What makes them so surprised and unbelievable is that the second place on the list of divine descendants actually changed hands.

The Chiren boy was actually ranked third.

Can this not shock them?

This name seems so familiar!

Suddenly, an old antique yelled: It turns out it's her, it's her, it's that woman, that woman is back!

That woman? Who is that woman? Please tell me quickly, why is this woman ranked second?

It's simply unbelievable that our Chi people were squeezed out.

Say it!

A group of people suddenly asked eagerly.

Chen Ya?

At this time, Fen Tian was shocked when he saw a familiar name appear on the list, still in second place.

You know, he doesn't even rank on any list of divine descendants.

Only those who are above the Great Emperor level can appear on it.

Chen Ya, he is very familiar with it!

Over the past ten thousand years, he had communicated with her tens of millions of times.

Isn’t this woman the president of all races?

When did you have this strength?

How could he suddenly become second?

He even squeezed the terrifying Chi Ren boy down.

Are the Seven Jue Women really that scary?

Therefore, he set his sights on Ye Jue.

I originally thought that Qi Jue Nu was just a small role in the Mythical Paradise. I didn't expect that she was so powerful and should not be underestimated. The legendary figure is said to be invincible in the world. It seems that it is not a lie.

Ye Jue smiled at this moment. When he saw Chen Ya's name appearing, the corners of his mouth rose.

To be honest, he was a little relieved, because the space-time holy war was originally aimed at Qi Jue Space and Chen Ya.

Now that Chen Ya's name appears on this list, it proves that she has returned to the Qijue space and obtained the true inheritance of the Qijue girl, so she jumped to second place.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

At this moment, the Chiren boy seemed to have been hit by something, and he screamed strangely.

How could a Qi Jue Nv appear out of thin air? Aren't the Qi Jue Nv already dead? What's going on? Why is there reincarnation?

He couldn't believe his eyes.

Old Antique told him that it was actually the reincarnation of Qi Jue Nu. This was too ridiculous. It was simply a fantasy.

Why so many eras have passed and it has never appeared before, but it suddenly popped up at this moment.

It was still him, when he was about to challenge for first place.

You must know that in this list of gods, only the second place can challenge the first place.

The so-called first is the champion. You need to apply for a duel. Under the spotlight, if you succeed in the challenge, you can get the first place.

Otherwise, you will always be in second place.

Well now, a Qi Jue Nu appeared out of nowhere and took away his authority.

This made him so angry that his liver hurt.

Originally, there wasn't one. I'm afraid it came from outside.

The old antiques of the Truth Dynasty pondered and made deductions one after another, and got this result.

They are from outside again. Those guys from outside deserve to die. I hate them so much. I will peel off their skin and cramp their muscles. No matter who they are, they will die under my right hand.

The young man from Chiren roared loudly, showing boundless murderous intent. Suddenly, the entire dragon vein seemed to fall down, and it took a long time for peace to return.

Now Ye Jue and Fentian have hidden themselves in the Kingdom of Truth, and they have become soldiers.

The Kingdom of Truth will definitely recruit troops in order to obtain the God of Death.

Especially powerful people can get benefits and benefits.

He pretended to be a quasi-emperor. Fentian was already one, so there was no need to pretend.

The two were directly recruited to participate in this operation.

As for why they were not discovered, it was because the old antiques had no access to them at all.

These people are above the Dragon Vein, high above them. They are only responsible for issuing orders, and they will have their subordinates to do things for them. Naturally, Ye Jue and Fen Tian successfully blended in.

You two are from the same clan? It's called the Great Zhou Royal Clan? Okay, after verification, it was found that this royal clan does exist, but this clan has declined. Fortunately, you can still cultivate to this level, which means you are an unparalleled evil genius. Since you have taken refuge in If we are the Dynasty of Truth, then your royal family will have a chance to rise again, and now is the time for you to make achievements.

A great elder of the Truth Dynasty personally recruited them with a grin on his face. This would be of great benefit to him. Not only would his performance increase greatly, he would also receive many benefits from the dynasty.

Thank you, Great Elder.

Fen Tian was very polite and said with his hands raised.

Thank you, boss...

Fentian followed.

Now that they have perfected their infiltration, they are waiting to attack the Shinigami Jinzo.

Sure enough, within three days, this great elder led them to an ancient formation.

As soon as he stepped into this ancient formation, he and Ye Jue were teleported to a very huge golden gong.

This golden gong, shining with rays of light, is actually an imperial weapon.

Many of the unparalleled evil geniuses of the Truth Dynasty have gathered here, and they are all talking loudly and discussing unhurriedly.

When he saw him and Ye Jue appear, he just looked at them lightly, took a look, and then ignored them again.

What on earth is going on? We have to gather so many unparalleled evil geniuses. This is a big battle. Are we going to start a war?

Do we need to start a war? The Dynasty of Truth will use the most powerful weapon of truth, so there is no need to fight against each other?

That's right. The most powerful weapon of the Dynasty of Truth is the weapon of truth. In the past, when wars were launched, weapons of truth were used directly to attack them. How can we be used?

As the saying goes, raising an army for a thousand days and using it only for a short time may be of no use to the weapon of truth this time, and we must go to war.

You mean, is this a test?

The Dynasty of Truth has trained us for so long, and we, the unparalleled evil geniuses, are not just freeloaders.

Anyway, no matter what it is, it must be difficult.

It's good to have difficulty. The recent missions have been too easy. Maybe I can get a lot of dynasty points. I also need to redeem the Emperor Proving Technique to prove the Tao.

Every word of their conversation reached Ye Jue's ears.

It seems that the unparalleled evil geniuses don't know that they are going to attack the Death Space. This is an extremely dangerous matter. The truth hidden in the Death God is the legacy of the abyssal body. There must be thousands of difficulties and obstacles. If you are not careful, you will fall.

Even Ye Jue didn't dare to test the lives of all races.

However, the Dynasty of Truth actually gathered so many unparalleled evil geniuses, each of whom is a quasi-emperor, which is enough to prove how powerful its foundation is.


At this moment, among these people, a peerless domineering force burst out, the void was opened, and a god-like figure rushed out and came to the high sky.

Damn bastard, you dare to steal my things, I will let you die.

The person who spoke was a man who was very angry at the moment, pointing his sword at a handsome and handsome man below.

Misunderstanding, I didn't steal anything from you, please provide evidence.

This handsome and handsome man reacted very calmly, with a smile on his face, but he did not admit that he had stolen this man's things.

Evidence? My Shenwuguo is gone. This is the evidence. Just when you passed me by, I knew you were not a good person. Return it quickly, otherwise you won't blame me for taking action.

The man shouted loudly.

I told you, it was a misunderstanding. I really didn't steal any of your figs.

The handsome and handsome guy shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

Fig? Okay, okay, you don't admit it, right? You're still pretending, let's see how I teach you a lesson!

The quasi-imperial weapon in the man's hand shot out directly, turned into a stream of light, and shot directly at the latter.


The latter threw out a yin-yang fan, easily resisted it, and turned into a Tai Chi circle, guarding himself within it, allowing the man to chop him, but he didn't move at all, his defense power was amazing.

Are you a member of the Tu clan? I understand. You are Tu Youyou, who is good at shocking stealing skills. Are you still saying that you stole my Shenwuguo?

When the man saw the yin-yang fan, he seemed to understand instantly. His face was extremely angry and he yelled loudly.

whats the matter?

At this moment, a deep voice descended, accompanied by an elder who descended from the sky with a gloomy face and looked at both sides.

No matter what it is, this is a war preparation zone. Anyone who causes trouble will be directly punished by the truth.

The elder said seriously.

But, he stole my god to no avail!

When the man heard this, his face turned ugly. How could he give it up and give his treasure to others for free, even though he was so angry that his stomach ached?

Did you steal his god to no avail?

The elder looked at Tu Youyou.


Tu Youyou shook his head.

He said no, and you heard it too. Why don't you retreat quickly? Do you want to be punished by the truth?

After hearing these two words, the elder said coldly to the latter.

Faced with such injustice, the man could only retreat unwillingly and glared at Tu Youyou fiercely.

He knew that before this task was completed, it would be impossible to come back to his senses to no avail.

You should retreat quickly and don't get in the way here.

The elder said coldly to Tu Youyou again.

Yes, yes, as commanded.

Tu Youyou quickly backed away and disappeared into the crowd.

After a while, he hid in a deserted place, and suddenly a heavy fruit spurted out from his palm. It was covered with purple patterns and looked extraordinary.

Haha, I didn't expect that I got the divine fruit so easily. It's really a blessing from God. That fool actually hid the divine fruit in a particle space in his body. It's true that ordinary people can't find it, but he met me.

Tu Youyou was filled with joy.

After obtaining Shenwuguo, he would not have to worry about insufficient energy when he attacks the Great Emperor.

After all, this one fruit can be worth ten thousand kilograms of dark matter.

But he didn't expect that just when he was most proud, a hand suddenly stretched out.

The divine fruit is good, now it belongs to me.

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