The will of God is not a real thing, it is related to the reality of the anti-universe world.

Master, in the counter-universe, life is like a fish that cannot be separated from the fish tank. All feelings are felt through water feedback to the body.

Word for word explanation from the Divine Calculator.

What you mean is that we live in the anti-universe. In fact, we are trapped. All kinds of feelings are fed back to us by the anti-universe. We have reason to doubt the authenticity of this world. The so-called senses and touch are all Can you say it’s fake?”

Ye Jue frowned.

Considering the reality of the world, this depth is simply too high.

Countless people have considered this, but there is little evidence.

Everyone, including the universe, is actually false.

No one would believe it if I told you.

Ye Jue naturally didn't believe it either.

After the death of God, the entropy body decomposes in the universe. Entropy has been fluctuating. During this fluctuation process, originally ordered things will become chaotic and disordered according to the law of entropy increase, giving birth to many transcendental things. Imaginary civilization technology, and even new approaches, such as superstrings and absolute entropy.”

When it reaches a certain critical point, the increase in entropy stops, and the next step is the process of decrease in entropy. This process will make disordered things orderly. In other words, a civilization or a person's technological path will be When it reaches its end, there may even be regression and destruction.”

This process of entropy reduction can survive at an incalculable level and can surpass God's will. For example, the emergence of spiritual energy is the only force that can crush God's will.

The Divine Calculator continued:

After the death of God, some of God's will was absorbed by those civilizations over a long period of time. In the evolutionary process of the ups and downs of the universe in each era, God's will evolved again, and God's will became a group, just like one person without another. Siyuan's brain, or it can be said to be a total consciousness from ancient times to the present.

This total consciousness is the will of God, because God's will does not exist in the first place. It is God's time, and his entropy has transformed it. In the process of ups and downs of so many epochs, it has produced about 7700 billion billion billion... …a consciousness, which is the truth of God’s will.”

By obtaining this anti-universe total consciousness, you can break through any falsehoods that the anti-universe feeds back to you, and you can understand the reality of this world.

Master, are you ready?

asked the Divine Calculator.

You are talking so much, but what I care about is not the reality of this world, but whether my partner, my wife, my daughter, all my friends, and brothers can be resurrected?

Ye Jue shook his head and went straight to the topic.

He knew all the nonsense the Divine Calculator was talking about.

It's just that it's a civilization of laws, and all the things and substances that have evolved over time in the anti-universe are all false.

After gaining God's will, he can break the limits, and his brain can become more advanced, transcending falsehood and reaching reality.

Master, your wife, and those so-called friends are just false things inserted into your soul during the evolution process in the anti-universe.

said the Divine Calculator.

If you keep talking nonsense, I will tear you apart.

Ye Jue scolded him coldly.

He will not doubt life.

If this theory is established, then in the entire anti-universe, only he is real.

Because he is a time traveler.

It doesn't belong to the anti-universe in the first place.

It is not a false thing created by this anti-universe.

Then this way, the myth is just a joke.

The power of myth has never been able to defeat the power of the entropic body.

Since time immemorial, it has been suppressed and even cut off at one point.

But the force is always there.

The breath is immortal.

Master, the so-called power of myth is actually the power of uprising born in the anti-universe. Just like where there is oppression, there is resistance. Entropy is so powerful that it can blur everything and make everything false, but it never Anyone who succeeds will end in the seventh era.

The divine calculator continued: Whether it is hell, spiritual energy, or the mythical body on the other side, Master, have you noticed that they are all enemies of you? In fact, they are all anti-universe entropic bodies. Those who are against you The mythical power of confrontation is actually false, only your myth is true.

You mean the true God?

Ye Jue said.

This theory is the same as true God. Since ancient times, there has been only one true God.

Never a second!

Under the true God, everything is false?

Holy Calculator, do you know the truth?

Ye Jue suddenly asked.

The truth? Master, what truth do you want to know? Now you already vaguely know it in your heart.

The Holy Calculator shook his head.

Since ancient times, there has been only one true god. There has always been only one God. Why did such a powerful existence die?

Ye Jue asked again.

Because seven is a reincarnation.

The Holy Calculator raised his arm and disappeared bit by bit.

My time has come...

Hua Hua Hua...

Right in front of Ye Jue's eyes, it turned into a pile of scrap metal.

He could feel that the system was gone forever.


Ye Jue exhaled in the God Space.

He can approve.

But I won't doubt it.

If they are false lives born from the process of anti-universe entropy increase and entropy decrease, then let them become real.

Since the seventh era is a reincarnation, it is a starting point.

Then he will let this starting point, the point of reincarnation, end forever.

Turn falsehood into truth.

Those who do not know falsehood are always living truthfully.

The anti-universe is a cage, so break this false cage.

All the will of God, come into my soul.

Ye Jue's body slowly rose.

Countless points of light could be seen rushing into his soul from all directions.

His soul was shining and turned into the sun, illuminating the entire space of God.

this moment.

The process of entropy increase and entropy decrease appeared on his palm.


He raised his hands, and in the process, all races, old parts of the earth, new ages, etc. were born.

So that's it. The power of God's will is the process of entropy increase and entropy decrease. It can create all things. Time, space, destiny...all are in the entropy increase and entropy decrease.

Ye Jue understood now.

His free theocratic kingdom suddenly swelled. The miracle tree inside, which was originally only more than ten meters high, suddenly spewed out and immediately transformed into a tree branch with each branch reaching hundreds of millions of light years, spanning ancient and modern times. Giant tree.

Using entropy increase and entropy decrease, the tree grows instantly.

Next is the World Tree, the Tree of Revelation, the Tree of Life, and the Tree of Good and Evil.

They were all born in the process of entropy increase and entropy decrease, and they are all unconscious bodies.

Because only with memory can a real person be formed.

At this time, the World Tree shook, giving them three views of the world.

The tree of revelation shook and gave everyone the concept of chaos.

The tree of life gave birth to their origin.

The tree of good and evil gave the concept of good and evil.

It was impossible for all the people who had been sacrificed to be resurrected again. Just like Wu Qingguo, it was impossible to reappear no matter what.

But Ye Jue, who had mastered the new power, did it easily.

He actually turned things around abruptly and gave them destiny, three views, chaos, good and evil, origin, and miracles.

Everyone's existence now is a miracle.

Am I resurrected?

Am I not dead?

In the end what happened?

Didn't we sacrifice everything?

Everyone was still confused, Jin Yulan, Aosheng... there were too many people, they all gathered in the God Space, staring at each other blankly.

They don't know what's going on now.


At this moment, a burst of light footsteps walked out of the crowd and rushed over impatiently.

Ye Jue reached out and hugged her.

Ling Ling?

Su Yan also squeezed out of the crowd and looked at this scene in disbelief.

She hurriedly walked over, and Ye Jue freed up his other hand and hugged her too.

Everyone looked at this scene, especially the people from the old part of the earth, and were very touched.

After being separated for so long, their family was finally reunited.

Ye Jue, should you tell us what's going on?

Fen Tian and the big wolf dog that rushed up all looked curious.

You don't need to know the details. Anyway, you are really resurrected. Accept yourself.

Ye Jue let go of his wife and daughter and smiled at the big guy.

Damn, you just want to fool me like this?

The big wolf dog howled.

It knows there must be a big secret.

Ye never wanted them to know.

Since he doesn't want to say anything, let's not ask further questions. It's good that everyone is still alive.

Aosheng came out with a smile to smooth things over.

Everyone present, whether they had met before or those who had never met before, all saw the sparkle in each other's eyes and couldn't help but clapped their hands.

By the way, Ye Shen, do you still owe your wife a real wedding?

At this moment, someone shouted.

Yes, he has a baby before getting married, and a war is imminent. How about we hold a grand wedding here?!

Someone soon echoed, it was Dong Minmin, who said happily.

It's not just me, everyone here who has a partner will get married on the spot. Everyone gets married together, and it's lively. If you don't have a partner, find one for me on the spot!

Ye Jue immediately smiled. Since this was a good opportunity, let's hold a grand and super large wedding.

Su Yan's eyes instantly turned red when she heard about the marriage.

Ye Jue touched her head and waved her hand with Ye Muling.

The space on the scene changed drastically, and there was a scene of dancing flowers, all blooming at the same moment, extremely brilliant, the fragrance of flowers soaring into the sky, and beautiful.

Su Yan's body flashed with light and she immediately put on a wedding dress.

The two hugged each other tightly and kissed each other. Ye Muling squatted in front of them, raised her scissor hands, placed them on both sides of her cheeks, and smiled with her teeth exposed.

Most of their acquaintances chose to get married at this time, and all the grooms and brides also put on snow-white wedding dresses and took a super group photo.

Why am I taking the photo?

Fentian's mind was filled with questions.

Because you have no partner!

Everyone grinned.


The photo is done.

——To be continued.

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