At this moment, Ye Jue stopped B's attack.

Master, why do you want to stop me from destroying him?

At this time, B was completely able to kill the three corpse powerhouses hidden in Ye Jue's cell particle energy soul.


Or be completely eliminated and never appear again.

He is a bit confused!

This is a great opportunity!

Why did Ye Jue stop it.

These rolling underworld powers are attracted by your second true self, including these void divine insects, and they all want to occupy the body you created. However, you only have one main consciousness and cannot stop it.

The voice of the three-corpse strongman was indifferent, very cold, and seemed to have no emotion at all.

This made B feel that this was not the arrogant and proud ancient strong man before.

On the contrary, he is more like an old monk, feeling nothing, no conspiracy, and as clear as divine spring water.

I knew you weren't dead.

Ye Jue responded calmly and said, Tell me, how to deal with these mysterious powers?

Find a soul and stuff it in first, so that those dark powers will not have a chance to take advantage of it. Otherwise, I don't know what kind of weirdness will be born. It may be an ancient powerful man, or it may be a madman.

The three-corpse strong man said coldly.

Ha! I really thought there was no more conspiracy. So you are waiting here?

When B hears this, is that okay?

This is the second true self that Ye Jue worked hard to create. It is based on the material of destiny and supplemented by the great wisdom of the ladder of destiny. Now it actually wants to take advantage of outsiders?

How can it be?

I have separated a ray of soul, can't I control it?

Ye Jue said calmly, and at the same time, he had already taken action to separate part of the spirit body and implant it into it.

However, this second true self has reached another level.

Only a very powerful main consciousness can control it.

Is it necessary to kill Dao now?

However, he is just a low-level ancient god now.

Now kill the road and kill the loneliness!

If nothing is left unsaid, it may become weaker!

Ye Jue, stuff me in. I will manage this body for you temporarily. I know what you are thinking. You want to reach the new world in Zhandao. From now on, you will use this body as your main body to move around in the new world. Don't worry, when When the time comes, I will naturally abdicate.

The sound of beheading three corpses sounded.

No, Master, it's impossible to agree to him!

B screamed.

What is this behavior?

Do you really think they are fools?

Who believes it?

Such verbal commitment!

He took away the body of his second true self and refused to return it!

When Ye Jue Zhan Dao arrived, that huge power had nowhere to go, and the consequences were extremely serious.

Either it is refined or it dissipates naturally!


Ye Jue frowned.

However, time no longer allowed him to think too much.

The power of the underworld has turned into countless claws, reaching out with claws and fangs to take away this second true self that has not yet been successfully created.

If those consciousnesses get it, everything will be in vain.

At the moment, he had no choice but to place a palm print on the body of his second true self, and inject all his consciousness of the three corpses into this body.

Swish, swish, swish! !

All the power of the three corpses disappeared from his body.

He can no longer use the power of the Three Corpses.


The body in front of him suddenly opened his eyes. One gold and one silver, the consciousness of the three corpses successfully entered.


Those dark consciousnesses that rolled in finally returned in vain and disappeared without a trace.

The divine insect no longer attacks.

Master, what have you done!!

B was shocked to death.

Ye Jue really did this and gave his body away for nothing.


However, Ye Jue's eyes flashed and he used the ancient god's technique to directly seal the body of his second true self.

The consciousness of the three corpses was instantly extinguished and they fell into an endless sleep.

It's only halfway through, and it still needs to continue.

Today, there are still forgetfulness, vacuum, and a dozen mysteries that have not yet penetrated from the ladder of destiny into the body of the second true self.

Therefore, Ye Jue still needs to complete this great achievement.


B shouted helplessly.

Isn't this equivalent to giving away your power to others?

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

Ye Jue ignored the Yuhua Mirror and shouted loudly. The energy radiated out violently. Wind surged around him, and various gods appeared everywhere.

The ladder of destiny roared again, flying out of oblivion and vacuum, and more than that, more than a dozen appeared at the same time, and now he released them all, spinning around him.


He pointed.

Wow! !

All the spiritual power in the ladder of destiny is invested in the second true self.

Boom boom boom! !

The second self has become stronger!

This gave B a splitting headache.

How could Ye Jue, who was always cautious, do such a reckless thing?

No matter how dangerous it was just now, the consciousness of the three corpses should not be put into the second true self.

Even if it is destroyed, it is better than giving it away in vain.

It doesn't matter.

Ye Jue waved his hand, his whole body was burning, and his boundless power was revealed in every gesture.

He created the ladder of destiny, his whole body felt comfortable, and he reached the limit of promotion, directly crossing the lower level and becoming a middle-level ancient god.

B, don't get excited. The power of these three corpses has long been my pure power. The original three corpses were killed long ago. Now they are just influenced by the consciousness of the three corpses and have awakened themselves.

Ye Jue looked at the perfect body in front of him, which was exactly the same as his. He thought that both the energy capacity and the mental capacity were not as good as his current one.

However, it revealed a smell of destiny, just floating there, as if giving people the illusion that they could control their destiny.

Really? You also said that there was a trace of consciousness affecting it, so you sealed it. It seems that you are not at ease in your heart.

B curled his lips and said.

indeed so.

Ye Jue nodded slightly.

Even if it is one's own power, if one awakens and has a sense of autonomy, it means betrayal.

Although the probability is very low, it cannot be ruled out.

To be on the safe side, it's better to seal it.


This body has no power now and is completely like an ordinary person.

Yes, not even as good as the future generations of the earth.

Today's human beings are all gods when they are born, and they ascend in the daytime as adults.

Because he is an ancient god, his long-cherished wish for chickens and dogs to ascend to heaven has long been fulfilled.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be the Ancient God.

But this body is that of the 'ancients' from the past. There was no human body before the wasteland erupted. It was completely composed of fate material, supplemented by the power of the Four Tribulations, and had unlimited potential.

Ye Gushen, did you succeed?

At this moment, countless people came to congratulate him.

It's such a big battle, I thought the big starry sky was going to collapse!

The dragon girl breathed a sigh of relief.

Those Void Divine Insects just now were all so powerful that they devoured one-third of the star field in an instant, and countless races died in an instant.

However, the colorful tree sea reincarnation path appeared and they were immediately resurrected.

Because it is an abnormal death, as long as Xiao Mumu is around, he can be resurrected here.

This is the second true self?

Aosheng and the others' eyes widened.

The person in front of him looked exactly like Ye Jue. He was sitting cross-legged in the void with his eyes closed. His black hair fell to his shoulders, looking very wild.

I want to leave this body to you for preservation.

Ye Jue said suddenly.


Female Garo was startled.

Leave such an important body to them?

This, this, this...

Aosheng was also at a loss, for fear of something unexpected happening.

The most important thing is that this is Ye Gushen's escape route.

If they fail to protect them, it would be a great sin.

Don't worry, this body is the body of fate. All fates will tend to it. If you live, you will live forever. If you die, it is caused by fate and there is no way to escape it.

Ye Jue said.

Well, we will do our best to protect you.

The dragon girl nodded.

She planned to bury it in the earth so that no one would know of its existence.

After all, there is no breath at all, just like a stone.

It's so easy to hide.

Well, let's go back to Earth.

Ye Jue nodded slightly and returned to the earth with a thought.

Others descended from the atmosphere, and some with low strength descended by space elevator.

The powerful immortal can already fly in the universe.

But the speed is very slow, not as good as an aircraft.


Ye Jue appeared at home.

This family was still left by Ye Muling, although it had been completely destroyed with the invasion of the empire.

However, it was restored intact.

What's the matter, Master?

Everything was a foregone conclusion, B flew out and hovered in mid-air.

Just now, when I was creating my second true self, I discovered something. So it turned out to be like this. In the this the truth?

Ye Jue sat on the chair, looked up at the sky, and there was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

Huh? What do you mean?

B was suddenly puzzled.

Now, everything has been completed and everything that needs to be done has been done.

Just waiting for those big enemies to come.


Why is his master like this all of a sudden?

You seem to have noticed something?

Just when you are creating your second true self?

Master, you are right!

B saw Ye Jue closing his eyes, as if he was asleep. He couldn't wake him up no matter how he screamed, so he stood guard silently.

Boom boom boom! !

At this moment, on the ancient road in the deep sky, there is a transcendent creature that is breathing. Every time it inhales and exhales, it can absorb it and reach every place. It is so powerful that no one can pass by here.

Suddenly, this transcendent creature opened its eyes, and two streams of air rushed out of its nose, one gray and one golden, sweeping into the distance.

Here you come, you are finally here!

The cry of this transcendent creature resounded into the distance!

Black Tiger Afu!

A white shadow flashed over, fluctuating again and again, and was extremely excited. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Fairy Crane. Her body had changed so much that she turned into a young woman, wearing white feather armor.

Crane Fairy?

Black Tiger Afu suddenly stood up, opened his arms, gave him a big hug, and quickly asked: Did they escape?

No, no, it's terrible. I'm here to inform you. Let's hurry up and provide support!

Hello everyone, the end is coming soon, maybe this month, thank you all for accompanying me.

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