Ye Mengling has really grown into a big girl. Her figure is now very slender, not inferior to her mother, and she is slim and graceful.

She seemed to be affected by the power of Qijue. Her soft silver hair reached to her waist and was sparkling and very dazzling.

She was very happy at the moment. It had been an unknown amount of time since she had been together like this.

Everyone gathered together happily, clinking glasses with each other, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Human beings have very rich emotions in this life, some of which are inseparable. Even after death and rebirth, they still retain their essence.

Come with me to the positive universe.

Ye Jue raised an arm and crossed Su Yan's face with his fingers.

Su Yan looked well-behaved and turned into a happy little woman, nestling on his chest.

She has a flawless face and doesn't want to let go.

Because, next is the decisive battle.

Whether it is the Qijue World, Hell, or Dragon Roar World, they are all extremely powerful.

But this battle has to continue, and the winner takes all.

Now everyone wants to destroy the other.

Maybe some of them will perish in this ultimate war.

Even though I am so happy now...

Do not think too much.

Ye Jue comforted her.

He has already discovered the clues.

I knew that Su Yan was thinking too much in her little head.

Ye Shen, how can we win?

When the wedding came to an end, someone couldn't help but ask.

Now that they are facing those three powerful forces, they cannot easily win.

And it is very likely to be besieged by these forces and become the target of public criticism.

After all, whether it was Long Xiao, Qi Jue, or Hell, they all wanted to destroy them.

It’s just so hard to win.

Yeah, how are we going to win this?

How else can we win? Just work hard!


Everyone was talking about it.

In this God dimension, they are temporarily invincible.

Otherwise, just wait until the portal to the positive universe opens.

This is also an option.

This war can be brought to an end directly, and they will not need to participate in the war again.

Wait for the portal to open and go straight into it.

The war outside has nothing to do with them anymore.

Ye Jue knew it and nodded slightly.

He does not force everyone to participate in this final war.

Staying in God's space can indeed avoid war.

This is a path.


He still wants to come to an end, keep going all the way, tortured in every possible way, and finally got to this point. Giving up without doing anything is not his character.

So he gave everyone a choice.

In the mid-air of the entire God Space, red letters and green letters appeared on the left and right sides.

Escape from the world, or join in the ultimate war.

The tax avoiders stand on the left, and the people with red light curtains stand on the right.

You choose.

Ye Jingjing said to them.

Those who stay here can go out when the positive universe opens.

Those who choose to participate in the final war will leave God's space and fight with him for the final glory.


Everyone, you look at me, I look at you as big, and look at you with small eyes.

Fen Tian was the first to stand on the right side to participate in the final war.

I saw red lines intertwined in the void, spreading towards the red light curtain.

You cowardly people, just stay here. That is not a war that you can participate in. It may just disappear and you will be resurrected with great difficulty. You must cherish your life. You will not be reborn so easily next time.

He sneered and warned everyone.

After listening, everyone has different expressions and looks.

I want to bring myself to an end.

The big wolf dog's heart moved and he looked at Ye Jue. As if he had decided something, he strolled towards the red light on the right.

When walking towards this road, for some reason, it actually felt a kind of tranquility in its own soul, as if it was walking towards a glorious avenue.

If nothing else, I'm going to kill the demon, and we're going to defeat Long Xiao!

Those people from the old Earth Ministry, Xu Ziyue, Dong Hu... those people all had a deep hatred for the devil, and even thousands of years could not erase the hatred in their hearts.

The scene of losing his wife and children is still vivid in his mind, and he will never forget their tragic fate of being used as food by the devil.

They want revenge!

This ultimate war is like the clarion call for Prince Yama to launch a charge.

This is what they want in life and what their life is about.

There is no other wish.

Even if the form and spirit finally dissipate, the soul returns to darkness, and the body sinks and freezes.

They would not choose to live an ignoble existence. Even if they were lucky enough to survive and go to the positive universe, what would be the use?

The shadow in my heart will never go away.

At this point, their eyes were firm, and large numbers of people walked to the right, with firm steps and no hesitation.

For example, Lou Jianzi and his group also chose the right side.

The enemy is not just the devil.

There’s even more roaring dragons!

Long Xiao once stabbed them in the back during the wasteland war.

They still remember this incident and have not forgotten it.

Now is the time for revenge and revenge.


Even Musashi and Nicholas, these two are also heroes of the wasteland, and their power was separated by Fentian.

Now that they have become real individuals, they have no choice to stay here.

We want to end things with Chen Ya!

Dong Minmin, Qin Jiaxian, Qin Xiu, Ni Qiuyun, Li Lianxue, Wang Xiuhan.

These six women all have the Qijuenu factor in their bodies, and are constantly being summoned by the Qijuenu. They are constantly suffering and forcibly suppressed.

They also walked towards the red light curtain on the right and did not choose to stay here.

Let's go too.

Su Baiyu, Jianyao, Mengdie, Princess Da Zhou, and the monsters that had been subdued in the Ryunao Kingdom all resolutely moved to the right.

Now Su Baiyu is one step away from reaching the God Emperor, and all the particles in his body are feathered into the Kingdom of God.

His lifelong wish is to become the new Emerged God Emperor, so he will definitely not choose to stay here.

Jianyao has a strong personality and will not live an ignoble existence here.

As for Mengdie, she had just obtained the Human Emperor's Brush, which greatly increased her strength.

Now, because they were all reborn in God's dimension, the jade butterfly of creation was separated from Zhao Yicheng's body, and she successfully recovered it.

At this point, she has obtained the Human Emperor's Book, and now she has the power to write a brand new civilization.

She wants to witness the birth of this civilization, so she won't stay here doing nothing.

We're definitely going too!

The Crane Fairy, that cheap dragon, the giant cat in the wasteland, the elk, etc., these non-human creatures all followed the big wolf dog.

It seems that the big wolf dog is already their gold medal representative.

How can you leave me?

The African youth has not appeared for a long time, and his strength has finally been improved to the quasi-emperor level.

After all, it is transformed by the Huangquan Sword, and the ceiling is limited. It is already very difficult to practice as a weapon spirit to this point.

He and Ye Juezheng fought in the early stage of the abolition and were famous for their hard work without credit.

He still wanted to participate in this ultimate war.

The big deal is destruction, anyway, I want to witness the ending with my own eyes.

Originally I should have stayed here, but you all left and I was afraid of being lonely.

Foreigners like Qin Jiaoxian are all members of the Ten Thousand Races. She looked back briefly and found that there were many people standing on the left.

Sister, I want to go with you.

Qin Xiu shouted and followed.

No, you are not a militant!

Qin Jiaxian resolutely refused.

Hehe, sister, you can't stop me!

Qin Xiu made a face and passed directly far away from her, entering the red light curtain.

This little girl really pisses me off!

Qin Jiaoxian chased after him angrily, looking sideways at Ye Jue intentionally or unintentionally, and finally disappeared.

Next, there are the lives that have been resurrected and transformed by Xu Moyi.

They were also qualified to choose their own destiny and all went to the final war.

Brother Leg, you go ahead, I won't participate.

Fatty Qian is one of the people standing on the left.

Until now, the cardinality on the left has always been larger than the cardinality on the right.

Originally, the resurrected people in God’s dimension were not just all races, old tribes, and new eras.

What’s more, the number of humans in the magical dimension world that Su Yan integrated is quite terrifying.

They were not touched by these words. Being able to stay in a safe place was already a gift, and there was no need to take risks.

There will be nothing for us to do next, our mission has been completed.

Xiao Hong took off the red glasses on the bridge of her nose, revealing a pretty face that still had charm.

She has sacrificed too much along the way, and Old Man Wu also died in the last battle.

This ultimate war has nothing to do with scientific researchers like them.

Everything that needs to be done has been done, and everything that needs to be fought for has been fought for.

We... all stay here too.

Wu Zhen, who was once a veteran soldier in the wasteland, was feeling tired now.

Like these people, he chose to stay here.

Demons, roaring dragons...

He put down the hatred in his heart and looked calm, as if he had looked away from everything.

Hmph, just stay here.

Li Lianxue strode to the right, leading a group of people, including Wen Qi, who had grown into a middle-aged man, strong and majestic, and followed his queen closely, protecting her at all times.

Let's go and have a decisive battle with hell!

Scarlet Hong waved his hand and flew towards the red light curtain with countless strange-looking women.

At this time, many people have already made their choice whether to stay or go.

Next is...

No, I want to go with you too.

Ye Muling shouted, not expecting that her father and mother would choose to leave her here.

This was driving her crazy!

After this thing is over, I will play games with you for a million years.

Ye Jue took a deep breath and said.

No, no!

Ye Muling shook her head repeatedly. She did not agree with this proposal.

Be obedient, do you want to be slapped?

The red cloud bloomed in Su Yan's palm, and auspicious energy surged, which frightened her.

Two million years!

Ye Jue said suddenly.

No, it will take at least three million years!


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