What should I do? Do you really want to surrender?

Xu Ziyue was also injured, covering his lower abdomen and asking people around him.


Chen Ya bit her lip and said nothing.

The plasma weapon was so lethal that it was terrifying.

No, I don't believe that Chutian will bomb us. There are still their people on the field, unless they are bombed together with them.

Yang Wenchao coughed up blood, this was obviously nonsense.

The people of Stars and Glory had retreated together long ago.

The battlefield has been divided.

If the plasma bombs hit them, they would definitely be the most injured.

Instead of surrendering, it's better to fight them.

Cheng Xuan pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, although he no longer had any glasses.

Hey, what are you talking about to say to be dejected? After all, it's time for Ye Jue to come back.

Su Yan was not panicked at all.

Ye Jue?

When Chu Tian heard these two names, he couldn't help but smile and said:

Your peak realm has been named Ye Jue from beginning to end, but no one is there.

He walked a few steps and turned around: I even think... there is no such person as Ye Jue.

Even if he exists, so what?

Chu Tianyi then laughed: Facing my plasma bomb, what kind of wolf can he turn up?


Finally, he whispered:

Also, you two bitches, the vice-president of the Peak Realm, right? I will tie you up and play with you to death as slaves.

Chu Tianyi sneered again and again.

These two women, one has a lot of charm.

One has a snow-white neck and pure jade face, but there is a sense of lust.

Not bad, very good, very suitable for teaching.

Bah, dream on, beast!

Su Yan cursed.


Laifu returned to them at this time.

The dog felt there was danger and was going to run away carrying Su Yan and Chen Ya on its back.

Hey, he's here, he's here!

At this moment, Su Yan suddenly shouted in surprise.

What's coming?

No one around her knew what was going on, and Mo Min looked at her curiously.

Ye Jue, it's Ye Jue, our president!

Su Yan explained loudly.


Stop making trouble, sister, let's surrender obediently!

That's right, that's a plasma bomb, haven't you seen it?

Someone shook his head.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the vice president would still make such a joke.

Maybe as Chu Tianyi said, Ye Jue doesn't exist in this base city at all.

So what about the official certification? The headquarters was bombed.

No, it's really here. Why don't you believe me?

Su Yan was speechless.


Chen Ya also expressed doubts, not to mention Yang Wenchao, Cheng Xuan and the others.

He sent the location to my communicator!

Su Yan said seriously.

I'll do it!!!

A group of people fell straight down.

Sister, you should have told me earlier, I thought you were telepathic?

Double Guns Roses Xu Ziyue got up from the ground with a look of helplessness on his face.

...I'm speechless.

Yang Wenchao patted his forehead.


Cheng Xuan and Dong Hu also looked ashamed.

Now that Ye Jue has sent her the location, it means that he is really here.

Suddenly, they breathed a sigh of relief.


It's just a desperate struggle. At this time, are you still making up lies?

Still called Ye Jue? Why didn't I see him?

Retard, hit me, let him hit me!

The members of Xingchen and Glory all sneered and laughed.

It's actually quite interesting to watch Su Yan perform like this.

She's so cute anyway.

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