Is this the number of people in your peak field?

The new human warriors from the Star Guild and the Glory Guild all had smiles on their lips.

There are only a few thousand people in the peak field in front of you.

They have stars and glory, but there are 100,000 people here!

Trample them to death like ants.

Really? Then...come out, everyone!

Su Yan clapped her hands.

There are many buildings around and the streets are clean...

Suddenly, dark heads appeared like ghosts.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Every step these people take is extremely heavy.

All of a sudden, all the people in Xingchen were surrounded.

A very large encirclement was formed.

How is this going?

Why are there so many people in the peak realm?

So many new human members gathered in such a short period of time?

The members of the Stars and Glory Guilds, who were originally extremely arrogant, were all moved.

Who would have thought that there would be so many members in the peak field.

You underestimate the appeal of Ye Jue's name.

Chen Ya said calmly.

Ye Shen!

Ye Shen!

Ye Shen!

The shouts that reached the sky and the earth made the people of Xingxing and Glory Guild extremely moved.

Could it be that 100,000 of them were really surrounded?

Is this too much of a joke?

People from the Stars and Glory Guild, listen, you are going against the law and going against the entire human race and the officialdom.

Dong Hu took out a loudspeaker and shouted.

Our enemies are demons and mutant beasts!

“Think about it, why are we killing each other and being used as pawns by those in high positions?”

Is there any grudge between us?

You are all being used by people with ulterior motives!

Although the military management does cause some complaints.

However, the military has always maintained a good image, both for the people and for survival.

We shouldn't fight among ourselves. The next wave of demons is coming. It's the demons we should resist!

The shouts silenced the atmosphere for a moment.

Many people in the stars suddenly hesitated.

To be honest, they just followed the guild and had no independent opinions.

When the president said he wanted to capture the base city, they only felt excited and excited.

No thought was given to the consequences.


Several people in the Glory Guild also put down their weapons.


The current stability of the base city is all due to military management.

Without the military, the base city would have been in chaos.

What's more, the entire base city was built by the military.

The army took them in, but now they are repaying kindness with hatred?

There are only 30,000 of us. It scares me to death.

Su Yan whispered excitedly.

Well, it's best not to start a war here. Once a war starts, it will be a large-scale war.

Cheng Xuan pushed up his glasses.

The 30,000 people currently recruited in the peak field are all soldiers and generals.

They were all attracted by Ye Jue's name.

If a war really breaks out, it's likely that some will run away and some will escape.

Stars and Glory, you can rest assured that the military will not pursue anything that happens tonight. We can coexist peacefully, so why shed blood?

The blood that should be on the battlefield, on the demon battlefield, killing demons!

Think about...your relatives!!!

Think about those relatives who were eaten by demons!!

Dong Hu continued to shout.

Indeed, we are all human beings, why should we kill each other?

Nowadays, military management is actually quite good...

I didn't want to come, I just came to watch the fun...

This voice made most people in the two guilds give up the war.

Damn it, our people were incited to rebel.

Peng Hai rushed over, his face changed drastically.

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