The world is unpredictable and ever-changing. It is estimated that there will be no reversal now. No matter whose plan it is, it has been exposed.

Ye Jue flicked his finger, and the miracle seed flew into Chen Ya's hand.

Immediately afterwards, he took off into the sky and arrived at the top of the Milky Way, beyond the colorful trees.


He grabbed it with his big hand, and after divine calculations, he instantly grasped the Milky Way covered by the sea of ​​colorful trees in his palm.

In the eyes of the various tribes, it was the five fingers that penetrated the sky and the earth, grabbing into the depths of the sea of ​​trees, and then clasping the bottom. The whole world was buzzing, and they came into Ye Jue's hands.

Now Ye Jue is too powerful, entangled with mythical avenues and civilized runes, using the most primitive violent means to bring the last pure land into his body.

The creation of the jade butterfly, the great grinding of the world, the trinity of fate, time and space, he is the greatest fear in the world, and he has also become the supreme being of mythology.

The next step is the Emperor level.

But there are too few resources in the universe, and no one can become an emperor.

In the last era, it was already the last chance. After the Star Emperor's wave of people became successful, there would be no more emperors in the world from now on.

Not to mention the God-Emperor level, there was no hope for Zhang Ziran's generation.


He moved instantly and came in front of everyone.

Now there is nothing left in the two worlds, a piece of nothingness. The souls and humanity of the Apocalypse Tree and the World Tree are in the sea of ​​colorful trees and in his body.

Now the two trees are just empty shells of power. When the universe explodes, they will be torn apart and no one can save them.

But if the soul is immortal and the human nature is immortal, there is still hope of rebirth. Then we will see how miracles happen.

Ye Jue, it was you who sent the Starry Sky Emperor away?

Chaos Zuma leader asked.

Now in their confrontation with Prince Yama, all parties are making their stance clear.

The door to hell is about to open, and the secrets and truth are revealed.

That's right, I made a deal with that Starry Sky Emperor.

Ye Jue looked at the Starry Sky Emperor here and said calmly.

I know everything. In the Gate of Hell, I will protect mankind until the birth of the new era, the explosion of life, and the stability of the universe in the seventh era.

The Starry Sky Emperor's expression didn't change much.

It seems that after sending that body away, this body no longer has the majesty of the emperor.

It makes people feel a sense of relief, liberation, and great liberation.

Presumably, after that body went to the positive universe, it unlocked some crucial things deep in the emperor's heart.

But this guy is so scheming that one has to suspect that there is a back-up plan and some other conspiracy.

Is there such a deal?

Wanxiang Wuchang was shocked.

With the blessing of the God-Emperor, Ji Zizai, and the three pillars all being emperors, humans will definitely have no worries in the mythical paradise.

Moreover, almost all human beings have some power entangled with the mythological avenues and civilization runes, and they will not be exhausted due to the lack of power on one side.

It seems the situation has been decided.

Ditian, Mie Shitai and the four others shook their heads and said: Our ancient heaven was born for Shenhuangzi. Now that Shenhuangzi is dead, our master has also sealed Adam. He has completed unparalleled achievements and can remain. We have also changed the Eternal Legend. The Big Bang cannot destroy our heaven. This has been the case since ancient times.

What about the ruins?

Fen Tian sneered.

How broken is it, can it still withstand the Big Bang?


They want to seek death, so why bother?

Although it is a ruin, the material will not be decomposed. According to the master's understanding, it is made of material from the positive universe. Our master infers that in the seventh era, the gate of the positive universe will eject this kind of material. Maybe there are other things.”

Mie Shitai was about to leave with Di Tian, ​​preparing to fly to the Ancient Heaven.

They have to guard there and wait for the return of Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin.

Now only the Heavenly Court is left in the two realms, and there is nothing else. The Imperial Ring of the Destruction Realm has been collected by Ji Zizai, including the people of the empire.

The Emperor's Ring is originally a super large container, made of the Tree of Chaos, and it is not surprising that it can hold so many people.

Now Super String and the others have entered the Gate of Heaven. The Gate of Heaven has been hidden in the universe, waiting for the Big Bang. It's time for us to leave. Prince Yama, are you still going to stop us? If you still don't recognize it, we will be ushered in. Attack with all your strength!

Santaizhu shouted coldly.

They desperately want to enter the mythical paradise. This Prince of Yama, who has the power of the God-Emperor, has not grown up yet and is still a young boy. If he wants to stop them, he will definitely fight to the death!

One Starry Sky Emperor is enough for him, but now Ye Jue is coming, does he still dare to fight?

No matter what kind of person Di Tian is, he will not sit back and let the myth be destroyed.

To be fair, he is still on this side.

After all, there was Zhang Ziran’s order.

It's impossible to let go until the end.

Originally, I had no intention of stopping you. The Gate of Hell is the power formed by the hells of all ages. At the end of the thirteenth level of space, it can indeed withstand the Big Bang and accommodate gods like you, but hell is hell. The horror inside is beyond your imagination, so go ahead, I will not stop you, there will naturally be terrifying things inside that can punish you.

Prince Yama sneered and said: I have the seeds of hell in my hand. I have never used them once. The destructive power is at its peak and I can easily withstand the Big Bang. So goodbye for now. You will find out when you walk out of the gate of hell. , the new era has been ruled by the underworld.

Oh? But when that time comes, we will destroy your underworld.

Ji Zizi raised the corners of her mouth.

Then give it a try. No one can escape from the underworld created by this prince...

The hell world behind Prince Yama suddenly shrank, all visions disappeared, all kinds of vortexes were sucked into his body, and the demons blocking his way disappeared.

Even the twelfth-level demon slayer entered his body.

Boo boo!

Immediately afterwards, he turned into a seed of destruction, jumped instantly, and disappeared in front of him.


Immediately, the wind of hell blew out from behind, and the ancient entrance to the thirteenth level of hell appeared.

Boom! !

At this moment, the universe buzzed again, collapsing everywhere, producing terrifying howls.

It almost made everyone feel chilly. This was not the entrance to hell, but an escape route that penetrated the void.


Starry Sky Emperor, Ji Zizai, Three Pillars, Chaos Zuma Leader, Wanxiang Wuchang, Fentian, Ancient Qi Master, and Ye Jue all fell into it immediately.

They went straight down, from the first level of hell to the thirteenth level. Nothing could stop them. They were almost moving, and they arrived in the blink of an eye.

Is this the gate to hell?

The entrance in front of them gave them hope.

Ye Jue had seen him before, his face was expressionless and very calm.

Let's push it away together!

Ji Zizi drank in a low voice.


Everyone formed their hands and pressed against the entrance. They were all exerting their strength and their whole bodies were radiating light.

Finally, a gap opened in this entrance.

Woohoo! !

The wind blowing from the inner world turned out to be rich mythical energy.

It's just this life.

Wan Xiang Wuchang glanced at Ye Jue angrily. He didn't get what he wanted, and finally left angrily and disappeared at the entrance.

He was the first to go, not wanting anyone to get there first.

In that world, he has to accumulate strength. The mythical energy in it is enough for him to be promoted to the emperor. After he is born, he will create his own exclusive universe.

The old man is the second one.

The ancient qi master, this old cunning man, has been wandering around in various directions since his resurrection. He is very smooth. He has survived to this day and can still enter this world to avoid disasters. He can survive until the next era and enter in high spirits.

Flowers bloom for a while and then fall for a lifetime.

Chaos Zuma leader shook his head, strode into the void, headed towards the entrance, and finally disappeared.

This leader will also fight in it, become a great emperor, and create an eternal legacy.

Ye Jue, I want to thank you.

The starry sky emperor glanced at Ye Jue before leaving and said, Actually, my body carries my long-cherished wish.

Long-cherished wish?

Ye Jue's eyes narrowed, Ji Zizi, and the three pillars followed the Starry Sky Emperor into the entrance and disappeared.

What is the long-cherished wish of the Star Emperor?

Hmph, Ye Jue, you and I are of the same race after all. Why don't you come with me?

Now, Fen Tian was the only one left. He hummed and took the initiative to extend the invitation.

By now, he had settled his feud with Ye Jue.

Originally, they had no big hatred.

We are still human beings, and now we enter the mythical paradise together. It doesn't matter. After all, this is a historic moment.

Yes, we are all humans, please take them in.

Ye Jue waved his hand, and the sea of ​​colorful trees wrapping the Milky Way fell into Fentian's hands.

Is this... do you believe me so much?

Fentian was shocked when he saw this. All the tribes in the suffering realm were actually inside.

He even felt two magical powers, which seemed to be the origin of destruction and suffering.

Oh? As a human being, are you the one who would do such a thing?

Ye Jue smiled calmly.

Haha, of course not. Although I am an elemental body, my heart is still a human being after all. I know that you want to stay here and do something, right? That's why you have no choice but to leave it to me, so I'll take the first step!

Fentian didn't hesitate, waved his hand, and disappeared into the entrance with the world.

Master, are you crazy? You actually handed over the entire clan to someone like him?

As soon as Fentian disappeared, Yi jumped out and screamed strangely.

Don't worry. If Fentian dares to seek death, Chen Ya will not let him go. Musashi and Nicholas in his body are actually time bombs. They have been set up by Mr. Wu and others a long time ago. He has also Stupidly ignorant.”

Ye Jue also believed in Chen Ya very much and could easily eliminate Fen Tian with the use of the miracle seeds.

It seems you have thought of it all.

B nodded and said: Okay, now let's start cutting the path, destroy yourself, destroy all the power, and leave nothing behind!

It's not us, it's me.

Ye Jue suddenly flicked his fingers, and the Yuhua Mirror screamed and turned into a stream of light and fell into the entrance.

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