Speaking of which, why is this place the same as a maze?

The big wolf dog followed Ye Jue around, feeling dizzy.

Every hell corridor is different, just find the exit.

Ye Jue led the way.

The unique fishy smell of crossing the river became clearer little by little.

It didn't take long before it appeared in front of them.

Through me...into the endless river of pain?

The great wolfdog read the infernal inscription above.

Ye Jue was no longer surprised. He walked to the edge of the Black River and released the Speedy.

The Speed ​​landed on the river and floated steadily.

You must know that the bottom of the boat and the hydrofoils are made of hell materials and will not be corroded by the black river.


The big wolfdog remained silent and jumped onto the Speedy.

Buzz! !

The Godspeed's engine suddenly started, and it headed towards the farthest dark end very quickly.

It's too quiet. I feel like we are the only ones in the world.

The big wolf dog feels trouble with his scalp.

The Speed ​​​​is moving forward at a uniform speed, and the lights on this black river are shining with a strange atmosphere.


Ye Jue felt even more profound while driving the Speedy.

The darkness ahead seemed to derive inexplicable power, constantly changing before his eyes.

All things wither, from gray to darkness, from emptiness to death...

Countless howling souls floated past him, crying under the black river, crying to take him away.


His heart was shocked and his eyes regained their clarity.

The river here has already surged with huge waves, and the Speed ​​is moving with the waves like a lone boat.

The turbulent black river water kept hitting the giant door in front of him.

Skeleton Gate…

Haoran appeared in front of them.

Ye Jue, isn't this the gate to hell?

The big wolfdog trembled all over.

Think about it, in the endless darkness.

At the end of the Black River, there is a huge door that cannot be seen at a glance. Who would not be shocked?

What makes it most terrifying is that there are countless skulls on it.

The four words Gate of Hell instantly appeared in its mind.

The Gate of the Netherworld is closed because the fallen souls are not enough to open it.

Ye Jue took a deep breath.

Then how do we get in?

Laifu asked.

Do you know what stowaway means? Just crawl.

Ye Jue put the Speed ​​​​into the space bracelet, grabbed the skulls, and began to crawl to the top.

The giant gate is not completely sealed, it just cuts off the river, leaving a gap in the sky.

Climb just crawl.

Laifu's claws changed shape and easily clasped those smooth skulls.

One person and one dog climbed up.

Almost twenty minutes passed.

Ye Jue stood up and stood at the top of the Netherworld Gate.

Is this the Netherworld Hell?

Laifu finally climbed up and stared at the world, feeling extremely shocked.

No longer endless darkness...the overall tone of the netherworld is light blue clouds.

Some seemingly harmless ghosts wander aimlessly everywhere.


Ye Jue dropped a rope and slid down the rope.

Laifu illuminated the gourd and landed on the netherworld.

For a moment, it felt uneasy, and its soul felt panicked.

Don't be nervous. The Netherworld is very big. The Lord of the Netherworld won't be able to find us for a while.

Ye Jue seemed to have noticed his thoughts and said with a smile.

Who says I'm nervous? I'm excited!

Laifu lowered his head and muttered.

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