Supreme King, it is impossible to let go of the hatred of our ancient heaven. I killed your woman, and you don't hate me at all? She screamed before she died and called your title. Didn't you hear Aren’t you heartbroken?”

Di Tian said coldly, as if he wanted to anger the person in front of him.

Heartache? Of course it hurts, it hurts like hell, but when will the injustice be repaid...

The High King shook his head.

Hahaha, that violent king would actually say something like this. Did you take the wrong medicine during the endless dark years and get autism?

When Di Tian heard the words When will the injustice be repaid?, he was almost laughed to death. His expression changed and he waved one hand.


The ruins of the entire ancient heaven are shaking, drifting from the misery.

In the eyes of outsiders, the ruins are boundless and the vastness they just saw is just a corner. It is simply ridiculously big!

Have you seen it? This is all thanks to you, Supreme King!

Di Tian was filled with sword energy soaring into the sky, and he was finally about to burst out his own mythical avenue.

In fact, when he was fighting Yao Ji, he always wanted to fight the Supreme King again. It was only during the moment of hesitation that the Supreme King broke through the seal.

In fact, if Di Tian wanted to kill Yao Ji, he would have killed her long ago. He would not have waited until Yao Ji waved the soul-calling flag five times.

When will the injustice be repaid?

The Supreme King was still repeating these words.

Come and die!

Then, this completely angered Di Tian.


His whole body exploded with combat power five times stronger than that against Yao Ji. At this moment, with his white hair and black clothes, and the invincible aura exuding from his whole body, he seemed to be a true god who could never be knocked down, locking the Supreme King. Even if the Supreme King has no intention of fighting, he cannot escape his attack!

Opening the Ming Dynasty, six-character seal, the first seal, all truths will be destroyed!

Ditian's attack was gone, and ancient characters jumped out one by one, revolving around his boxing skills, turning the black area in front of him into a piece of earth.

Looking from a distance, the Supreme King seems to be imprisoned by complicated mysteries, shackling him!

The Kaizong Mingjuan is the mythical avenue of Emperor Tian, ​​with a total of six characters and six seals!

After cultivating the Great Emperor, you can only use it after you have finally reached perfection.

Di Tian, ​​I have been the same body for five generations, you can't defeat me.

The Supreme King showed no expression, then waved his hand, and a majestic and dazzling light curtain broke through the seal and descended.

It can be seen that the five altars of ancient times, ancient times, ancient times, middle times and new times are rumbling.

After five reincarnations, there was no breakthrough in destiny in all five lives.

The first corpse was killed by the ancient artifact Xuanyuan Sword, the second was killed by an opponent, and the third and fourth were defeated by Haotian Tower.

The fifth altar was defeated by the Starry Sky Emperor, but he did not die, so the altar was empty.


I saw that the Supreme King actually threw himself into it and entered the Altar of the New Era.

Di Tian's Kai Zong Ming Juan, the six-character seal actually had no effect on it.


Immediately afterwards, mysterious symbols jumped out from the five altars, and they were all brilliant, like clear Taoist platforms, blooming with immortal brilliance.

The sixth altar, the living altar built by Yao Ji for me, come on!

The Supreme King completely ignored Di Tian and roared in a long voice.


At this moment, Ye Jue was still in the Six Eclipses Field in the Forbidden God Circle, constantly using the Feathered Mirror to kill those dark shadow beasts. He looked up and saw that the lonely huge throne had turned into a magical altar, rushing out of the Forbidden God. lock up.

good chance!

Ye Jue's eyes lit up, he moved away, directly grabbed a corner of the altar with one hand, and followed it out.

Below him, a mass of black shadows and strange beasts were watching him leave.

I didn’t have any inspiration from the previous chapter, so I’m going to add another chapter.

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