Just when Ye Jue rushed into the interior of the Ryunao Kingdom, looking for valuable beings, clouds were billowing in a place in the mythical paradise.

There is Qitian Pagoda.

This tower is a small world, I don't know how big it is, and the treasure energy inside is soaring to the sky. At this moment, many mythical avenue auras are coming down like the sound of heaven, penetrating into every layer.

This has made great progress in both lives and weapons in the tower.

As long as you stay in this tower, you will be promoted every moment. Every second, ancient divine weapons will be promoted to ancient divine weapons, and your strength will continue to increase.

There is only one reason for all of this, which is that at the top of the Qitian Tower, the invincible Monkey King is sitting and expounding the wonderful sounds of the great road, while the leader of Chaos Zuma and the ancient Qi Lord on the side are discussing the Tao.

They discussed Tao, the sky was full of flowers, and all the living beings in Qitian Pagoda achieved great achievements.

What... Suddenly, the Monkey King stopped talking. He frowned, looked into the void in the distance, and said, Another unparalleled evil genius has evolved into an emperor. Recently, in this mythical paradise, All the quasi-emperors with extraordinary qualifications are being promoted to great emperors, just like you two, you quickly achieved the emperor level not long after you arrived in this mythical paradise.

I have put a lot of effort into this Qitian Tower, and it must not be taken away by my enemies, so when necessary, you must fight with me to defend against the enemy.

Is there another unparalleled evil genius?

who is it?

Upon hearing these words, Chaos Zuma Leader and the Ancient Qi Master looked at each other.

They all made calculations in perfect agreement.

But it turns out that nothing can be calculated at all. I am afraid that the same is true for the Monkey King, who cannot get any information.

It seems that the identity of this unparalleled evil genius is very mysterious, and maybe he is the heir apparent of an ancient family.

This is the seventh era, the last era, the last chance.

Monkey King shook his head and said: For me, it feels like it has passed by in a fleeting moment. I even feel that the last era, and even the events of the previous era are still vivid in my mind. I just don't know what will happen to me after it ends. Can it survive?

Although my lifespan has been used for seventy-seven or eighty-eight years in battle, there is no problem in living for a few more eras. Now it seems that there is no such chance.

Hearing these words, the leader of Chaos Zuma said: Is this seventh era so terrifying? Why is it the last chance and the end?

If you ask me, I don't know. Maybe this is the anti-universe. Just like our life span, when the end comes, we try our best to resurrect. The so-called seventh era is actually the era of returning to the light.

The Great Sage Qitian said: Although I am below the God Emperor and above the Great Emperor, I don't know if I can survive this end.

Even the God Emperor is not sure?

So, how confident are you, Great Sage?

The ancient qi master smiled awkwardly.

Although he is an ancient being, his cultivation level is far inferior to that of the great sage in front of him.

It's less than 20%. Maybe if you upgrade to God Emperor, it might be 40%.

Monkey King continued: However, the dark matter and dark energy required to become the God Emperor are so huge that the entire Mythical Paradise World can only withstand one person's breakthrough.

Only one person?

The leader of Chaos Zuma frowned.

So who could such a person be?

Is he the emperor's lackey, Ji Zizai?

Or is it the elusive and impermanent thing?

It is also the reincarnation of the ancient Emperor Yan as the world-burning spirit.

Still a trinity, three pillars.

These are all people they are familiar with.

But in this mythical paradise, there are too many quasi-emperors with unparalleled evil talents, as well as leaders of various tribes who have already become emperors.

I'm afraid, they are all fighting for this spot.

But most likely, it’s that person, right?

The leader of Chaos Zuma and the Ancient Qi Master immediately thought of him.

I'm afraid he is the one who made the breakthrough just now and became the Great Emperor.

That person is the key to the positive universe, and his identity is of no small importance.

Monkey King said: However, I don't know if he can awaken. It depends on God's will and fate. But fate can be broken through. The result is uncertain and can be changed. This person can control it. You can shape your own future with various outcomes. If he really awakens, each of us will have the opportunity to become the God Emperor and survive this final era.

What is his origin?

Until now, the leader of Chaos Zuma still can't figure out what this person's identity is.

The same is true for the Ancient Qi Master, who is also very puzzled.

It is just the humblest creature, how can it become a great emperor step by step?

This is simply unbelievable, it can’t be done without any foundation.

You must know that when they reach this level of cultivation, their beginnings are no small feats. They definitely do not start from scratch, starting from scratch.

He is a person from the positive universe who was specially placed in our counter-universe to save us.

Monkey King closed his eyes and said, Of course this is just a guess.


At this moment, a vibration suddenly came from Qitian Tower, as if the aura was completely cut off, and one layer was destroyed.

Huh? What's going on? The Qitian Tower is a replica of an ancient artifact. How could it destroy one floor?

While speaking, Chaos Zuma Leader and Ancient Qi Master looked towards the depths of the endless void.

They all saw that in the destroyed layer, another unparalleled evil genius was promoted from quasi-emperor to great emperor, a true fish transformed into a dragon, and his background was astonishing, so he destroyed the first layer of Qitian Tower.

Regarding this, Monkey King was not angry, but was very pleased.

He has melted so many unparalleled evil geniuses into one furnace, so Qitian Pagoda can continue to grow stronger, which is a good thing.

Great Sage, do you think that in this time and space holy war, which clan will win? Descendants of the unrivaled gods have appeared, including Jiuyao Furong, Wandu, Evil Emperor Black Worm, and the leader of the Yi tribe at Jiuyao Cloud Peak. He is the Great Emperor, and his strength is extraordinary. If he can activate the God Emperor's weapons again...

Seeing that another unparalleled evil genius has been promoted to the emperor, the leader of Chaos Zuma said.

The current time and space holy war has gathered most of the famous war sects in the Mythical Paradise, and they are besieging a bead.

This bead is called the Qijue Orb.

Inside is the world of Qijue.

It is estimated that the Qijue World will be difficult to resist, and they will probably not win. Don't underestimate the leaders of the tribes in the Mythical Paradise. They are all great, with strong foundations. I don't know how much they have accumulated, and they have all kinds of unimaginable means. .”

The Great Sage Qitian continued: I heard that they also want to forge the ninety-nine-day ancient treasure. According to legend, it is the most powerful combined weapon that even the ancient artifacts have to avoid. If those powers are combined, they can surpass the God Emperor. , sweeping everything, Qi Jue Space is naturally no match.

Then this time, will the world of Qijue be destroyed?

The ancient qi master nodded.

He also knew very well about the Qijue World. It was a powerful space that once ruled for an era, but it later declined.

Not necessarily, unless they find the owner of Qi Jue Space, Qi Jue Nu.

The Monkey King said.

Isn't the Seven Wonders a legend? Does it really exist?

The leader of Chaos Zuma looked stunned.

As the Lord of Ten Thousand Religions, he has naturally heard of rumors about the Seven Jue Divine Religion.

According to legend, there was a Qijue Saint in the Qijue Divine Religion. This woman was invincible and fought against invincible opponents all over the world. Later, she ran out of power and disappeared in the long river of history.

He always thought this was a false legend, after all, there were too few records.

Qi Jue Nu may have been reincarnated, but I'm afraid it's too late. This time, it is the Holy Sun Alliance that launches the holy war of time and space. Its leader, the God Owl, travels across the stars and rivers to know everything, and goes to the sky to see the mysterious things.

Monkey King said.

God Owl? I have heard of this name before. It seems that this person has supreme power and is feared by many unparalleled monsters and geniuses.

Chaos Zuma leader nodded slightly.

Because this person's cultivation level is that of the God Emperor. He has Hua Wuxiu, Ji Zhongjun, Wei Mang, Wei Shifang, Wu Sunche, Jin Wujiu, Xi Rongchu, Qiu Changtian, a total of four great emperors and four saints. At this moment, he has When they come out in full force, they are bound to eradicate the Qi Jue Space.

The Great Sage Equaling Heaven.

It seems that the era of great chaos in the Mythical Paradise has really arrived, and the destruction of the world is not far away.

The ancient Qi Lord shook his head and cut off the last trace of fantasy in his heart: Monkey King, the world here will be involved in it sooner or later. So, more worlds will be involved in chaos.

The universe has experienced six great disruptions, and each time is exactly the same. However, this time's great disruption is different from the past. It is the end and replacement of the anti-universe world, and it is also the moment of greatest opportunity.

At that time, the universe will eject a large amount of matter, and the door will appear directly. It is the best moment for us to enter.

The Monkey King nodded and said: If you want to be promoted next, you must go through chaos and compete for the resources to become the God Emperor. Only then can you increase your chances. Otherwise, you will only have the body of the Great Emperor, and it is very likely that it will be wiped out. There is no possibility of survival under those destructive materials.”

As he spoke, the Qitian Monkey King's vitality filled the Qitian Tower. Under this power, the entire tower was condensed into a tiny space-time dust.

In an instant, he was traveling around in the void of the Paradise, with no fixed place, making it impossible for anyone to locate the existence of this tower.

The Holy War of Space and Time has begun. Let's go watch the battle, but remember not to participate. This is a war launched by the Holy Sun Alliance...


In the Kingdom of Liu Nao, Ye Jue didn't know where he had come, let alone what kind of palace he was in front of.

Anyway, as soon as he entered here, he felt the strong aura everywhere and discovered altars one after another.

Moreover, these altars were affixed with tyrannical seals. The seals were full of ferocious energy, and above them were the words sealing written by the Yuhua God Emperor.

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