I don't know how far apart they were, an extremely magnificent world appeared before their eyes. The peaks were magnificent, all kinds of ancient trees were growing, verdant and green, and the glow was shining everywhere, as if they were carved from jasper.

Among them, there is a spiritual spring gurgling out, and when it falls, it turns into a huge silver waterfall, like the Milky Way pouring down from the sky, with bursts of thin smoke and colorful mist, swaying out wisps of auspicious light.

On this land, there are cities all over the place. The cities are like continents. They are no different from the outside areas, and are even much larger.

What on earth is this place? What world is it? What country is it?

Fentian asked three questions about his quality again.

Where do you get so many questions? How do I know?

Ye Jue was already tired of being asked: If you and I deduce it now, can't we figure out what it is?

that's right.

Fentian nodded. He immediately pinched the seal with his hand and began to deduce it. There were countless visions behind him. He didn't know how long it took before he lowered his hand.

Reign of Truth!

He and Ye Jue looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, when he came to look for the God of Death, he found a dynasty in the secret place of the mythical paradise.

The Dynasty of Truth controls the realm of truth.

Moreover, Ye Jue calculated a lot. Under the rule of this dynasty, there were countless sects, strength, and countless lives, forming a huge and complex mythical world.

This building of the Kingdom of Truth is in a high position. From such a distance, it looks like a dragon vein.

This dragon vein is suspended in the air, very huge, and the aura combat power inside is not weaker than that of Yuhua Sect, or even exceeds it.

The number of unparalleled powerful men in this dynasty of truth even exceeds that of the Holy Sun Alliance. There are hundreds of truth lords, all of whom are much more powerful than the feathered saints, the truth space, and even the judgment space.

Ye Jue's eyes narrowed slightly.

At this moment, in the huge dragon vein, in the City of Truth, in the palaces, many masters, quasi-emperors, even emperor-level figures, and old saints were meeting.

The place where they held the meeting was called The Descendants of Gods. In this space, a huge list was filled with names. Names were arranged one by one. The names kept flashing and changing, and they were actually the same as the myths. The breaths in the paradise resonate with each other.

On this list of divine descendants, why have the positions of the ten feathered saints moved down so much? Aren't they ranked fifty-fifth?

What is going on? Could it be that one of the Ten Feathered Saints fell, which caused the ranking to drop so much.

Killed by whom? Who dares?

Hmph, no matter who killed him, the position of the Feathered Saint has moved down, and one of us can squeeze up.

That's not the problem. How could the Emerged Saints lose? They are old antiques, how could they suffer a loss?

I can't deduce it either. It seems like the secret has been deceived. This is the first time I've seen this happen.

That's all, anyway, the Yuhua Sect has long since declined. Recently, a new talent has appeared. His name is Su Baiyu. He has practiced the Taixu Yuhua Sutra to the twelfth level. He can use some of the power of the Yuhua Emperor back then, but also To no avail.”

Among them, the leader is a great saint, an invincible strongman under the God-Emperor. His abilities are almost as high as those of Emperor Tian.

I don’t know what kind of emperor skills I have practiced, but I still have a faint smell of the God Emperor on my body.

Seeing this person, Ye Jue's handprints were changing crazily, a hundred billion times a second, and he was frantically deducing this person's life level.

At the same time, Brahma was also deducing, but the information he deduced and the intelligence he obtained was too little.

This is a perverted figure who failed to cross the Divine Emperor Tribulation and became immortal. The sixth transformation after the fifth transformation, the special state of the emperor, is the same as the Sanxian realm at that time. It is not orthodox, but it is undoubtedly extremely powerful.

Ye Jue stared at this young man with a jade-like face.

That's right, he's a boy, still wearing pink clothes, light blue eyes, and a special aura on his skin.

This aura was full of fighting spirit, and Fentian had never seen anyone who could emit such aura.

Even Ye Jue's fighting spirit, which he had fought for many years and killed everywhere, was not as good as this man's.

This is the most powerful place.

You see, especially his right hand, it seems to contain a quite terrifying power, which makes people frightened.

Fentian felt his scalp numb, and he didn't even dare to stare at the right hand for a few tenths of a second.

What kind of perverted character was this that he couldn't even look at directly?

The second person on the list of divine descendants, Chi, is actually from the Chi You clan!

At this time, Ye Jue finally deduced it.

This person is the second-ranked invincible strongman on the list of divine descendants, the terrifying existence of the Chi You clan, Chi Ren.

Chiyou tribe?

Fentian was immediately shocked.

You must know that Chi You style is definitely their enemy, and this emperor is too terrifying, right?

He actually opened up other paths. He was not a divine emperor, but he had the power of a divine emperor.

If he were to fight against this person now, he would definitely fail after a hundred rounds.

If he ran away, he would probably be caught within a few decades.

I will continue to deduce. No matter how strong this person is, he will not be able to discover my existence.

Ye Jue started again at this moment, making crazy deductions.

After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes and said: This young man's right hand is actually Chi You's real arm, the arm of a demigod. No wonder it has such a permeating aura that even we are scared.

Demigod arm?

Fen Tian's eyes flashed. He knew that Chi You was dismembered by Huang Emperor and Yan Emperor, and each body part was sealed.

If this young man gets one of the body parts, which is Chi You's arm, then this person has found the coordinates where Chi You was sealed. He can follow the trend and make deductions to find more Chi You bodies.

This is a terrifying enemy that must be eradicated.

Ye Jue and Fen Tian looked at each other at this moment, and they could see each other's attitude in each other's eyes.

What they deduced was absolutely correct.

A native of Chi, he was originally a descendant of Chi You, a very ordinary descendant.

However, with the help of Chi You's right hand, he made rapid progress in cultivation. Although he failed to attack the God Emperor's great calamity, he did not die. He was tempered and reached his current achievements.

He suddenly became the most noble person in the dragon vein of truth, almost equal to the leader of the dynasty.

His right hand truly holds the most terrifying power in the world, and no one can resist it!

As soon as Chi You's right hand comes out, it is equivalent to the arrival of demigods, and all people will perish.

The feathered saint is just ten minions.

At this moment, the Chiren boy said slowly: It's the judgment space they used. The power of the Lord of Judgment has not been fully stimulated. The Lord of Judgment is still sleeping. If we get the Judgment Space, then the combat power will rise again. .”

Moreover, that guy named Su Baiyu, who can't even be ranked on the list of divine descendants, but can use the Yuhua Emperor to conquer the Ryunao Kingdom, is also a genius. If he can belong to our dynasty...


At this time, an old antique interrupted him: Now the dynasty master is in a state of life and death. He urgently needs a way to extend his life. Our goal now should not be this small Yuhua Sect. We should focus on On top of the Shinigami Shenzo.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Fentian opened his mouth: Ye Jue, did you hear that?

Of course I heard it. This dynasty is also spying on the Death God.

Ye Jue frowned.

Now Princess Zhou is leading the Ark of Ten Thousand Tribes and the Planet of Ten Thousand Tribes on their way to this place and must pass through this country.

Then a war will break out, and with the strength of all races, they are far from being a match for this race.

This young man on Chi You's right hand alone is enough to compete with their entire clan, and no one is their opponent.

Of course, if the power of miracles is activated, the chances of winning will be greatly improved.

However, exposing his trump card so early was not the result Ye Jue wanted to see.

Now how to do?

Fentian looked at Ye Jue. If all races were allowed to retreat, wouldn't the divine burial be found?

It's really difficult.

Ye Jue hesitated.

It was also the first time that Fen Tian saw him hesitating like this. He knew that this choice was very important, so he said: This may be an experience, and it may not be bad for all races. The time and space holy war is a quite terrifying one. In this place, after this battle, all races may be able to grow.”


Ye Jue shook his head: You have also seen it. This is Chi You's right hand. If a war breaks out, it will definitely be a life-and-death struggle. There may not be much benefit. It seems that the burial of the God of Death cannot be snatched by force, but can only be taken by wit. .”


Fentian was stunned.

Just wait and see what happens. Since they are going to look for the Death God, we will follow them and order all races to be on standby.

Ye Jue was silent for a while before slowly speaking.

It seems that you can't think of any good solution for a while. Since the deduction can't get the result, then let nature take its course. What should be ours will always be ours. There is a time in life, but there is no time in life. Don’t force it.”

Fen Tian nodded.

Don't force it? I want to get it. For me, Destiny Immortal Lord is just a rule that can be changed at any time.

Ye Jue's eyes narrowed.

At this moment, the divine descendants list fluctuated like ripples. Something seemed to have changed on it, which instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the dynasty.

Even the young man from Chiren stared at it intently.

How come, what is this name?

Hey, that's not right, how could this happen?


These old antiques, emperor-level ones, shouted in unbelievable tones.

They seemed to have seen an extremely incredible scene.

Even the Chiren boy opened his mouth slightly.

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