Is this a fallen treasure? Buried in the soil so casually?

Laifu's eyes lit up. As soon as he arrived at Netherworld Mountain, he found a strange-looking little statue half buried in the soil.

[Soul Rebel Statue]

【Ordinary treasure drop】

[Can be worn at level 10]

[Effect: Electricity can be used as an energy source. The more electricity absorbed, the stronger the power and the faster the reaction! 】

[Assembled on your body, you will become a soul traitor after awakening! 】


Laifu was shocked.

The Luobao equipment is indeed different from the equipment of the demon explosion on the ground.

This effect alone can develop various potentials.


This is just an ordinary treasure.

However, Ye Jue never told it specifically.

Is Luobao an equipment for awakening? ?

Or are all fallen treasures awakening equipment?

So now that it's awakened, hasn't it already suffered a big loss?

Read the introduction carefully. If you use certain Luo Bao when awakening, you can indeed gain special abilities.

Ye Jue added: But some Luobao cannot be used and can only be used after awakening. They replace the previous equipment. Luobao is also divided into several types.

Then I won't lose too much?

The big wolfdog said with a face.

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