Why is this damn dog so strong?

Chu Tianyi could not calm down at this moment, and there was madness surging in his eyes.

If it weren't for the subversion of the field, if it weren't for this dead dog...

He had already entered the headquarters, seized the core of the base, and became the king of the mountain.

Now, he was held back by this dead dog.

The entire guild's footsteps were also blocked here, unable to move forward.

In other words, if you can't solve this dog and the people who subvert the field, you can't move.

Peng Hai, use your special move!

Chu Tian gave a low drink.

I've wanted to do this for a long time.

Peng Hai slapped his waist suddenly, as if something had touched him.

Buzz! !

There were loud noises.

I saw many black shadows flying towards this direction from all directions of the base.



It's a plane, what are they going to do?

Intercept, intercept!

The appearance of these aircraft was immediately revealed on the display screen of the base city headquarters.

Everyone was shocked when they saw it.

Anti-aircraft, use anti-aircraft!

At the same time, various anti-aircraft guns on the city wall opened fire one after another.

Fireworks exploded over the entire base city.

That's... plasma bombs and plasma cannons?

Wei Ting slapped the table and his eyes widened.

How could it be possible... There is definitely a traitor in our research institute!

Director Wu roared angrily.

The plasma series of weapons that are currently being researched have actually been leaked to outside guild members?

Can he not be angry?

Too bad, the plasma weapons will cause great harm to the new humans' bodies, and they cannot resist.

Dr. Xiao bit his pen and looked at the helicopters that had not been bombarded.

Five of them were flying towards their headquarters.

Evacuate, all evacuate, the Alpha system is activated!

The podium where Long Shaoqin was sitting enveloped everyone and shrank to the bottom of the base.

In just ten seconds, the command center was empty.


The next second, a dozen plasma bombs and plasma cannons bombarded the building.

Bang bang bang! ! !

Glass shattered and the walls and floor continued to crack.

With the headquarters as the center, everything was shrouded in crazy plasma that lingered for a long time.


The headquarters has been lost!

Su Yan's communicator suddenly heard a rustling sound.

The final order is to evacuate, all of them! !

Everyone was stunned.

Who would have thought that the most secure headquarters would be attacked.

Buzz! ! !

At the same time, a dozen planes were heading towards them.

The plasma bombs and plasma cannons equipped on it were extremely exaggerated, and they were recognized instantly.

It's a plasma weapon, oh my god!

When did Stars and Glory master this kind of military power?

When are so many planes scheduled?

Chen Ya, Xu Ziyue, Dong Hu and others saw all this and complained in their hearts.

It was not easy to fight in the first place, but now the headquarters has been bombed and the top leaders are not sure whether they are alive or dead.

Now, there are also helicopters with plasma weapons pointed at them.

This situation is simply desperate.

If you still resist, you will be greeted by plasma bombs and plasma cannons. In the peak realm, surrender!

Chu Tianyi's voice echoed across the battlefield.

As soon as possible Laifu had attacked him with all his strength.

However, there is nothing it can do about it.

You know, Laifu's body is not even afraid of the plasma network.

It was only restrained by the mysterious light in Chu Tian's hand. The dazzling brilliance made it difficult to strike.

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