How can it be?

At this moment, Prince Yama let out a low roar, unable to calm down in his heart. The Starry Sky Emperor in front of him was clearly here, but who was the person above the void?

The second emperor?

Ji Zizai was also stunned on the spot, as well as Ditian, Chaos Zuma leader and others were all stunned by this scene.

At this moment, nothingness opens a door again!

This door is much more special than the door opened by the Supreme King. It has no aura of death at all and seems to be a door to life.

What door is that?

Fentian saw it. The space crack opened by the Starry Sky Emperor was very large and dark, and at the same time, thin purple flames were sprayed out, making them all feel scared, their souls throbbed, and they couldn't help but tremble.

When the emperor punched out, it penetrated the void and created a passage. This scene was the same as that of the Supreme King, but the door was not red, but a vivid light door, colorful.

Oh my God, is that the door to the positive universe?

San Tai Zhu exclaimed.

Emperor of the Starry Sky, what on earth is going on?

Ditian looked at the Starry Sky Emperor not far away.

Who is the emperor who opened the door to the positive universe?

He had not yet deduced that the emperor had used mysterious substances to crack the time refutation, so he asked in a low voice.

It's okay, don't worry about it.

The Starry Sky Emperor here shook his head with an indifferent expression.

It was as if he who opened a portal there had nothing to do with him at all.

How could it not matter? That is the door to the positive universe. If it were really opened, how could we go to the gate of hell and be entangled with Prince Yama for so long?

Fentian said excitedly.

You can't enter. The door to the universe can only allow one person to pass through at a time.

The Star Emperor said indifferently: If you want to survive, repel hell as soon as possible, enter the thirteenth level of hell, and enter the gate of hell. Otherwise, you will all die in the Big Bang.

Only one person?

When Ji Zi heard this, his delusion was shattered.

The same goes for others. They have no way to compete with the God Emperor for this spot.

Emperor of the Starry Sky, you are really smart, smarter than me. You actually broke the time refutation and sent away your own body. Apart from the reincarnation of those artifacts, you are also the first person to enter the positive universe with an extraordinary body. ah.

Prince Yama showed deep fear in his eyes.

Prince, we have lost too many troops and generals, and we cannot stop them. Do you want to use the Seed of Destruction?

The demon killer was covered in scars and spoke respectfully beside him.

The God Emperor, the Great Emperor, and the ancient gods joined forces.

The hell world is now difficult to contend with.

Sooner or later it will be broken through.

Prince, if you sacrifice the Seed of Destruction, everything will be destroyed in advance, including you and me. That is a double-edged sword. Do you really want to die?

The Starry Sky Emperor suddenly said.

The Seed of Destruction and the Seed of Miracle, these two heaven-defying powers, one is in the hands of humans, and the other is in the hands of Prince Yama.

Inducing miracles requires enormous amounts of energy, enough to exhaust all human reserves.

Hell sacrifices and destroys, the same is true.

To sacrifice all the demons and destroy him as the God-Emperor, it was even more necessary for Prince Yama to kill the demons and sacrifice everything he had at the same time.

It is tantamount to dying together.

Destruction Seed?

When Ji Zi heard this, he was shocked: Don't mess around. We just want to enter the gate of hell. The gate of hell is made of the same material as the gate of heaven and will not be affected by the Big Bang. We have no other ideas. Don’t do it!”

Yes, yes, Prince Yama, whatever hell you want to build, it must be one that can survive to the new world, right? There is no need to die together.

San Tai Zhu also responded quickly.

If Prince Yama really uses the Seed of Destruction, everyone will be finished!


At the moment when everyone was shocked, a bright light burst out from the void.

The sky and the earth were instantly dark, and you couldn't see your fingers. Only the portal in front of the Emperor of the Starry Sky swallowed the light. If it weren't for the ancient magic, nothing could be seen clearly, and even spiritual exploration was blocked.

Finally opened, the door to the universe.

The Emperor of the Starry Sky was a little excited, and his body began to soar. The crack in this space was unstable and had some fluctuations, but he couldn't care about anything at the moment. He moved forward alone in the crack in the void and flew towards the distant light door.


Taking advantage of this scene, Ye Jue also saw it, with a shocked expression. The deep crack was a bit abnormal, and some energy leaked out of the door, which was extremely cold.

Is the portal to the positive universe so eerie?

They all saw that the Emperor of the Starry Sky continued to ascend, his figure getting smaller and smaller, and he went to the cold, dark, and silent road of eternity.

In that place, people can't feel the passage of time, all because it is so quiet that even the sound of a needle dropping is not enough to describe it.

Suddenly, in the absolute darkness, the figure of the Star Emperor swayed and became a point of light in the black hole-like area.

Is the portal to the positive universe so far away?

B exclaimed.

The starry sky emperor finally succeeded. No matter what, he went to the light gate and got closer and closer.

Darkness gathered behind him until the latter's figure disappeared.

However, they all know that the Emperor of the Starry Sky is still heading towards the positive universe. They don't know how long it will take to reach it, but they will reach the end one day.

Too bad they couldn't see it.


At this moment, the Heavenly Sphere of All Realms suddenly exploded, and several people around him were instantly pushed away.

Looking at the earth again, it no longer has the power to jump, and all the accumulated energy has been used on the Emperor of the Starry Sky.


The miracle seed fell to the ground, flashing green light, but also a little dim.

One-third of our original power has been drained.

Chen Ya looked at her hands.

The Star Emperor's words were true. He used the Supreme King as a source of power, and inducing miracles did not deprive them of everything.

Strength works wonders!

The black tiger Afu is far away into nothingness.

They really sent off the Star Emperor.

In recent years, the only existence that went to the positive universe has been recorded in history.

However, that only opens the door to the positive universe.

It took the Starry Sky Emperor a long time to get to the door. When he opened the door, he didn't know what danger was waiting for him.

If you don’t have any strength, don’t even think about it.

very good.

At this moment, the Starry Sky Emperor on the battlefield finally showed a smile: Originally, it was impossible for me to open the door to the positive universe. It will never be possible. Let alone going there, even taking a look is a delusion. So all this It’s all thanks to the human race, Prince Yama, you want to get the Miracle Seed and complement each other, then you can use the power of the Destruction Seed without restriction.”

Not only that, Miracle Seeds can also cultivate Miracle Trees. Are you afraid that your Destruction Tree will be restrained by Miracles after it is born?

After hearing these words, the gods of the world and Emperor Tian were deep in thought.

The seeds of destruction of Prince Yama are indeed terrifying.

With a little effort, he was able to hold them off for so long.

But fortunately, it can't be used frequently, and it can't extract too much destructive power at once, otherwise even the Demon King will be backlashed.

Just as the Star Emperor said, it is a double-edged sword.

But if you get a miracle seed, it's different. If you mix it, it might have a miraculous effect and you can grow a magical tree.

Emperor of the Starry Sky, you actually know this, why do you need to say it and create panic?

The Prince of Yama stood on the opposite side with a black spear. The hell space behind him was full of demons with ferocious faces. The fire of reincarnation was burning. There were whirlpools everywhere, powerfully infiltrating people.

The final winner turned out to be the Emperor of the Starry Sky. Without any blood or sword, he sent one of his main bodies into the positive universe effortlessly.

It has to be said that the method is superb and the characteristics, personality and work style of each person are accurately calculated.

In the future world, there will be a tree of destruction. It is our hell world. There is only one realm in the entire universe, and that is the realm of destruction!

Killing Demon said loudly: After all, the deadline for the Apocalypse Tree and the World Tree is approaching. Just wait and see. The underworld will be included in the rules of heaven, and even the God Emperor will not be able to escape!

What kind of bullshit underworld do you want to build? What does it have to do with us? We won't die anyway. Sooner or later we will ascend to the universe!

Wanxiang Impermanence smiled coldly and said: Destruction Realm? Sorry, the future world will not only be your destruction realm, but also my Wanxiang Realm. There is only me in the whole realm, but everyone is me, and I am everyone.


The leader of Chaos Zuma suddenly laughed: No matter what, the new era will repeat what happened in the sixth era, and will be divided by the strong, just like Zeng Jingyuan, it will be another reincarnation. Who can escape, or get rid of fate? Struggle Well, as long as you don’t disturb my Zuma Cult, my Sea of ​​Chaos Stars has absorbed the Black Territory and will turn into the Sea of ​​Era, Zuma Ocean. I’m here to warn you first!”

Okay, everyone is dividing the territory, right? Then I will come too. My world-burning spirit will become an ancient god. After turning into a great emperor, all the scorching universe will be Taiwu. I will light up a universe. The sun is me. I It’s the sun, who dares to mess with me? There must be me in the corner of the new era!”

Fen Tian sneered.

We are willing to continue to follow the emperor.

Ji Zizai, but the three pillars are respectful.

But everyone knows that this is hypocrisy and pretense.

Ji Zizai's ambition could not be contained. The emperor had already noticed it and just ignored it.

Because Ji Zizai is just a person and cannot pose a threat to him.

As long as you are not at the God-Emperor level, you are not qualified to be on an equal footing with him.

Not to mention, it has not even reached the strength of the Great Emperor.

If they don't give in now, what else can they do?

The old man has no ambitions, and he doesn't need any territory. He just wants to live in seclusion. You just don't bother me.

The ancient Qi Master touched his beard. Since the situation has been decided now, there is nothing more to say.

Since just now, the hell world has quietly retreated.

The gate of hell, Prince Yama had to get out of the way, unless he went crazy and sacrificed the seeds of destruction.

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