The Jade Butterfly of Good Fortune was a sacred object that Cangjie had protected for generations. How could she not be shocked when she heard that Ye Jue had actually mastered the Jade Butterfly of Good Fortune?

You must know that the Creation Jade Butterfly has been lost a long time ago. No one knows where it is. The powerful people in their clan have deduced that it may have fallen into the abyss, which is the place where the true god once fell. No one dares to set foot on it.

The man in front of him not only found the Jade Disc of Creation, but also helped the Jade Butterfly break through the shackles of fate, making his strength even greater.

So where is the Creation Jade Butterfly now?

The Creation Jade Butterfly is still in the outer universe.

Ye Jue did not tell the details, because now the Creation Jade Butterfly and Zhao Yicheng have complemented each other, which means that Zhao Yicheng is the Creation Jade Butterfly itself, an existence like a weapon spirit.

Great, thank you for this news, it means so much to me.

Cangjie Mengdie said with excitement.

Why does your family have to protect the Jade Butterfly for generations? In addition to using the power of fate, what other abilities does that thing have?

Jianyao asked from the side.

Outsiders definitely don't know, because in the hands of our Cangjie family, the jade butterfly can be transformed into the human emperor's book.

Mengdie said.

Human Emperor's Book?

Hearing this name, Su Baiyu's brows actually raised, and he obviously knew what it was, and said: Human Emperor's Book, the divine way of observing the sky, those below the saint can be directly conferred as gods.

The so-called saint is different from the saint we understand. In the ancient times, it was a level of life, above the quasi-emperor and below the great emperor. The Human Emperor's Book can directly canonize a person who has no cultivation level and make this person a god. Directly become an innate god.”

Those who become innate gods will conform to the human emperor's way and worship the human emperor as their master.


Jianyao suddenly became interested and said: Since ancient times, humans have always been inferior to gods, so emperors have made gods from the bottom up. How can this human emperor go against the rules and directly make people into gods?

More than that.

Su Baiyu said: People who have been canonized as gods will even complain that the gods the emperor conferred on them are not powerful, so they strive for merit and gain and want to continue to advance.

Once there is a human emperor's book, then people can control the real gods, not the false gods who practice and become gods the day after tomorrow.

We are all false gods and false emperors.

After all, in the ancient times, those powerful people did not need to practice. They were born above the gods and were led by the true gods. They were all innate gods.

So where are these innate gods now?

Why haven't I seen any of them in the Mythical Paradise?

Jianyao was very confused about this.

They are all dead. You have to know that the truth about the mythical paradise is actually the gate of hell. The great powers of the ancient times joined forces to attack hell and killed the demon king before taking this space. It later became our paradise, a place to hide from the world. paradise.

Su Baiyu continued: So, those group of feathered saints are really old antiques. They have no idea how much potential the Cangjie clan has. No matter who gets this power, they can easily build a powerful sect in a short time. , to cultivate evil geniuses.”

Then according to what you say, once Mengdie has the Human Emperor's Book, won't he be invincible?

Jianyao hummed and said.

That is based on the premise of obtaining it. The first is that the Creation Jade Butterfly is located in the universe of the seventh era and cannot be obtained for the time being. The second is that the cornerstone of the Human Emperor's Pen is in the hands of Mrs. Earth Pupa Gate.

Mrs. Chrysalis has been an emperor for many years, and her level of strength is quite terrifying. It is not so easy to obtain.

Su Baiyu responded: Moreover, the descendant of the Cangjie family has been coveted by the owner of the Blood Heavenly Palace, Old Man Tianli. Only I can protect her.


After hearing this, Jianyao simply said the word oh, her face changed, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

In fact, Ye Jue was beside him and had already seen through him.

This woman is now secretly comparing herself with Cangjie Mengdie on how she can win if Mengdie gets the Human Emperor's Book and the Human Emperor's Pen.

Maybe after thinking for a long time, she finally felt that the inheritance left to her by Jian Xitian was the most reliable.

However, she has not cracked the secret of this inheritance until now.

The secret is the scarlet mark on her forehead, which cannot be opened like a dead thing.

Therefore, now Jianyao may be extremely eager to enter the Kingdom of Liu Nao and bring back his father, preferably alive, and maybe find some clues from her father.

That's it. Now you understand the power of all races.

At this time Ye Jue stood up.

Wu Qingguo and Xiao Hong gave them a lot of popular science knowledge, and now Su Baiyu, Jianyao, and Mengdie all know his strength.

Now that I have finished speaking openly, let’s go and save Jianyao’s father, Jian Xitian.

Open it, Ryunao Divine Kingdom.

Ye Jing said to Su Baiyu.

Okay, I won't stop you. Just be careful. I won't accompany you because it's too dangerous there. Even I don't dare to set foot there.

Su Baiyu immediately sacrificed his imperial weapons. Taixu Feathered Sutra Sword, this sword slashed in the void, creating a crack in the sky, leading to the Kingdom of Liu Nao.

I also need to go!

Jianyao wanted to rush in instantly.

This won't work. You haven't seen the strength of the Ancestral Dragon Giant Ape. One against five, all five great emperors were injured. A simple deduction of the powerful feathered god emperor can guide himself, and there are many of these sealed inside. A vicious beast, aren't you looking for death if you go?

Ye Jue didn't want to bring a burden with him.

Even he must rely on his divine power and never dare to confront someone head-on.

Hearing the words, Jianyao retreated unwillingly.

Being able to injure all five great emperors, she was really no match for him.

Moreover, she knew best about the Kingdom of Liu Nao. Once she encountered any unexpected danger, Ye Jue would not be able to protect her.

I'm afraid only if she evolves into the Great Emperor would she dare to break in.


At this moment, Ye Jue's body disappeared and he teleported directly in.

The moment he disappeared, his mouth moved, and Fen Tian, ​​who was very far away, nodded slightly.

Why, why why our God wants to burn us

In a fragment of a certain magical dimension, countless figures were rolling in the void. These divine flames could not be extinguished at all, burning them as if they were falling into hell, causing them endless pain, making them deeply resentful.

Because of the statues of gods they worshiped day and night, the flames fell like meteors throughout the dimensional fragments. Once these divine flames touched their bodies, they would immediately burn, making them feel hellish pain, but for a short time Will he die immediately?

No matter how powerful a being is, as long as they are contaminated by a spark, they will be in agony and beg for mercy, but their gods will not pity them.

In the pain, they vaguely heard that their god was actually mocking them.

Hahahaha, burn, moan, and be burned to death slowly. The more desperate you are, the more delicious your souls will be.

All the souls, flesh and blood that had been burned to death, plus resentment, gathered into the statue.

In less than half a day, countless lives died in painful wails. The statue was originally black, but now it was blood red.

At the moment when the last person died, the statue suddenly exploded, erupting with endless shocks. It seemed as if a small world exploded, with a terrifying roar emanating from it.

Hahaha, souls, so many souls, the taste is so pure after being raised for so long. These fools actually worshiped me, the Demon God of Gluttony, as a god. I really laughed to death!

Immediately, in this dead silence, the dimensional fragments of the rolling hell flames, a blood-red beam of light suddenly appeared, shooting straight into the sky, attracting all the planets.

Boom boom boom!

All these planets exploded immediately. In an instant, this gluttonous demon god took away the light of the sun and the moon, and revealed his true form in the eternal night.

No matter which dimension it is in, as long as the civilization is at a slightly higher level, you can see the fragments of the world in that dimension flowing down like the Tianhe Falls, making a rumbling sound, and then being completely evaporated and disappearing without a trace.

This is no longer something ordinary visions can describe.

But destruction!

What, what on earth is that?

In another world of magical dimension fragments, there is a space that is a magical kingdom made of infinite starlight.

Among them appeared a man who called himself the Magic Emperor.

He was the first to notice something strange.

Because he practices Ten Thousand Stars and Moon, this magic has the most obvious sensitivity to the stars. It can be said that no one in the world is more familiar with the stars than him.

Recently, his attainments in magic have improved again.

You can even use the great mysteries of the Twelve Stars to guide the stars, gather star power, break the imprisonment, and absorb the stars from other dimension fragments to practice magic.

Therefore, he can also feel the stars in other dimensions.

In an instant, he opened his eyes from his magical kingdom. The stargazing magic directly broke through the shackles of the dimension, and he saw the fall of a fragment of the magical dimension.

However, in an instant, blood flowed from his eyes, as if he had seen something terrifying.


Then he let out an extremely violent cry.

When his disciple rushed up to the magic tower, he was stunned by the sight in front of him.

Their Magic Emperor's eyes had exploded, and he was lying on the ground, twitching all over, as if he had been violently stimulated.

Lord Magic Emperor!

These disciples were horrified and hurriedly went up to check the Magic Emperor's injuries.

But I heard this sentence...

Darkness is coming!

Hurry, lift the Magic Emperor down from the magic tower!

“Darkness is coming, what does that mean?”

Ignore this for now, we must heal the Magic Emperor's eyes!

However, what they didn't see was that in their magical dimension world, the yin and yang in the sky were changing, and it was already blood red.

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