
The eyes of the soldiers of the Blood God Hall were filled with fierce light.

They didn't believe that the dog could stop them.


Laifu raised his generous paw, looked at the roaring Blood God Hall, and shouted:

It's thundering, it's raining, go home and collect your clothes!

I'll pour it! ! !

The Blood God Hall warriors who rushed up fell down one after another.

They were extremely speechless.

This dog is so damned good!

You have to peel it off and make soup!

Kill it!

Thousands of soldiers from the Blood God Hall regrouped and rushed over.

Come on, is this beast afraid of you?

Laifu roared loudly.

The entire body turned into an incomparable long ray of light, like the tail of a comet, speeding towards them.


It slipped into the Blood God Hall army and exploded, killing hundreds of Blood God Hall soldiers instantly.

In the face of Laifu's terrifying lethality, there was no time to escape.

The dog was fooled, haha!

Turn on the plasma network!

Buzz! !

Each exquisite precision machine, made entirely of metal and about eight feet high, slowly entered the energy gathering state.

With a command, he suddenly shot out.

A large plasma net instantly trapped Fu in it.

North side.

Chu Tian swiped the mini screen, which displayed all the trends.

He looked into the distance and saw a strong wind sweeping over him.

The entire base city was like a million galloping horses, roaring fiercely and fiercely.

The war has begun.

Penghai put his hands behind his back.

The plan is fine, the dog is trapped.

Chu Tian's eyes flashed with two flashes of cold electricity.

The bait I arranged attracted all the attention of the military. You are right, there is indeed a traitor among us.

Penghai nodded.

Our main force is taking the highest command point and seizing the core of the base.

Chu Tian sneered coldly.

Their guild is as large as the military.

This does not include Glory and other small and medium-sized guilds.

In his opinion, capturing the base city is easy.

Huh? Our main force is close to 100,000 people. Why did we stop?

At this moment, Peng Hai frowned.

how come?

Chu Tianyi was also surprised and stared at the display screen.

Are there too many people?!

Su Yan stood high up with a shocked look on her face.

Ahead, there is a mass of black heads!

Each one looked at her like an enraged lion.

As if to tear her into thin air.

Is this the power of the super guild?

Chen Ya's expression also changed.

This kind of scene is rare in this world.

But as vice-presidents, they must not show cowardice.

I didn't expect Xingchen to be so powerful.

Dong Hu, Yang Wenchao, Cheng Xuan…

These people stood behind them, looking toward the dark crowd below.

This scene was naturally filmed and transmitted to the large crystal screen in the base city.

Our genetically modified warriors fell into a trap and were held back by plasma weapons!

Wei Ting looked shocked and said in disbelief.

Boom, boom, boom! Boom, boom, boom!

At the same time, an explosion occurred in the base city.

How come, where is the bomb squad? Why didn't they defuse the bomb?

He roared out even more shockingly.

The earth shook!

The entire command center is shaking crazily!

Countless people were stunned.

Reporting to the leader...there are too many bombs, completely beyond expectations. We have dismantled most of them, but...

A disgraced bomb disposal expert appeared on the big crystal screen.

It seems that we have underestimated the power of the super guild again.

Long Shaoqin took a deep breath and moved slightly.

Right now, the genetically modified warriors must be released as soon as possible to support the peak field.

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