
The sixth altar is transformed into a throne. There are lightning and thunder, the sound of gods crying and ghosts weeping, and even the corpses of gods can be seen emerging, and there are many strange phenomena.

This is the feeling of the mythical avenue, and all kinds of wonders are descended, born in front of everyone's eyes, and they are shocked by it!

The six bodies of the Supreme King are each sealed in it, as quiet as a rock. Each appearance is different, but they all have a kind of majesty and exude divine brilliance.

The most powerful thing is the sixth altar, with ancient characters jumping out one after another, but there are no corpses inside.

The road is compatible!

At this moment, the Supreme King spoke four words, each word was like being made of divine gold, dazzling and dazzling. It was imprinted in the void and turned into a shout, which shook the outside world and rumbled.

It's obviously just four words, but all kinds of ancient sounds sound together, intertwined in the past, present, and future, spanning six eras, and condensed together.

The first word... the second word seal, Xuan Gao's destiny seal! The second word seal, a floating dream! The third word seal, the eternal world! The fourth word seal, a flawless crossing, the fifth word seal, the beginning of calamity. , the sixth-character seal, shakes the eight voids!

Di Tian's magical skill, the Kai Zong Ming Juan, the six-character seal, is a combination of countless magical skills, and is displayed in one breath at this moment.

This is the ultimate magical skill he created.

It is not an ancient divine art, but something beyond this, an imperial art!

Every move of the emperor's magic is interconnected, and is more powerful than the ancient magic.

The six-character seal was overwhelming, covering everything.

As soon as such an imperial technique was revealed, even the people vying for the soul-calling flag were shocked.

Including super string life, they all use the Tianji calculation system to calculate this technique, hoping to get benefits from it, so that they have the possibility of being promoted in the future.

After all, the superstrings in this world are not as good as the abyssal entropy body.

In an instant, the power of the emperor's magic was calculated one by one, stealing countless mythological secrets, and some shadows of nothingness condensed into a three-dimensional projection, all of which penetrated into his body.

These shadows and projections are obtained after analysis on the spot. They are all moves.

However, the secret was too complicated, and he could only parse the first three characters. When it came to the fourth character of the seal, Wuxia couldn't steal it once he crossed over.


At this moment, Ye Jue fell from the sixth altar. His whole body was accompanied by dense ancient characters, shining with divine radiance, making him appear otherworldly, as if he had come from the past, present and future across time and space.

Is that Ye Jue?

Everyone saw that Ye Jue actually returned from the forbidden land in the Forbidden God Circle.

However, the way of return was too special, and he came here clutching the altar.

It's fine now, it landed directly in the center of the battlefield.

No, he got huge benefits!

Because at this moment, Emperor Tian's Kaisong Mingjuan, Six-Character Seal, and all these imperial arts were resolved by the six altars of the Supreme King.

Still silently resolved, the secrets of the Mythical Avenue were all rushed in all directions. Ye Jue happened to be here and was actually absorbed by him!

The human body contains endless Dharma doors, and every cell is a space. During the process of practice, one cell door after another is opened, and the dust is endless, connected one after another, and the body becomes thousands of realms.

Is it the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly again?

Many people are envious and jealous.

It must have been the creation of Jade Butterfly that allowed him to have such an opportunity.

However, he was dead, and he actually appeared in front of the Supreme King carrying the Jade Butterfly. You know, this magical object is the Supreme King's exclusive magic weapon.

The gods in the ancient heaven were all sneering, especially the middle-aged Taoist nun, who thought Ye Jue was dead.

Watch the show, we won't fight for the Soul-Calling Flag, let those living gods fight to the death.

Tao Long couldn't help but say.

Look, the Supreme King is taking action!

The fiery crow girl was shocked.


Between Ditian and the Supreme King, Ye Jue was restrained by a force, coming from the Supreme King, making him unable to resist.

For the first time, Ye Jue felt that fate was ineffective, that he couldn't resist, and that everything he did was in vain.

Is this the Supreme King, the Ancient Emperor?

Facing this existence, I realized that he was so terrifying. He was as strong as deep water and could easily control him!

Creation Jade Butterfly.

The Supreme King is fusing six altars, and a voice comes from them, seeming to recall this divine object.


Ye Jue immediately felt that the jade butterfly in his body shook violently, but miraculously it did not fly out and stayed quietly in his body.

Moreover, in an instant, a wave of thought came from the Jade Butterfly.

The general meaning is that if the Supreme King opens the portal to the positive universe, it will be instantly wiped out. He doesn't want to die like this, he wants to break through his destiny and be truly free.

That's why it chose to follow Ye Jue, a weak ancient god.

The Supreme King nodded slightly, and the same wave of thoughts shook him.

He respects the choice of Creation Jade Butterfly.

This person may really be able to break through destiny, break all the established rules, and realize his unfinished ideal.

If he lives another life, he will be tired enough. After the fusion is completed, he will use the supreme power of God to smash the shell of the anti-universe, and force himself to use the body of a non-true god to witness the positive universe in the blink of an eye.

Boom boom boom!!

The fusion has already begun, and Ditian can't stop it even if he wants to.

The corpses of the six supreme kings of the past began to evolve into a perfect divine body, which was actually composed of immortal cells like Hengsha. Some of these evolved cells surpassed the cells of the great emperor. If the supreme king cultivates for another life, I don't know what he will become!

In other words, this perfect divine body is the most terrifying and powerful force from ancient times to the present. The tiny cells of Hengsha are arranged and combined to create such a divine body. No one knows how much energy is in each cell. !

Anyway, the scene in front of me was that the Supreme King's perfect divine body just stood there, causing a roar, and the endless darkness was passively dispersed, sinking into a black hole, and collapsing into a place where even the superstring's celestial calculation system could not calculate how strong it was.


At this moment, Di Tian launched a crazy attack.

The last thing he wanted to see was this scene.

The words of the Supreme King cannot be trusted. Once this perfect divine body is born, the ancient heaven will be in danger!

Bang bang bang bang! !

All the attacks hit the perfect divine body continuously, but they could not shake it.

The Supreme King's body turned into a crystal made of unknown material. At this moment, the cells in his body radiated bursts of light, just like the wisps of divine light when the world first opened.

No one can stop him!

Something is wrong!

The expressions of the ancient gods in heaven changed drastically.

The body of the Supreme King of the fifth generation was smelted into a perfect divine body that transcended all in this world. It was close to the true god. It was really terrifying. Just the slightest fluctuation made them panic.

Ditian is no longer an opponent.

However, the Supreme King did not make any move. He just stood there and refined his perfect divine body to the extreme before he could act.

If you can't get rid of him during this period of time, you will never have a chance again.

Therefore, Di Tian went even crazier and used almost all the magical skills. There was a huge explosion of energy and the universe was shaking!

However, they were resolved into mythical avenues one by one and obtained by Ye Jue, who was behind the Supreme King.

The Supreme King seemed to be protecting him intentionally or unintentionally and helping him gain benefits.

Anyway, Ye Jue is enjoying himself too much now. The crazier Di Tian becomes, the more secrets he gets.

In addition to the imperial arts, all the secret arts in the past were transformed into pure power and entered his body. He could be promoted to a high-level ancient god in no time!

Therefore, Ye Jue got a great opportunity this time and got the power of Emperor Tian for free.

He also didn't ask the gods to create jade butterflies.

This could be a complete coincidence.

But after knowing destiny, all coincidences are not coincidences, they are all destined.

He can absorb Ditian's attack energy here, and his fate has long been determined.

Therefore, both he and the created jade butterfly want to break fate, achieve true freedom, not live in a set world, and completely let themselves go.

Boom, boom!

When Di Tian attacked the Supreme King's perfect divine body, Long Xiao had already taken action. They fought with the ancient gods one after another to compete for the soul-calling flag.

The battles of these soldiers are no small feats. Their bodies are so tough that even ancient divine magic can hardly kill them?

The three pillars were shocked.

The crystal-armored warriors poured out from the spaceship in a steady stream, completely fearless of life and death, swarming up and imposing various major restrictions on them.

The more powerful one actually mastered the ancient magic.

Each one is an entangled body of civilization runes and mythical avenues!

Ji Zizai said coldly.

He underestimated this Longxiao country!

In terms of the overall quality of individual soldiers, the empire lost this time.

But it doesn’t mean that you will lose again in the future.

After he gets the Soul-Calling Flag, he can also transform a large number of terrifying soldiers.

Pandora, Long Xiaogu, Wu Jin, Lu Juan, and Yang Hongyue take action.

Bang bang bang bang!

The entanglement of these five civilization runes and the mythical avenue is even more powerful. As soon as they appear, they immediately rush to the soul-calling flag. With tacit cooperation, they are bound to snatch it.

Zuma's Holy Sword!

The leader of Chaos Zuma had long observed the power of heaven and earth, discerned the mysteries, pointed his finger, and sent out a radiance that soared into the sky to stop these five powerful entangled bodies.

Puff puff! !

However, everyone broke through instantly and their bodies shone brightly!

It was a massive explosion of God Particles and Myth Particles, forming a spiral that penetrated directly through the light curtain. Even the leader of Chaos Zuma could not stop it and could only continue to use ancient magic to bombard it.

The Soul-Calling Flag is very close at hand, and the four parties are fighting for it. Fighting continues, and no one can get it for a while.

The battle situation was divided into two, and the fluctuations of the Supreme King were still shaking the realm of suffering and the realm of destruction. Although they were so far apart, they could still feel his terrifying perfect divine body.

Moreover, Ye Jue continued to accept Di Tian's power and already knew a lot about his Taoism. However, Di Tian's thoughts that he had successfully created a Tao and became an emperor made him feel amazing. He had a feeling of seeing his opponent from a distance across time and space. .

It's finally done.

The Supreme King suddenly spoke, and in the fusion stage, it had actually been going on for a long time.

You can almost see now that the sky has cracked and the deep sky is about to collapse.

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